
I Owed To the Bad Boy

How do you feel when you want to go home from school with a happy heart because school is finally finished as well. But in the middle of the road you got intercepted by two robbers. And you didn't know what you do. Okay maybe you feel shocked? Or scared? And yes I'm shocked because I'm never expected this to be happend. There are 3 choices leave on my mind: 1. Run then i leave my belongings in the car and i go home safely 2. I call 911 and then wait in the car until the police come 3. I get out from the car and then scream for got help ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Get off your hand from her!" The boy scream from distance, but I froze on where I'm standing right now because the bad boy punch the robbers and then he kick the robbers and punch again and again. The robbers can't do anything of it, cause the bad boy is being brutal to fight them. I can't stop him. "Go away! Before I kill you!" The bad boy shouted to them. Before I said anything to him, he walking to me. ------------------------------------------------------------ "You owed me,,Daisy" he smirk on me and sent me a wink and just like that he disappeared. His voice is really deep, I admitted he is good looking but what he say? I owed him? I felt after this, my life is gonna turning into a hell than already it is.

itsme_putri · Teen
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9 Chs


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I see everyone in school looked at me, like I did something I shouldn't do. This is definitely because Ace driving me to school, why I know this is because Ace? Because Ace is one of the Bad Boy, The Player,The Bullying, and The Popular.

I shouldn't give a damn going to school with him. I glare to them, to stopped them looked at me. It make me uncomfortable, just because I don't care so I didn't say anything to them.

"Stella!" I hear someone called me, I turn around. And I see my friends

"Hey! What's up" I said to

"Don't what's up me. Is it true about you and Ace?" Belle ask me

"Of course it is true! I see them in the parking a lot! God! Why you didn't believe me Bell?" Amy said to Belle

"Guys! Give her time to answer your question" Claire interrupted us

I smile to Claire for calm down Belle and Amy

"So, what's everyone said about me?" I ask to my friends

"Their said you his new fuck buddy, but I didn't believe that stupid gossip" Belle told me

"Wow, that's funny I never thought about him driving me to school could be like this. No wonder when I walking to my locker everyone glaring at me" I replied to them

"Because their jealous of you" Claire said to me

"Yeah, because he's good-looking, rich, and sexy" Amy add

"And he is in football team too" Belle add

"And he's gentleman" Amy add

"And...don't forget he's smart too" Belle add

"And he ca-

"Stop guys! Enough, I don't want to hear about him again" I interupted them

"I want to dropped my book in my locker, bye guys!" I said to them and walked away to my locker. I know four minutes again bell is ringing so I dropped my book in my locker than I should hear my friends talking about Ace.

I didn't know why everyone want him, beside he rich, smart, and I admitted he good-looking. And he is the bad boy he always bullying a weak person. That is humiliating. And I hate humiliated


I walking fast to my class, I sit on my usually seat. Everyone immediately seat on their seat.

"Okay class, good morning" my math teacher said

"Good morning" We all replied

"So guys today...I have great news for us" Mr. Jones said with smile on his face that doesn't the pure smile but that is devils smile.

I know what his face said he planning something for us. Oh I know don't say he want to give us quiz

"We have quiz today! Yay" Mr.Jones said cheerfully, everybody groan hear that

I hear someone said

"What the hell?!"

"This is too early Mr.Jones!"

"Yeah this is too early!"

Everybody start to shouting, I know maybe this is too early. We should doing quiz next week. And I being the lazy student I haven't studying, and because this is math too.

"Isn't this is good? As soon as possible" Mr.Jones

"Mr.Jones this isn't fair! We haven't studying yet!" I said to Mr.Jones

Everyone immediately silent and looking at me, I feel everyone looking at me and it make me uncomfortable.

"So...the problem is you haven't studying yet?" Mr. Jones ask us

We are just nodding our head

"Okay, I give you all 10minutes to studying. If you all pay attention in my class then, you can finish the quiz" Mr. Jones said

What? He just give 10 freaking minutes? I'm not fucking genius, Mr Jones!. I open my book to look the last Mr.Jones explained.

"Okay, closed your book! We have quiz right now!" Mr.Jones give us attention

What the hell?! He said 10 minutes! That's fucking shit! What am I supposed answer the quiz?! I haven't studying yet!

"Stella close your book!" Mr. Jones said to me, I immediately closed my book

I take a deep breath to doing the quiz, and yes for 3minutes I just stared to my paper. I mean my blank paper, I'm thinking for answer the damn questions. I didn't stopped write my answer into my paper


"Stop! Time is up! No one writing again! Or you can repeated your quiz again" Mr.Jones said

After I finished answer the damn quiz, I waiting to the bell maybe I should start count from now





Yup! The bell ring! I grabbed my bag and exit from the class, everybody going exit too.

"Stella! Stella!" Someone shout my name and I turn around, now my position is in the middle of the class door

"Yes, Mr Jones?" I ask politely

"Come here" he said to me

I feel something wrong to me, and I'm sure this is because the quiz

"What's wrong Mr.Jones?" I ask him when I in front his table

"You fall again in my class Mrs. Blossom" he said

"I'm sorry Mr.Jones, I promise I'm studying hard after this. But, don't give me a tutor. I didn't want Mr.Jones, please?" I ask him with the puppy eyes, I know he can't to refused because last time I used that too

"No this time I can't to believe you again, so I give you a tutor to make your grade up" he said

"But Mr.Jones I won't, please Mr.Jones. This is time I pro-

"No, I didn't want to hear you say anything. Last time you said that you promised me to studying hard but.. now you fall my class again. I'm tired to give you chance again Mrs.Blossom. I hope you understand my position right now" he cut off me and give me that speech

I didn't move and I keep silent,

"Are you sure Mr.Jones my tutor can bring my grade up?" I ask him silently

"Of course I'm sure, I've already choose your partner" he replied

"Who's my tutor?"I ask him curious

Mr.Jones want to answer my question but he cut off by the voice come to the class

"Sorry Mr.Jones I'm late" this is the male voice's

I'm looking to that voice

"You?!" I spontaneously shout to him

"Yeah why? You surprised right why I'm in here, Daisy?" He said with the smirk on his face and oh! don't forget too he wiggling his eyebrow

"Why him Mr.Jones!" I said to Mr.Jones

"Because he is the best tutor I have and I believe him to tutoring you" Mr.Jones

said I see Mr.Jones smirk

"And...beside he is good-looking I think you want to refresh your eyes after studying"

"What? No! Mr.Jones can you choose me another one tutor?" I ask him

"No, I can't. Now, please don't protest I know how stubborn you are. So I choose him, just studying with him. And don't start a war with him. I don't care when both of you want to start, I just want you,

He pointed to me

"Stella didn't fall again in my class" he said

"Thank you so much Mr.Jones, for the help but not helping" I said sarcastically and leave to the class and make my way to the next period


"What happend with the long face, Stella?" Amy ask me when I sit down in our usually table

"You know, Mr.Jones give me a tutor" I relied with the bored tone

"what?how! Doesn't you said you never want any help from tutoring section?" Belle ask me

"Yeah I explained to him the whole time! But, he didn't believe me again after I fall the quiz again" I replied

"Mr.Jones give the quiz? Doesn't he should give the quiz next week?" Claire ask me, yes Claire is the smartest from all of us. So, she worried about the quiz

"Yes Claire, I quote him "as soon as possible" I said to my friends

"Well, I know you have a hundred reason to disclaime" Amy said to me

"This time my luck didn't work, So I've got tutor" I replied them

"Who?" Belle ask

"Claire why you can't tutor me? I'm sure you smart enough for tutoring me" I said to Claire

"I've already got someone I should tutor" she replied me

"Ugh! Why?!Why him!" My anger out, I thumbing the table, I stood up like that for 1 minute

"Woah..calm down Stell" Belle confront me

"Everyone staring Stell" Amy inform me

I turn around to see, and yes everyone staring on me. I just sent their with smile, yes! That's work! now everyone busy with their own business.

"Why you look mad?" Claire ask me

"Because,,,you know what guys? My partner is Ace" I said to my friends

My friends look confused at me, Belle want to say something to me

"Yes, that's Ace you are talking about this morning" I replied to Belle cause I know she want to ask who's Ace

"Why Ace?" Amy ask me, yes I didn't know to why Ace should tutoring me

"I quoted Mr.Jones "Because he is the best tutor I have and I believe him to tutoring you" I replied Amy

"Wow, have a great time with him" Claire said to me with the chuckled

"Yeah,yeah have a great time" I mocked Claire, my friends just laugh at my act

Now I wait in the parking a lot to wait my mother, but I've already in here like 15 minutes. So i text my mother

"Mom where are you? I'm in parking a lot school now" I text to my mother

"Sorry honey, I can't to pick up you. I have meeting with my client. I'm forget told you" 

I received a text from my mother

But,mom! It's already 15minutes left of course if I choose bus or driving with my friends. I choose driving with my friends but the problem is they're already left. I told their to go home cause I know my mom picking up me. I walked away from parking a lot and I decided walking to my house.cause it's just reach 10 minutes to my home

Someone grabbed my hand and I jolted up from my position, I turn around to see who's grabbed my hand

"Why you again?! I've enough to see you!" I scream to him but he just sent me that smirk

"You know, when you mad you look more sexy than usual" he said to me, I step on his foot and walked away from him

"Wait! Where you go?" He asking me and follow me

"Of course home! Dumbass!" I replied

He grabbed my hand but this time he hold my hand so careful

"Wait, come with me. I mean, I can driving you home" he said to me

"No thanks, last time you driving me this morning to school. Everyone thinking I'm your bitch. And I'm not letting this happend again" I replied to him

"You cared of what people say to you? I think you can do better than that" he said to me

"I don't care of what people said about me" I replied him

"Then, come with me" he said to me with smirk on his face

"No, I won't" I replied to him

"Okay, I take that you care of what people said" he said and then he walked away from me

"Wait! I'll come with you" I shout to him and he stopped then looked at me with his smirk on his face.
