
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · Fantasy
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29 Chs

*Can i kiss you*

"I went to see a friend of mine"

"Yeah...exactly...a friend of yours" Jason said standing up.

"I can clearly remember you strongly telling me you ain't gonna give yourself to any other guy last night? What changed? You changed your mind already? Uh?"

"I did nothing wrong"

"Don't even thinking of denying it I saw everything just now."

"I was just consoling handsome man cause his mother is sick"

"By giving yourself to him just like that?"

"I didn't kiss him. We only hugged "

"How am I to believe that?"

"For me...it's like a taboo to kiss another man except you. You are the only one I can kiss young man. That's why I'm waiting patiently for you...till you're ready to kiss me" She said while he clears his throat.

"Can I really believe that? Don't be mistaken I'm just...tryna look out for you since you're not completely okay. I have something called sense of responsibility you know" He said while penny smiles.

"Young man you don't have to worry cause I'm gonna stay true to my words"

"Yeah...suit yourself. But aren't you uncomfortable wearing that everyday?" He pointed to the white dress she's wearing.

"This? Hmm...I've got none except this...I wished I have more" She pouted.

Jason clears his throat again.

"I'm going up...you... Don't come to my room tonight. I wanna have my time alone" He points at her before leaving.

"Good night young man" She waves at him while he descends the stairs.


On getting to her room the first thing she did was to throw herself on the bed.

"I'm so tired" She groans rolling from one side to the other until her eyes caught some bags just beside the bed. She got up slowly and went towards it opening it. She gasps on seeing what's inside.

"Young man!" She beams jumping up in excitement.


"Why is she taking long? Hasn't she seen them yet?" Jason thought pacing to and fro in his room.

"Gosh why am I so bothered with this? Not like I'm getting anything from it" He made to lie on the bed but then the door suddenly opened revealing the grinning Penny.

She was now different from earlier. She was clad in a off shoulder flora short gown that stopped right at her mid thigh.

For a moment, he frozed where he was standing staring at her but before he knew it, Penny ran to him jumping on him at the same time her hands hanging around his neck tightly. His hands instinctively went to her back holding her with his mouth silently open due to the shock.

She looks at him and giggled. Jason immediately dropped her.

"Young man did you get this for me?"

"Then you think your handsome man did?"

"I so much love it young man" She twirls around giggling her hair flying at the same time.

"How does it look on me?"

"Do you like it?" He asked and she nodded Chortling.

"Isn't it much more prettier than that of handsome man's?"

"It is"

"I have better taste you know"

"I'm gonna try everything on one by one!" She giggled and ran out.

"Hey can't we do that tomorrow? It's time for bed already!!" Jason shouted after the exuberant penny who ran out of his room in excitement.


Aviva's held the picture in her hand staring at it intently. Her eyes held so much emotions. She keeps looking at the guy's face which was scratched.

"Could it be you? Have you really not...given up?" She mumbles. The image of the guy she caught the other time loomed over her face. How he had cut off his tongue himself and died so as not to spill the secret...how he turns into ashes after dying.

"When will all these miseries end...?" She thought within. Just then she felt a sharp pain in her chest. The picture fell from her hand and she gripped unto her chest.

"Argh!" She winced.


Aviva struggled and got to the restaurant. The pain is increasing by the minute. Mrs Seth seems to have been expecting her as she sat on a chair with a glass of drink in her hand.

"You finally came..." Her rough voice echoed in the silent restaurant.

"I...couldn't find her" Aviva lied in pain.

"Then you should just die" Mrs Seth replied nonchalantly.

"Ah wait! You can't right? Cause you're only meant to suffer" Mrs Seth guffaw sinisterly.

"Please...give me...ahh"

"I gave you enough time...dear Aviva so far you may be my favorite but...if you do this then I won't have no choice but to discipline you too. Why don't you just suffer today as your punishment? The pain may be excruciating but...you can't die anyway...aren't I right? Nothing can kill you" Mrs Seth whispers the last words before doubling up in a feats of laughter.

"Please...help me..." Aviva begged in agony...the pain is now getting unbearable for her. If she doesn't take the pain relive which Mrs Seth has...then she would have to go through pain the whole night. Pain and agony worse than death. That has been a punishment she had been going through for some years now. It happens every month.

"I...I.promise to find her...I'll...find ...her please...master...give me the pill...it's hurts a lot" Aviva cried in pain.

"Suffer for a while...then you'll know the gravity of your offence" Mrs Seth said before walking away. In pain, Aviva tries to crawl after her but now she doesn't have the power to as the pain already penetrate the whole of her.

"ARGHHH!!! ARGH!! AHHHH!!!" she kept ululating in pain.


Jason was already dozing off by the time penny rushed into the room again.

For an hour now she had been trying on the dresses over and over again. Not getting tired.

"Young man...what do you think of this? Do I look like a goddess?" She opted grinning.

"Weirdo...can we continue tomorrow? I'm dead tired right now" Jason yawned while she pouted.

"Young man are you tired? Is it because of me?" She opted taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"It's true you're indeed a handful" He mussed up her hair.

"Then Young man you should rest...should I sing you a lullaby?"

"I'll grow on you if you keep doing that. Just go to your room...you should rest also"

"Young man...you really made me happy today..." She paused and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're the best" she mutters resting her head on his shoulder.

"Of course I am.." Jason smiled hugging her back.


Penny hops to the ringing door. On opening it, she was met with an old man staring back at her.

"Who are you?" She asked rather carefree but instead of answering the old man landed a hot slap right on her cheek.

"Argh!" Penny winced holding her cheek which turns red immediately.

"I was told so...so you're the one? The gold digger who wouldn't let my grandson be" The old man seethe. Penny just stares back with wistful eyes. The old man nudge her aside going in. Just then Jason who was also descending the stairs saw him. His eyes grew bigger when he spot his grandpa in the sitting room.

"Grandfather...what are you doing here?" He asked approaching him.

"You've done enough...come home" His grandpa said while he twitch. His eyes wandered about and landed on Penny who was standing behind his grandpa. She was awfully silent which was strange of her being the noisy type.

"Hey weirdo...are you okay?" He opted while Penny gave him a small smile.

"I'll be in my room young man" She said and made to go but Jason held her back. He touches her reddened cheek and immediately anger rose in him.

"What have you done?" He glower at his grandpa.

"WON'T YOU GET BACK TO YOUR SENSES!! Is this why you left home? To be with some gold digger!"

"She's not a gold digger watch what you say grandfather" He retaliated.

"What on earth are you doing here and why would you even hurt her!"

"I'm here to take you back and get rid of that distraction!" Grandpa pointed to Penny who Jason was holding. In fear, Penny held onto Jason more staying behind him.

Jason face her.

"Can you go up? Leave us for some moments" He said to her and she nodded hesitantly before going upstairs.

"Grandpa...you're causing a rukus"

"Come home with me grandson"

"I thought we had an agreement"

"You're taking the wrong path. My dear this isn't the best. Send her back to wherever she may had come from...and come with me"

"Peninah is going nowhere. She's staying with me"

"Are you seriously out of your mind?"

"She's not a bad person so you needn't worry. And also without you saying...she's going leave soon"

"I really hope you know what you're doing"

"And I hope...you don't repeat this mistake of yours ever again. I can't promise you I'll let go that easily next time."

"You're just like your father...you're making a huge mistake because of a lady! I'm disappointed in you!" Grandpa spat before leaving angrily. Jason sighs and rubs his forehead.


"Does it hurt?" Jason asked applying balm to Penny's reddened cheek.

Penny smiles and shook her head indicating she's fine.

"Im sorry about my grandfather. He tends to overreact sometimes. He must have misunderstood you"

"Young man...are you going to send me away?" She opted staring intently at him.

"Your grandfather doesn't want me here...are you going to abandon me now?" She asked with her head down now.

Jason looks at her for a while before flickering her forehead.


"Fool...why would I send a sick person like you away? Who knows what nuisance you'll cause out there."

"Then am I going to stay?"

"If you wanna leave I won't stop you" He said making her face lightens up in a big smile.

She stood up immediately.

"I'm hungry young man" She beamed. Jason couldn't help Snickering.


"Today we're making beef pasta" Jason announced.

"Beef pasta!" She said after him.

"Should we get to work?" He asked while she nodded repeatedly.

"Here we go..." He turns on the cooker.

"Oh!" Penny flinched as the fire comes up.

Jason smirks and started doing some necessary things.

She kept following him around as he moves around the kitchen.

"Hey pass me the veggies" He requested.

"What's a veggies?" She asked back.

Instead of answering, Jason went over to take it himself.

"Ohh...that's the veggies...I know now"She beams.

"Can you wash the beef? it's in the sink over there" Jason said again while she looks around.

"What's beef? What's sink?" She asked ignorantly.

"Forget it...I'll do it myself" he said while she pouts her lips.

"I want to do something too" She whine while Jason stops what he's doing. He looks at her and smiles.

"I think I've got a perfect work for you." He smiles before going over to bring a bowl of onions. He places it in front of her.

"What do I do with these?"

"Dice it"

"Dice?" She asked.


Jason took the knife and showed her how to dice the onions.

"Ahh...this is dice...I can do it" She collect the knife from him and started cutting the onions.

"Hey...that's too big. I asked you to dice not cut." He got behind her holding both her hands.

"Gently, you dice...like this..." He said teaching her the steps.

"Slowly...." He said releasing her.

"Slowly...like this..." She began dicing it while he smiles mussing up her hair.

"You're a fast learner" He compliment while she grins. She continues dicing the onions while he help her pack her hair.

"I personally think...ladies who packs their hair are the most sexy" He said packing her hair in a ponytail.

"Young man what's is sexy?" She quizzed.

"Something...you don't need to know. Continue" He said and went back to his cooking.

Penny bit her lower lip as she dice the onions which has starts to sting her eyes.

Jason took his eyes to her and discover this. Then he smirks to himself.

"You have something in your eyes" He said to her and she brought up her palm to rub it but that seems to be a terrible mistake because the moment she did...her eyes started stinging hard.

"Oww...Young man...my eyes!" She started rubbing it while Jason laugh at her clumsiness.

"Hey stop that it'll make it worse" he held her hand stopping her.

"It...stings...it stings so much...I can't see anything Young man" she started panicking with her eyes tightly closed.

"Come on...let's get it washed off" He held her hand tightly and lead her out of the kitchen after turning off the cooker.

"Ahhh....my eyes...I can't open it."

"Don't try to open it...come on we're almost there"


After rinsing her eyes, he dabbed her face with a towel.

"Open it now" He said and slowly she did.

"Ugh!" She breathes out in relief

"I thought I was gonna lose my eyes...then I won't be able to see you anymore...that scared me" She sighs while he flickers her forehead before leaving. Penny rubs her forehead following him.

"I see dicing an onion is not an easy thing to do. One even gets hurt in the process."

"Of course there's nothing easy in the world. You have to get anything you desire through hard work" Jason replied as they go downstairs

"But Young man...don't you have family? What about your mother and your father?" She asked while his expression changed.

"I lost my father...at a tender age"


"But my mother is still alive."

"Then why isn't she with you?"

"She doesn't stay here...to avoid the bad memories..." He mumbles.

"Come to think of it...I met you through my mother...if I hadn't went to see her then...you wouldn't be here" he looks at her and snickers.

"I can still remember how you jumped on me then...you were certainly crazy then."

"Right? I jumped on you....like this" She jumped on him suddenly making him stagger backwards but instead of falling his butt landed on the couch with Penny sitting straddled on him with her hands hanging around his shoulders.

"Hey!" He scrowl while she grins.

"I can see you are still crazy"

"I really appreciate your mother...because of her...I could meet an awesome young man like you" She smiles while he clears his throat.

"I'm super awesome right?" He quizzes while she nodded.

"You should be grateful...you wouldn't find an awesome guy like me anywhere...I'm one of a kind you see" he whispers smiling.

"I know...you're my young man...I'm happy...it's you I jumped on..." She mutters.

"You should be honoured"

"Young man..." She called in a serious tone.

"Uh?" He uhned.

"Can..." She paused while he crease his brows.

"Can I...kiss you?" She asked staring intently at him.

Jason seems taken aback and bereft for words. The question got him like that is the first time she would asked such. Strangely, it seems different...the atmosphere between them was different also.

"Can I?" She asked slowly again. Her eyes not leaving his. His eyes darted to her lips and before he could stop himself, he consented to it. Surprising himself also.

"Do" He permitted as the air between them changed to a hot one. Slowly, she brought her hand from his shoulder to his face. She started leaning closer and his eyes instinctively went shut. Within a second, he felt the warmth of her lips on his. It was soft and soothing. With their eyes closed, their lips stayed connected with each other.