
I, Naruto's Uncle, Am Really Invincible

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/naruto-uncle-i-am-really-invincible.html Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: Venturing into the Naruto World, Kazuhiko found himself positioned as Naruto's future uncle, the cousin of Kushina, and the emerging head of the Uzumaki Clan, which teetered on the brink of annihilation. Kazuhiko had initially anticipated leading a life of leisure as a wealthy second-generation individual. Yet, fate had different plans. The Land of Whirlpools stood on the precipice of devastation. Providentially, just as this crisis emerged, an activation signal resonated within him - the initiation of a unique system that promised rewards through daily logins. He signed in as a member of the Uzumaki Clan, reaping the reward of the [Admiral Kizaru Template], a boon to his powers. Logging into the clandestine chamber within the Uzumaki family estate, he gained the [Death God Zaraki Kenpachi Template]. Further sign-ins on Naruto Rock granted him the coveted [Sage Body]. And within the Valley of the End, yet another sign-in bestowed upon him the [Rinnegan], an ability of profound significance. Years flowed by, and Uzumaki Kazuhiko proudly stood atop the pyramid of the ninja world. With his ascendancy, the Uzumaki lineage claimed the mantle of the foremost family in the realm of shinobi. ********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

Chapter 2 : System

The legacy of the once-pure Uzumaki clan was slowly fading away, leaving behind a scene of disparity among its members.

Uzumaki Kazuhiko, unable to come to terms with this reality, gazed upon the Uzushiogakure Village with a heavy heart.

As a wanderer, he had never experienced the tranquillity of Konoha and had, by a twist of fate, ended up in the Land of Whirlpools, a nation on the brink of annihilation.

This desperate situation weighed heavily on him, especially considering his heritage as the son of the esteemed leader of the Land of Whirlpools. Was he, the future leader, meant to watch his homeland crumble?

Leaving aside other concerns, Kazuhiko had grown fond of this place during his short stay. Despite its modest size, the nation felt like an extended family, united under the banner of the Uzumaki clan.

The people here were straightforward and direct, unafraid to voice their thoughts and feelings openly.

Though the Land of Whirlpools lacked the grandeur of other territories, its harmonious atmosphere and genuine nature resonated with Kazuhiko.

There were fewer hidden motives and scheming, which he found refreshing. Over the past days, he had come to accept his role as the future clan head and developed an affinity for the straightforward folks residing here.

Regrettably, all of this was now under threat, a reality that had dawned upon him as he observed Uzumaki Hiroki, a simple and endearing individual. Despite the fear in their eyes, a glimmer of hope still remained, a hope that somehow Konoha could save them.

Kazuhiko exchanged a glance with Uzumaki Hiroki, whose eyes were wide with a blend of fear and optimism. Uzumaki Hiroki glanced back at him, his large dark eyes glistening, and with a "sniff," he wiped his runny nose.

"Hey, how can we prevent the Uzumaki clan from vanishing?"

"I'm still too weak at the moment! Even if I tell everyone that Konoha won't come to our aid, no one will believe me."

"Must I resign myself to fate? What is to become of this nation?"

"I refuse to accept it! I absolutely refuse!"

[Ding! Host's emotional turmoil detected, activating interdimensional sign-in system! ]

[Interdimensional sign-in system initialization in progress... World detection completed: Host's current plane is the Naruto Ninja World.]

[System binding to Host in progress... 1%, 2%... 98%, 99%, 100%!

System binding successful!]

[Detecting the world in which the Host is located... Detection in progress: 1%, 2%, 3%... 99%, 100%.]

Suddenly, an imperceptible circular ripple emanated from Kazuhiko, spreading across Konoha, the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind, the Land of Waves, and beyond—to the Land of Iron, the Land of Hot Waters, the Land of Thunder, the Land of Earth, the Land of Water.

In mere moments, these ripples encompassed the entirety of the ninja world.

[Detection successful! Host is located in the Naruto ninja world. Detected area of residence: Land of Whirlpools!

First sign-in area: Uzumaki Clan in the Hidden Ninja Village of Whirlpools! (Incomplete)

Note: Host is urged to sign in promptly!]

"Is this my trump card? Incredible! Just as I'm about to lose hope, a glimmer of light emerges!

This power allows me to rescue the Land of Whirlpools!

After all, the Uzumaki clan's ancestral home is my home. I must sign in without delay.

The first sign-in reward surely won't disappoint!"

With these thoughts, Kazuhiko heard the voice in his mind, accompanied by a panel that materialized before his eyes.

Hope ignited within him, momentarily eclipsing the turmoil in his heart. Suppressing his excitement, he paid no attention to Uzumaki Hiroki's bewildered expression.

"I'll be heading back now!"

He spoke with newfound determination, his eyes blazing, and began his journey back.

"Lord Kazuhiko, wait up! Where are you off to?"

Uzumaki hurriedly caught up, his own anxiety evident.

Kazuhiko soon arrived at the clan's grounds, where an ancient building stood in black and red grandeur. The ancestral structures sprawled out, housing the Uzumaki clan and Kazuhiko's own abode. Here resided the clan head and its elders.

Two Uzumaki ninjas guarded the entrance. Kazuhiko strode past them, his purpose clear.

Seeing him, the guards exchanged puzzled glances.

"Lord Kazuhiko, what brings you here? The clan head and elders are currently discussing crucial matters inside."

"If you're in a hurry, I can inform them on your behalf."

Another guard moved to approach, concerned. Kazuhiko pressed on, ignoring the offer.

"No need, I'll handle this myself. Please continue your guard duty."

The other guard intervened, pulling the concerned one back.

"Lord Kazuhiko is the future clan head. It's acceptable for him to proceed. Let's not pry."

Kazuhiko's anxiety propelled him forward, though he realized he had rushed in without regard for the ongoing meeting inside.

As he turned a corner, the heated debates from the hall gradually reached his ears.

"Konoha will surely come to aid us! Our alliance spans years!"

"Yes, indeed! We must place trust in Konoha!

The Land of Water dares not attack us with Konoha's support!"

"However… Can we truly count on Konoha?"

"Kazuki, don't doubt it! Of course Konoha will stand with us!

We've stood by them, and now, in our time of need, they will come!"

"Absolutely, you're right!"

"You're on point, Hideno!"

"Kazuki, this isn't a topic to doubt. Konoha will come!"

"But... but…"

"Kazuki, you're overthinking this…"

Kazuki's attempts to speak were continually interrupted, his voice unheard in the clamour.

Kazuhiko stood outside the door, absorbing the contents without uttering a word.

And then, at last...

"System, Uzumaki clan, sign-in!"