
I Own a Succubus and a System

Denny Lorenzo has everything required to never get a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Poor, introvert and... the list is long. Who would have thought that one night, a succubus, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen would come begging him to become her boyfriend? She even gives him a strange system. He can now visit a fantasy world and... Enough with words. I guess it's time to become both rich and handsome while enjoying beauties and revenge. ———————— Love&support!——#FrequentUpdates——

ErioMillionz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Transformation Portal

When they approached the gate, a space between the fangs of that gangatuan skull, one of the guys in black armors asked, "Mamellianta, where do you think you're going?"

'So, she's called Mamellianta here? Beautiful!'

"Where else? Inside the dungeon."

The guys, so muscular and robust that Denny thought they were robots instead of incubi, exchanged glances before the one on the other side of the gate asked, "Why didn't you tell this young incubus who you are? Do you want to have him killed?"

This time, Denny was the one to answer.

"I know who she is."

He then glanced at Amellia, "You're Mamellianta, my girlfriend. Anything else?"

Denny used Mamellianta for it's what he had had the guys calling her. She offered him a smile.

'A beautiful name!' he whispered to her.

She offered him another smile.

Meanwhile, the robots burst out laughing.

"Ha! Ha!"

"Your girlfriend? Young man, you really are wrong!"

The robot then shifted its gaze to amellia.

"Tell him who you are!"

Denny didn't want this to prolong. He had already confirmed that Amellia was famous and that she was not allowed to enter the dungeon of desires with an incubus. There was no other reason for him to keep wasting his precious time exchanging words with these robots.

"Uh... sorry to disappoint you guys!"

He grabbed Amellia's hand.

"I know about that stupid Ex of hers. Tell him it's a guy who lives on earth who had helped her to level up."

Dragging her through the doorless entrance, he added, "He can find me at the Elites Academy if he wants more information."

Denny could not look at the gate guardians faces, but he was sure they were flabbergasted.

Meanwhile, as they walked deeper into something that resembled a cylindrical tunnel, Amellia shouted at him.

"You shouldn't have told them your location."

That was true. Since an incubus could go to earth, Denny had put himself in danger by mentioning his school. However, he was not that dumb to tell a killer of that mighty where to find him. It's because he was a human.

The gate guardians would tell him it was a guy with sliver hair, muscular figure and green eyes. While on earth, the goddamned Ex would not suspect a chubby guy to be the one in that description.

Though Amellia had said she would help Denny become a flower boy, it was not something they would do overnight. Even if she could be having that capacity, they would have to slow down the pace so the people would not suspect Denny. That's why Denny didn't feel like there was any problem in telling the guards about his school.

"Why not? I'll leave this body here, right?"

Amellia grimaced.

"I'll enrol at Elites Academy to be your girlfriend there. Don't you understand?"

"Oh my! I have not considered that. I'm sorry!"

Their surroundings were changing but Denny didn't give a damn. He was too busy blaming himself for what his big mouth had just done. He really could not accept that Amellia was not going to enroll at the Academy and help him teach some fools some manners.

As if Amellia knew what the expression on his face meant, she tightened her grip on his hand, coming closer to press herself against him as they walked further into the tunnel.

"Don't worry! I'm going to level up and take a new look. I wouldn't also wish to become Voluptuous with the same hair and eyes. I don't want anything to connect me with my Ex anymore."

"Does it mean once you level up you can choose how to look like?"

Amellia offered him a smile.

"This is the Dungeon of Desires. What else can it do if not fulfilling one's desires? If you're about to transform, it bases the transformation on your desires."

"I see!"

The tunnel had been undergoing some changes as they went deeper and deeper, but they were not scary or breathtaking to attract Denny's attention. Now, it was not the same. The changes were so noticeable that he could not conceal his curiosity.

First, he wanted to ask a question that had been bubbling in his mind the moment they set their feet inside the tunnel.

"Why are we alone?"

He had seen more succubi girls and incubi boys entering. Many more were even mere meters behind them. Even the tunnel was too narrow for all those people to fit in and walk in large groups. A few would walk first, others behind them. Why was he not seeing any of them?

"This is why one needed a partner. If alone, you can not return."

Was that an answer to his question or a theory to confuse him more?

"What do you mean?"

"This dungeon is mysterious," Amellia explained. "Once you enter it, it directs you into a certain dimension. That's why we're alone. About why without a partner you can not return, we're probably close to getting there. Better see for yourself than hear it, right?"

With that, Denny had no choice but to wander his eyes. The tunnel was not a straight line like when they entered. Now, the walls looked like they were bubbling, the cylindrical tunnel twisting and twirling as if it was a spiral rope. All around them, the walls became transparent, showing them landscapes and plants, animals and rivers as if they were wearing 3D glasses.

Soon, the tunnel was too narrow for them to walk standing straight. Like swat members entering a criminal's den, the duo bent their bodies ninety degrees and resumed their journey.

The lustrous colour changed and was replaced by numerous colours, the tunnel getting narrow and narrow until they reached a shimmering portal-like circle. It was too narrow for only one person to pass through it by crawling.

"What do we do now?"

"What else? You're going to love me here, purify my soul so I can pass through the Transformation Portal."

"Please, be more specific!"

"A soul with desires is impure," Amellia explained. "One needs to satisfy his atmost desire for the Transformation Portal to open."

She glanced and pointed at the narrow shimmering circle in front of them.

"That's it!"

She then stared at him again.

"Once one's desires are fulfilled, his soul forgets about the life's unfairness for a while, allowing the portal to consider him pure. You're then taken to the Holy Dimension where you transform into a holy being. However, after transforming and recovering your memories, after your desire to return into the normal world returns, you become impure again, prompting the portal to close. It is your partner's presence that helps you to reach the portal again."

Everything she said was unfamiliar and sounded mythical, but Denny knew better not doubt her. He had also become a mythical creature, after all. That's why her explanation was undeniable.

"Let's take you to the next level then!"

With that, their lips met, wet sloppy sounds echoing around the narrow cylindrical tunnel that was colourful and bubbling.

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