
I owe my Love to You [BL] {COMPLETED}

WPC Chinese New Year Entry WARNING! This novel is a super short novel and a bit fast-paced. If you dislike such a concept for a novel, please refrain from reading. But readers who want to read the novel are always welcome to view it. Thank you and have a great day! -Author-nim x-x-x-x Huang Yangxin is a normal university student that is being loved and cared for by many. He is the epitome of a model student; smart, topnotcher, humble, and kind. But he has a tiny secret that made him different from all of his friends. On New Year's Eve, he decided to tell that secret to his parents, hoping that they will accept him for who he truly is. But fate decides to screw up his life and made him hate by his peers. So, when he came out to his parents, they kicked him out of their house. Leaving him on the streets to survive, he thought of telling his best friend about this secret but when he did, his best friend also kicked him out of his house. Lonely and friendless, he stumbles upon a stranger that could change his whole life forever. What will this stranger do to change once fate? Read along and find out! Disclaimer! I do not own any of the art/s on the cover. It all belonged to its respective creator. a.n.: please support me there. Thank you!

docaqui · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Yangxin had been noticing Qin Sheng's sudden change of attitude towards him. The latter won't stop fidgeting and being nervous in front of Yangxin.

Yangxin would understand this change if it is because of his parents' interview but he feels that there is something more about this that even his parents are being secretive to Yangxin.

Yangxin is now sitting on the balcony of the second floor of Lin's family mansion in a rich suburban neighborhood in Shanghai. He is eating ice cream early in the morning since he doesn't have the urge to eat his meals.

He had been thinking about this secret for a very long time and he knows that it has something to do with him. He sighs for the umpteenth time this morning.

He can't help it that he is worried.

He continues to eat his ice cream when he suddenly heard someone knocking behind him. He turns around and sees Qin Sheng with a sad smile plastered on his face.

That's when Yangxin realizes that something bad had happened and Qin Sheng had witnessed it. He is just hoping that it would not create a trauma on the young CEO.

Yangxin gestures him to sit beside him while Qin Sheng scratches the back of his neck. Yangxin watches him as sits down beside him while he is holding a piece of paper in his left hand and a tissue box on the right.

"What's up with the tissue box?"

Qin Sheng puts it on the table and pushes it on Yangxin's side as he places the piece of paper in front of him. Yangxin eyed the paper and looks at Qin Sheng waiting for his explanation.

"I've been thinking about what happened after your sister complained that I am abducting you against your will and probably forcing you to work in our company.

Well, I've talked about this to my parents and they told me to tell you about this matter but the Notarial Office called before I could even tell you.

I, I requested for your family to attend a ceremony where I would personally talk to them about your registration under their lineage.

I thought that it is okay if I would personally remove you from your own kin after you came out as a gay person to them.

I know that I am being nosy about your business and your family but after what had happened before at the police station, this has also become a problem of mine.

I went as fast as I can when the legislation office called and as I arrived there, the officer told me that your family did not think twice of removing you to the family lineage."

All throughout their conversation, Yangxin could only look at Qin Sheng as he tries to hold his tears from falling to his eyes. He should've expected this.

He should've known that his family would do something like this, especially his mother.

He sighs and takes the piece of paper in front of him and reads everything in it. There is also a picture that is clipped at the top right part of the paper.

The picture is both his mother and his father, smiling so brightly, and posting with thumbs up. He sighs again as he feels like crying for another week.

He can't believe that they really did it.

But what is more shocking to him is that even though he is thinking that he might cry, not a single tear had fallen from his precious eyes.

Maybe it is because he had expected such a reaction from his parents. Well, they did kick him out of their house so, if they can do that, removing his name from the family registry would be an easy task.

He looks over to Qin Sheng who is trying his best to explain his side as to why he did such a risky thing. Even with his parents' permission, something might've happened if his parents did not budge in removing his name from the family registry.

Qin Sheng did not notice that Yangxin is no longer listening to him since he is too immersed in giving his side of the story to his lover. Yangxin stands up from his seat and suddenly sits on Qin Sheng's lap.

Qin Sheng is shell-shocked when he felt Yangxin's butt sits on his lap. He looks at the latter with his eyes wide open and Yangxin only smiles at him.

Yangxin straddles on Qin Sheng's lap and lifts his chin to make him look at him straight in his eyes and slowly draws his face towards Qin Sheng.

Their nose touches and their lips are just inches apart. Yangxin smiles before he brushes Qin Sheng's lips with his.

He draws back while smiling, teasing Qin Sheng is never a good idea since it could lead into something else. Which actually lead to a deep kiss.

Qin Sheng tosses every ounce of self-control that he had when Yangxin did what he just did to him. Brushing his lips and teasing him like that just made him thirstier for his lover.

When Yangxin is about to stand up from his lap, he immediately grabs the latter back to his lap and forcibly draws his chin back to his lips and smashes them together.

The kiss starts off as a soft kiss, a vanilla one, the type of kiss that is being shared between lovers that had been taking things slowly.

Then it transcends into a deeper kiss when Yangxin suddenly grips Qin Sheng's hair, pushing it towards him, deepening the kiss.

Qin Sheng smirks through the kiss and asks Yangxin to give him access by opening his mouth so their tongue could dance in rhythm.

Yangxin obliges to his request and opens his mouth. Qin Sheng immediately enters his tongue inside Yangxin's and explores Yangxin's mouth with his tongue.

Yangxin moans as the kiss starts to suck up most of the air from his lungs. He pounds Qin Sheng's chest but the CEO is not stopping.

Yangxin tries to push him away but the CEO does not budge. Yangxin tries to close his mouth but the CEO kept on touching him to make him moan even louder.

He wants to hear more of Yangxin under his skin.

"Qin She-"

Qin Sheng suddenly cuts off the kiss and stares at Yangxin who is looking at him with a flushed face and a string of saliva dripping down his chin.

"We can't do it here out in public. Someone might see us."

Yangxin flushes in red and he subconsciously grinds on Qin Sheng's lap that made the CEO grips his waist and growls on his ear.

"I know that you can feel it but not here, baby."