
I Play Football With A System

What happens when an average footballer discovers a system that gives him unlimited potential? *** Omari Hutchingson was just an average young prospect playing for a second tier football club in England. He is set to have the career of an average second tier footballer, until he discovers the system. Join Omari as he improves his football skills, navigates the world of soccer and strives to be the Greatest Of All Time. Will he achieve his dreams? Or will he end up as not of those talents that were simply unlucky? PS: This isn't only football, I'm also going to put emphasis on his personal life and those around him. Discord link: https://discord.gg/UgHxducb

Heavenmonarch_ · Sports
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103 Chs

Effect Of Titles

"What I told you before would be very useful on the counter, but as most of you would've noticed, we can't rely on that strategy for the entirety of the match. Sure, we could use it to get a few good getaways, but with the rubbish you all have made me used to watching, you'll probably screw it up" Michael said. He glanced at his watch and sighed. "We're out of time so I can only explain the basics. I'll send a file to the group chat with the details of everything"

"So as I've said before, the wingbacks play quite high, possibly to restrict the operations of the wingers so the wingers are mainly going to work on their take ons because we're also going to be playing mainly from the width, but unlike them, we're build from the back centrally and play wide when we get the ball…"

Even though Michael said that he was only going to explain the basics, he spent almost an hour talking about how they were going to play, he highlighted major flaws and told them how to correct it. Before dismissing them, he told them to check what he was going to send on the group chat if they had any questions.

Omari grumbled as he left, shocking some of the older players. They thought he liked these things.

Truth be told, Omari wouldn't have had a problem if Michael just straight up explained everything to them, Omari wouldn't have had a problem. What made Omari to get a bit frustrated was the fact that they had to study tactics.

They were fatigued from the match, travel worn, and then they would still have to send their spare time studying tactics when they were supposed to be resting. What made it worse for Omari, and the newly promoted players was the fact that they still had tons of homework that they'd plan to do last minute.

Omari felt a headache when he thought of having to do all those things. He heaved a sigh as he started walking home.

"I guess it's me, coffee, and a shit ton of work tonight" He muttered under his breath.

When he got home, he met his parents talking in the leaving room. As soon as they saw him walk through the front door, they started smiling and invited him inside.

Any other time, he would've been happy to meet his parents and brag to them about how good he was on the pitch. Right now however, he was travel worn and fatigued. The only thing that he was thinking about was how soft his mattress would feel when he finally collapsed on it.

After one agonizing hour of talking to his parents, Omari finally escaped to the safe confinements of his room. He took off the clothes he wore previously and took a long, cold bath before changing into a light set of clothes and collapsing on his bed. He was about to go to sleep when he heard a bell chime.

At this point, there was only one sound that would make Omari wake up. Even if he heard an explosion a few feet from where he was, he wouldn't mind sleeping through it. This sound however, made him sit up immediately.

|Ding! Host has been awarded a new title|

|Title: Youth Prospect|

Omari was excited when he heard the system notification. He had an excited smile on his face that faded as soon as he read the notification.

"Damnit! Just another stupid title" Omari muttered under his breath. He really didn't understand why the system kept rewarding him with titles. If they had no use then why did the system reward him with them.

Wait! What if…

"System" Omari said. He was beginning to get ideas. "Can you tell me the use of a title"

After he asked the question, he didn't hear any notifications. He thought that the system wasn't going to answer him because there wasn't any use for a title, but then he heard a notification.

|Title – effects: Increases the value of the host in the eyes of the manager in regards to whichever field the title affects|

Omari was overjoyed. He didn't realize that the title had effects. Even though he was a bit confused when he read what the system wrote, he was just happy that having a title wasn't as useless as he thought.

"System" Omari called out again. "Could you explain the meaning of what you just said?"

|Ding! I will use an example to explain|

|When host played for the under eighteens, he received the title [Star Player], the title allowed host to start every game even though he was a new player that needed time to get used to the manager's style of play. The title [Star Player] made the manager to consider host as an important first team player|

Omari was shocked when he heard the explanation of the system. According to what the system said, the only reason why he got as much game time as he did with the under eighteens was because of the effect of the title that he was awarded with.

"System, the titles I won when I was playing in the under eighteens, do they affect Michael?" Omari asked.

He wondered whether Michael decided to award him with game time was because of the effect of the title.

|Ding! Host's title refreshes when he gets promoted or transferred to a new team. To directly answer host's question, when host was playing in the under eighteens, the title was still in effect, causing Michael Carrack to have a favorable impression of you. That is the reason why you've gotten to play so much. The impression he has of you coupled with the title [Youth Prospect] will make you the most likely to break into the first team squad|

Omari sucked in some air when he heard what the system said. If what the system said was correct then he was basically already in the first team squad, and he didn't even have to work that hard for it.

He was slowly beginning to understand why it was called the Unlimited Potential System.