
Great War.. More like a Joke

"God.. another place I do not know.. Where did the Goddess send me? I said, my gaze shifting as I looked out around me. I found myself in another bleak area, transported by the Goddess. I traded in the white walls for solid black. There is nothing around me. I can't even hear anything. "So I suppose the idea of reincarnation or rebirth worked, huh?" I pondered my next course of action. Without knowing where I am or what's going on, I felt like a fish out of water.

"Wait.. I should have the template.. how do I access it? Template?" I yelled out to the abyss, but nothing happened. "Character sheet? System?"


'The Template System is now initialised.'

I heard it, deep inside my head, that mechanical voice that I heard when I was doing the roulette. "Can you please show me where I am.. or my status or something?" I asked out loud. I wasn't sure if I could speak it in my head, but I'm in the void, so I'll be fine, regardless. Speaking of which, how am I surviving? It doesn't even seem like I'm breathing, which is a weird sensation in itself.


Status - 

Name: (?)

Age: (100,021)

Template: Featherine Augustus Aurora 

Powers: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Nigh Omniscience, Incorporeality, Abstract Existence, Magic, Cloth Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Reality Warping, Causality, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Causality Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Absorption, Adaptation and Evolution, Avatar Creation, Self-Sustenance, Non-Physical Interaction, Higher-Dimensional Existence, Large Size, Immortality, Regeneration, Existence Erasure, True Flight, Text Manipulation and Information Manipulation, Nonexistent Physiology, Durability Negation, Resistance to Mind, Soul, Void Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Red and Blue Truths.

Attack: Hyper-verse level

Speed: Immeasurable

Strength: Immeasurable

Durability: Hyper-verse level

Stamina: Infinite

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient

"Good. Fucking. Lord. I'm a God. No, I'm not a God, I'm the man that God owes money to.. I'm the fucking landlord of existence. How the fuck is this possible?" My thoughts came to a sudden stop. I looked at the clear panel. It glowed in the dark void. "No wonder the Goddess was acting like that.. I don't know how to appreciate this.. but thank you."

"So, I guess you're my simple system that lets me know about my powers and age.. can you respond or talk to me?" I enquired. Hopefully, this thing had some consciousness. It would at least guide me in using my skills.

'Yes, Host. The Template system can think, and it will aid you in your journey. The system is only available to use with basic functionality. Answering questions and quantifying the host's status. Would you like to give yourself a name?'

A name.. huh? I guess being in a new world, I would need a name. It would be mine alone and that people would never forget. I am pretty much invincible, so I should think of something that would last. 'System, please change my name to Novus'. 


'Host's name has been registered as Novus.'

I didn't choose this name because it sounds fucking cool, but it had a deeper meaning.

I was given a chance to restart my life, do something different, and become something 'new'.

It held my hopes for the beginning of my new journey in a new world.

"Alright System, actually, let me give you a new name, too. I hate calling you System. You're going to be by my side forever, so you deserve a new name, too. From now on, we will call you Avni, which means helper."


'Avni is now registered as the system's name. Thank you, Novus.'

"Great, now that this is all settled, how about we figure out where we are, Avni?" I said that, but I knew where I was. I guess this Nigh Omniscience comes in clutch. Deep within the abyssal rift, Ophis and Great Red lived in the DxD world, where I resided now. But it seemed like there is some chaos going on in the outer region of it.

Using this omniscience felt weird. It was like my mind could extend forever in the cosmos and grasp any information in a moment. Everything that felt hidden behind a veil of mystery was open to my mind. I looked outward to the region in which I felt people and what I saw shocked me. 

Angels and Devils seemed to fight it out, in an all out warfare. I knew what this situation was.. it was the Great War in which God died, wasn't it? Damn, it means I'm about 750 years in the past, before the canon events of DxD.. I guess fate wanted me to jump in where all the fun began.

'Hey Avni, how do I go about using more of these powers? The Omniscience happened with no attempts. I thought about how I could use these powers. I might need to train them before I could even try to appear in the fight.

'The host has nothing to worry about. The Template has been integrated. You can use its skills and power with a thought. Host needs to think it. The power will appear,' Anvi said. The robotic voice was ever cool and comforting. 'Host, please create a body. You are now drifting in the void as a concept. The host needs to envision their form, and they will create it.'

"Shit.. this is sick. I can look like anyone or anything I like without limits.. what to choose.." I had many ideas about who I could look like. I could turn into the physical image of Goku, Whitebeard, Archer or anyone else, I thought. But I already knew what I wished to look like.

With my thoughts as my power, I willed myself to have a physical body. Starting from the head, I envisioned onyx hair. It was shaggy and has some edge to it. My eyes would be a deep golden colour, and I would have an angular jawline that would put diamonds to shame. My body would be like Kenichi and Goku. They are my biggest aspirations. I want to make myself look like the ultimate giga-chad. 

Finalising my body, I materialised a mirror in front of me to look at my masterpiece. "Fuck yeah, no need for the gym with an immortal body and face like this." Clenching my fists, I felt immeasurable power radiating from my body. Like I could crush a planet with a finger. I used my Cloth Manipulation to dress myself in a tight black shirt. It's like the compression shirts worn at the gym. I also wore loose fitting martial arts pants. You can't blame me. Dragon Ball Z raised me as a child. I needed to try this out.

"I guess that's it. I've got a body and a new name. Time to go out there and see what's happening." I willed my mind to the battlefield's location. Then, my body vanished, like instant teleportation. I appeared high in the sky. If someone below looked, they would struggle to see me. Looking down, I could see the Devil and angels fighting. It looked so much more chaotic than I could imagine. This was, after all, the first time I had seen warfare. Though my mind was fine with the bloodshed. But, as I saw the bodies disintegrate and limbs get chopped off, I felt nothing. This template had made me numb to those emotions, it seems.

As I was reeling in my mind, a chaotic roar blew in the skies. Looking ahead, I could see two dragons duking it out, their claws and mouths snapping at one another. It appeared Ddraig and Albion had yet to be sealed. They fought with earth-shattering force. They tore at each other, caring not at all for their surroundings. As they charged in the air, they came close to me, unaware of my existence. Albion charged at Ddraig. He swatted Ddraig with his tail, sending him reeling towards me. As he reached me, I threw out my hand, a simple but calculated strike as it smashed right into his back. The attack sounded in the void. It was like a cosmic nuclear strike. It bent Ddraigs' body at a weird angle. He fell to the ground, crushing Devils and Angels.

"Ah shit, I got to adjust the power of the punches, it seems. That felt like a slap for me, but I broke a lot of bones on the lizard." I said, clenching my fist, trying to judge the output of my powers.

"What are you doing here, 'human'?" Albion said, staring at me. Though he was curious, he stayed a safe distance away after he saw my punch. "Wait.. you don't seem human.. you're no dragon.. but your remind me of the other two.." he said, his deep and guttural voice sounding out loud for everyone to hear.

I looked down. It seems like my attack made everyone pause their fight as they looked toward us. Looking at Albion, somehow not terrified by talking to a fucking dragon "I'm a human.. ? Look, I don't even know what I am at this point. But anyway; why is everyone fighting?" I asked, not for knowledge, but I wanted to join in on the situation I was watching.

"I know nothing about why the Devils and Angels are fighting within the void. But, Ddraig and I are fighting to finally see who is the strongest of Dragons!" Albion said with pride, though he sounded like a kid trying to have a stick measuring contest.

"Oh, okay. Sorry about getting into the fight. I'll leave you two alone. Watch out for where you're throwing one another, or I'll have to punch one of you again." I said as I smiled, turning back towards the fighting below. I ascended down before coming to a stop in-between the chaos.

"How dare a filthy human come here!" one of the Devil yelled out. Looks like he had a screw loose and missed the part where I punched a fucking dragon. Turning to him, he had blood surrounding his body. It seemed like he was drunk on the combat. "So what if I'm human? What are you going to do about it?" I sneered.

Bingo, it seems like he has a temper. The Devil lunged at me. His wings beat as he flew towards me. His hand reached out, attempting to pierce my chest. I stared at him, baffled at his idiocy, before snapping my fingers. Willing my Existence Erasure, his body disintegrated. It seems like his mind, body, and soul got completely erased from reality. Fuck, this is overpowered. The other Devils and Angels looked shocked. The man was completely gone before he could even attack.

"So, please don't attack me for no reason again. Thanks!" I said before walking towards a man surrounded by a patrol of angels. "You're God, right?" I said, looking towards him. Golden hair that cascaded down to this neck and blue eyes. You wouldn't even be able to spot the difference between him and a normal human. There was nothing that exuded that God image everyone imagines him to look like. 

He stopped before looking at me, his eyes scanning my face and body. "Yes..? What do you need from me?" he asked. "Oh nothing much, I'm a bystander in this fight. I thought it would be nice to meet the man who guides the humans in their faith, after all I am one too." I said will a smile.

God's eyes scanned me once more, before they opened wide, "You.. are a human. But.. something much more. Something worse than anything here.. how do I not know of you?" His words shocked the Angels surrounding him. God never showed that kind of expression, even within the war. But this mysterious man definitely scared him.

"Ah, long story! Anyway, you all continue your fight. I'm gonna watch on the sidelines." I said, waving everyone off before rising in the sky back to my original position. 'This is weird.. God definitely couldn't of died to these people.. am I in an alternate universe, or was the story hiding more things?'.

The war seemed to continue as in the story. But, seeing it firsthand showed some differences.

Ddraig and Albion fought to their final breaths. Their bodies slumped on the ground as their life drained. It seems God had a device that let him extract their souls into placeholders. The placeholders then turned into sacred gears. I did not know how the man did that.

After God took the Heavenly Dragon's souls, he also jumped into the fray. Angels, Demons and the Fallen slaughtering each other left and right. Watching God fight with the Devil faction made me realise something. He felt tired, not from the fighting, but from everything. It looked like he was pulling his punches, acting like he was on the losing end. The Four Great Satans were also on their last legs, but their defeat wasn't a farce.

After failing to assassinate God, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan died. But, Lucifer fought God head-on. Both of them struck at each other with the strongest attack. Lucifer pierced God's chest. His powers destroyed the inside of God's body and soul. Meanwhile, God's blade swept an arc through Lucifer's body, slicing him in half. 

It appeared the War had come to a slow and conclusion. Each faction, seeing their respective leaders' demise, turned the tides of battle. Everyone felt depressed and ruined. Deciding to end it there, the factions picked up their fallen and left. It seemed like such a stupid battle, but war was like this.

I stared at the now desolate battle grounds, thinking about everything I witness. This was an eye-opening experience for my first time being in this world. Power ruled over all, and it seemed like I would get to watch some crazy things.

Next chapter