
Coming to Terms

Seeing that things were changing colours, Denny couldn't help but gather all his courage to stop her.

"Wait you petite demon! Uh... Amellia I mean. That's not how things are done."

She stared at him with her burning eyes, the ruby glow wavering to show she was confused by his words.

Denny grabbed his gaming keyboard ready to smash her head with it once he would fail to come to terms with her. He could withstand bullies whose dads were the founders of a school that gave him a scholarship. That's because there was no death involved. If involved, he wasn't going to give a damn to her being a succubus or what. He would have to die but not like a coward.

"Did you say you want me to come to your world and become your boyfriend?"

She nodded.

He offered her a smile and continued.

"Tell me, does going with you means never returning on earth?"

She shook her head.

"Of course no! You will be able to come back to complete quests like I do."

The smile on Denny's face widened, turning into a grin that threatened to tear his face apart.

"That's how things are done. When asking for a favor, you don't only ask. You also explain it in details, trying your best to include its benefits to the person you're asking it from. But you, you just asked without putting in some pull factors and thought I would just accept. How stubborn."

Amellia's mouth fell open.


When Denny saw her confused, an I'm lucky smile weaved itself on his lips. She was not a human, but she behaved like them, a good sign that his relationship with her would not be bad. He would also not be fully controlled.

"What I mean is," he explained. "If you have told me that before, I would have accepted your offer... of course after considering some other factors."

Her eyes came back to their normal, a white mist enveloping her nails to return them to their human form.

"Does that mean you have accepted?"

Denny let go of the gaming keyboard, rubbing his sweaty hands on his white pajamas.

"I said I have to first consider some few other factors. I don't care if you suck my soul, when I find them unpleasant, I'm not going anywhere with you."

Her eyes ignited with ruby glow once again, shouting at him in her threatening tone.

"There you go again! Do you really want to die?"

Denny was not scared of her anymore. Instead, he sat on his gaming chair and turned on his monitor to play. He had found out her true nature. That she was a weak and a harmless creature pretending to be scary to get what she wanted. Come to think of it, why did she want him of all people? There were many strong dudes out there ready to go with a beauty like her even in hell.

"Don't you dare try to frighten me again, Amellia! The fact that you want me of all people is a proof that I might be someone special for whatever your plans are. If so," He patted on the table where his computer lay. "Sit here and tell me everything in detail!"

Amellia harrumphed and obeyed him. Sitting on the table in front of him, she opened her mouth and said, "Like you, I don't have a friend in my world so I don't know how to tell stories or speak to people."

Denny pointed his index finger at her.

"Don't compare yourself to me, you petite demon! I have someone I call a friend."

He was pretending to be angry but it was obvious that he was kidding.

Amellia played along and smiled, staring at him with an expression that screamed a mixture of admiration and mockery.

She then asked sarcastically, "That new chubby guy, eh?"

"You really have been eavesdropping on me for quite some time. But no!"

After saying that, Denny glanced at his mom as if to tell her it was his mom.

However, Amellia's expression was surprising. Her expression became dark, tears welling in her ruby eyes as if reminded of something. Soon, things went on another level.

"My mom died when..."

Hiccups didn't allow her to finish whatever she intended to tell him about her mom. Instead, tears rolled down her ruby eyes.

'Damn it! I never knew demons do cry. How am I supposed to comfort a girl, let alone a succubus?'

However, something that could make someone...

'Did I call her someone? If she's a demon she is a thing.'


Something that could make someone shed tears all of a sudden when reminded of it must have really been painful and brutal. Thus, Denny abandoned the idea of playing game while with a succubus sitting on the table in front him and rose to his feet. He then spread his arms. This was not the right time to imitate the scenes of his favourite movies.

To be honest, he wished she would refuse his offer and not hug him because didn't know how he would feel about it. But then, he really wanted to know how it would feel.

His mind was chaotic but he tried to encourage himself. He was the only handsome guy nearby, after all. Who else would comfort her if not him?'

'It's just a hug. What worse could happen?'

Not even a second passed and she ran into his arms, trembling and brushing her juicy boobies on his him as she sobbed.


Denny cut the crap and patted her on the back. "It's OK! Now you have a boyfriend and a mom-in-law. But be reminded that I still need to consider some factors."

Amellia sobbed for a little longer then said, "I'll tell you all you need to know."

After what felt like an eternity, she pulled away. Denny could now breath. He was proud of himself for having managed to comfort a demon, especially in front of his mom. Now she didn't need to worry if her son had a girlfriend or not.

"In my world, we don't feed on plants or animals like you humans do. Surviving requires one to be beautiful and powerful which are earned through completing quests. That's why we come on earth to allure men... and women when one is an incubus. It's risky, troublesome and tiresome. That's why I need you. If you can come and become my boyfriend, I can be able to level up and live a happy life."

Denny had many questions to ask so it was getting difficult for him to know what to ask first. Lastly, he found it.

"How will I help you and when will I come back to earth?"

She offered him a smile and answered, "It's not something to help me in Just a day, a week, a month, two or a year. I mean, reaching the level I want will take time."

"You mean I'll be gone for years. That I'll leave my mom alone that long?"

"Nope! Tonight you can only come, see your new body, learn a couple of things and see if you'll be able to help me. Once your soul leaves the earth, you're allowed to return after six hours. That means you would return and look after your mom before the night even elapses. Then tomorrow you can go to school."

'This sounds good!'

However, Denny was not satisfied.

"What will be the benefits for me? Don't tell me that I will have sex with you. That's not a reward to me."

Amellia chuckled.

"I'm just a creature of lust. Not a prostitute. As for the benefits you'll get, they're plenty. I have some gemstones. You can sell them and become rich. I also have a way to melt that chubby body of yours and transform you into a flower boy that every girl would want to die for. You'll also..."

Denny didn't want to hear any other thing.

Though he didn't understand how a creature of lust and a prostitute were two different things, he understood what would be his future when with money and a handsome body. That's why he didn't want to waste any more time. It was just paying a visit, see if he would be able to help her, then return to earth and enjoy life, right?

"Say no more. Let's go to your world."

...If only he knew how many things she had left unsaid.

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