
I Play Football With A System

What happens when an average footballer discovers a system that gives him unlimited potential? *** Omari Hutchingson was just an average young prospect playing for a second tier football club in England. He is set to have the career of an average second tier footballer, until he discovers the system. Join Omari as he improves his football skills, navigates the world of soccer and strives to be the Greatest Of All Time. Will he achieve his dreams? Or will he end up as not of those talents that were simply unlucky? PS: This isn't only football, I'm also going to put emphasis on his personal life and those around him. Discord link: https://discord.gg/UgHxducb

Heavenmonarch_ · Sports
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103 Chs

Amber - Origin (2)

In the middle of a well maintained patch of grass, there was a tall building that spanned three storeys. The building was mainly painted white, with some red coming in occasionally with things like the window pane, the doors etc.

On the front of the building was a small billboard with the words 'Will Chamberlain Junior High' written across it.

On the yard, a girl that looked about fourteen years old walked into the building. She was dressed in a black jersey. The jersey had white stripes at the arm, and the name 'Rose' was written in capital letters on her back. She held a football in her hands as she marched into the school.

"Oi! Rose, over here" A juvenile sounding voice called from her right.

Her head snapped to her left to find a boy that looked about fifteen years of age. He was wearing a black jersey, quite similar to the one worn by the girl, only that his own had the name 'Willain' and the number '8' on the back.

"Jared, I really don't have time for this" Amber said in a small voice.

Jared laughed at her statement. "I really didn't ask whether you had the time or not. I asked you to walk over here"

Amber sighed and did as she was told. As soon as she reached where Jared was, the boy knocked the ball from her hand and trapped it to stop it from bouncing on the floor.

"What do you want Jared?" Amber's eyes never left her football as she asked Jared with gritted teeth.

"Well you see, I knocked your ball down and I'm sure that you'll be wanting it back so… come get it!" Jared said. He had a cocky smile on his face.

Amber smiled and bent to pick up the football. Jared laughed and dribbled the ball back. "I meant come get the ball from me, as in get it from me!"

Amber glared at Jared while gritting her teeth. She looked around her, a small crowd had formed around her, eager to see what was going to happen next.

Amber stretched her leg towards the ball hoping to get the ball away but Jared was faster than. He dribbled the ball back while smiling cockily at her. "Come on now, don't tell me the next Debby Martinoe can't even get the ball from me now"

Hearing Jared's taunt, Amber became angry and went to mark him. This time, she came in a little aggressive and tried to body Jared away from the ball. He attempt made Jared laugh. Disregarding the fact that he was playing against a girl, he pushed Amber to the floor.

"Remember who the fuck you are" Jared said. "You ain't stronger than a group of sticks"

"And you ain't worth more than a bag of dog shit you little prick" Another male voice said from the side.

The source of the boy was a brown skinned boy that looked about fourteen years old. He had black hair and his brown eyes which locked on to Jared were filled with hostility were locked on to Jared.

Jared chuckled when he saw the boy who talked. "We're getting ballsy aren't we Hutchingson?" Jared asked.

"It's not being ballsy, it's called having decent upbringing" Omari said.

Jared's face immediately contorted due to anger after hearing Omari's statements. "Are you saying that I wasn't raised well"

"If your parents didn't teach you not to bully a girl, then no" Omari said with a nonchalant shrug. "I mean, you can play around with her all the time, but why not come and tussle with someone your own size" Omari shrugged again.

Jared clenched his teeth. He couldn't beat Omari one on one, he knew that, everyone knew that. But he couldn't afford to back down, not when he had already started acting so tough in front of everyone.

"Alright, get the ball from me, I dare you!" Jared said.

Omari did his best to stop himself from smiling. He ran to Jared in a bid to get the ball from him.

When Omari's legs approached the ball, he tried to drag it backwards like he did to Amber earlier. The only flaw with his plan was that Omari was way faster than him. Before he could draw the ball back, Omari's legs got to the ball and Omari pulled it to himself.

"Would you look at that?" Omari had a proud smirk on his lips. "I have the ball"

Jared grumbled. He wanted to say something but he didn't talk, instead he stared at Omari.

"I suppose you'll be wanting it back won't you?" Omari smirked as he was talking.

Anyone that was present burst into laughter when they heard what Omari said. He repeated the same lines that Jared used to Amber earlier on.

"If you want it back, come get it from me" Omari said.

If looks could kill, then Omari would've been dead a thousand times and more from the way Jared was looking at him. Jared had no choice, he had to try and get the ball from Omari.

He ran over to Omari and tried to tackle the ball away from him. The moment he stretched his legs out, Omari shifted the ball back and kicked it in the space that had formed between Jared's legs. He also made sure to use his legs to trip Jared as he passed by him making Jared fall to the ground.

Laugher erupted all round as soon as it happened. It wasn't hard to tell that Jared wasn't liked by a lot of people. Omari picked up the ball and gave it to Amber.

"Sorry he was being such an arse" Omari said.

"It's okay" Amber mumbled as she took the ball away from him and went wherever it was that she was headed to. As she was leaving, she turned around and took one more look at Omari, a faint shade of red appearing on either side of her cheeks shortly after.