
Sister Zhou Is Dying? Panic!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the evening, Li Yidao returned to the funeral shop.

Bathed in the fading sunlight, he looked tired and exhausted.

He slowly opened the door to the shop and walked straightly to his room.

Consuming nearly a hundred years of lifespan was no simple matter.

While it wouldn't cause physical harm, the exhaustion on his soul and spirit couldn't be erased.

Seeing his current state, it was evident that he needed at least 12 hours of sleep.

He lay on the bed, too weary even to bother with dinner, and absentmindedly took out a one million yuan check from his pocket, casually placing it on the table.

It was given by Huangpu Qi, though initially, he could have offered much more.

Huangpu family offered ten million for Li Yidao to help Huangpu Qi break free from the consequences, allowing him to continue living.

But... consequences were unavoidable.

Cause and effect were inextricable.

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