
Chapter 5

22:50 - Streets of Campo Grande

"I finally finished organizing those documents... It took longer than I expected, and it is almost eleven." Dmitri spoke to himself stretching his arms over his head. The elevator door opened on the ground floor and he walked through the long reception hall with the footsteps echoing through the empty and silent environment.

When he got home, he was going to write the schedule for the Monday meeting and send it to the team to prepare and separate the necessary files... We still had a lot to do! He thought while talking to August and wishing a good night to the security guard who was always there when he left.

He was a nice guy, although very quiet. He had never heard more than 4 or 5 words coming out of his mouth. Always in that super low and calm tone, maybe a little monotonous, but as he had a light expression on his face, it wasn't bad. He gives the impression of being someone reliable.

As he stepped out of the company's automatic glass doors, which August would lock soon, Dmitri walked through the illuminated streets of the business district. He finally managed to take a deep breath in the cold night air and walk slowly down the sidewalk trying to clear his mind and not think about anything. But was no use.

After more than an hour separating report documents in the cloud, he was so tired that even the banks by the way seemed extremely comfortable to lie on. His body was heavy and sore, the migraine he had felt from an early time had worsened making his vision blur. Hunger and accumulated sleep caused dizziness and were about to overthrow him.

He had long meetings almost every day for the past few weeks. When he wasn't analyzing data, he was mentoring the staff and arguing with other directors at the company. He talked to investors, explained to the media, negotiated with suppliers and partners, even with representatives from the Ministry of Economy and Health.

In the early days, he had to lead everything personally. For the first time in a long time, Dmitri thought he was going to die from exhaustion. After the teams managed to organize and take the lead, he concentrated on trying to reverse the situation.

A lot had already been done, but they weren't even close to finding out the real responsible. It didn't make sense for a simple employee to do all this alone, especially without a specific reason.

Fatigue was harming him. Yesterday he almost sent the updated finance report to a supplier, today he called a Japanese company instead of the administrative manager. He spent a lot of time organizing the files into categorized folders, everything was a complete mess.

He never understood why it is so difficult for people to keep things organized and separate! Not even by date was he able to view the documents because, apparently, they were uploaded in blocks by departments.

Only logistics and some marketing teams were organized in this regard. 'It already helps with something' said Dmitri when he received the sharing links.

It is true that at the beginning it took a little getting used to the news and advances in technology and its shortcuts. He thought: 'It's not as if you could see 4 or 5 files simultaneously. Opening and closing folders on your computer are very annoying’. After a while, he got used to it and changed the paper to the screen.

Now it was much more practical to share in real-time, this couldn't be denied. He hadn’t received the blessing of high adaptation, but he was gradually improving in it. The skill with technology is still being worked on, but now that everything is based on the ‘Internet of Things', it is adapting or being swallowed by it.

"Me to fight then" It seems that he spoke loudly because some young boys who were talking on the street corner where he had just passed started to laugh. And although they spoke softly, Dmitri managed to hear a “Isn't he too old to talk like that?”

Waaa, so shameful! I have to stop thinking out loud when I'm not alone... But what's the problem with talking like that ?? - He thought annoyed - It isn't as if I at least have reached 30 years old, I am still young, there is no problem talking like that!

Normally, he looked like a young man between 25 and 28 years old, but due to lack of sleep, tired posture, stubble, and being dressed all in black, nobody can be blamed for thinking he was much older... not that it was incorrect either.

Of course, this did not retract his beauty. Dmitri was tall and of good build, with very white skin, which further increased his dark circles under his eyes, and together with his straight hair (somewhat long at the moment for his taste) were black.

His face was naturally serious, but he managed to look extremely kind when he smiled.

Which was not the case at the moment.

The condo he lived in was close to the company, so it wouldn't be long before he arrived. Unfortunately, when he was just over two blocks away Dmitri noticed a strange movement around the corner of his entrance gate.

A black van and a person in an overcoat and hat leaning against the wall, fiddling with the cell phone, with one hand always in his pocket ... Honestly, I don't know why these press people think they are being discreet, they just need to hang a 'suspicious people' sign in the van. At least he remembered to take off his sunglasses this time.

Since the incident became public, every day someone was wanting to interview him when he left or got home, as security guards expelled them from the company. It doesn't compare to the first week when it was necessary to contact a private security team for Dmitri to be able to walk through the sea of people with cameras and microphones, but they were still very irritating and inopportune. Who waits until late at night to speak to someone, making sure that they will be refused? Do they have the slightest conscience?

He walked quickly, close to the wall, and entered the nearest side street, staying behind the wall so he wasn't seen.

Well, given the situation, I only have two options: either I go ahead and face the problem or I avoid conflict and stress entering that street following the avenue parallel to the park... Sighing heavily, he decided to take the longest path.

A lot had happened during the day and he didn't know if he could keep his cool while he was being questioned by the reporter, and he didn't need any more negative publicity. I'm hungry... I wish I could jump straight home.

With a deep sigh, Dmitri started walking along the empty, half-dark alley.

It seems that some lamps were burnt out, but nothing that hurt in the few meters to the main one of Florist Park. From there it was just to follow, to enter through the adjacent gate and go home.

He went out in front of one of the park's entrances. It had been a long time since he walked in it.

The park was a calm and very beautiful environment during the day, with all the leafy trees and flower beds of different colors and species, the singing of birds, people talking and strolling left a lively atmosphere.

But during the night, the place got a scent of mystery.

When the sky was clear, as in that night, and you could see the moon with some stars, they lit up inside the park where artificial light doesn't reach, crossing the branches of trees and invading the darkness, showing the clay paths that led to the center of the park or small glades.

On that beautiful night, the slightly cool breeze brought the scent of Four O'Clock, beautiful colorful flowers that only bloomed with the arrival of the night and had a sweet and intoxicating aroma, and were very beautiful too. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to make this detour, they smell very well ...

Dmitri walked slowly, enjoying the flowers across the street, the breeze that hit his face was light and relaxing, he could hear an owl hoot in the distance. There were no cicadas at this time of year, and most of the other animals must have been sleeping.

As he approached the corner, he could finally see the entrance to the condominium approaching, but something in his heart started to move. An uncomfortable feeling increased, he felt something was wrong. That smell ... ah, that's not good.

There was another smell in the air, and it was getting stronger and stronger, it was much sweeter and more attractive, just as intoxicating as Four O'Clock, but much more characteristic. Dmitri's heart started to race, his mind was getting cloudy and he was starting to lose control. This is bad, very bad. Why now? Before he could think of what to do, it was too late.