
I must protect her at all cost

The unforeseen incident reveals the basic background of the Adelaide Selene Lux family, making the people around her feel mysterious about her, wanting to know more than the basics. While her partner is more eager to take care of her and while at it he found something interesting about Adelaide's background. Caius Adler Griffin the partner of Adelaide who's eager to take care of her with her family, and so in some time Adelaide asked or more like suggested to her family to transfer Caius to the school she will be transferring at the end of the school year this year. However, there's a catch once he accepts all the conditions and benefits he will be receiving he can't back out. If he did it will cause his life. Caius' dream going to need a lot of hardship, ten times more than he gave to his studying and in sports. Unbeknownst to Adelaide and the rest of her family, his feelings are all hidden deep in his heart wanting to let out, rattling his heart out like a caged monster wanting to be freed and cause chaos. He controlled it well but will his cage survive while being with the girl who started all of this from the very beginning.

Bluemoon029 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

In an early spring young teens are playing seriously to win the trophy and medals for their team. Sweat is perceptible, the pressure of tension on their muscles is high, shoes making a sound by the friction caused by their fast move and the sound of the shuttlecock hitting the racquet making the spectators watch in awes. Nevertheless, there is one that stands out way too much by just hearing their attack, they shudder in excitement and fear. In court four, a mix doubles are playing each other the score between the two teams are tight. It's fifteen scores for the opposing team, Gage High, and sixteen for the winning team, Cerulean High. Adelaide and Caius (pronunciation is similar to "chaos"), is on fire the two formations are on sync and well-balanced.

Adelaide Selene Lux has an unusual hair color, a hazel brown tied in a bond together sway like a wave in a peaceful ocean, her lips are a puffy heart-shaped with a color of a slight red with pink hues in the middle. She has a height of 5ft and 5in, Adelaide's body is made by a God of a sculptor, every inch of her is perfect, women envious of her right curve on her waist, not only that, her skin is beige color slightly pale and her teeth is as white as a crystal. However, they couldn't hate her, just by hearing her voice is like an angel speaking to them so sweet and melodious, also her attitude is innocent, she's beautiful inside out. Adelaide is like a moon it's hard to reach you could only look from far away. Her eyes are an ocean glimmering in the light of the moon at night.

Caius Adler Griffin is a 6ft young man, his hair is as dark as a raven feather with a tan skin-colored and right muscular body. His deep, husky voice could make all women kneel down and shudder in delight just by hearing him. He smiles charm everybody except for his partner, Adelaide. His angular cheekbone carved down towards flinty, sharp jaw. When people look at Caius at the eye they'll be surely lost as his eyes are like a forest maze. Men envy him at the same time idolized him, not only a badminton player but also a volleyball, basketball, football player in every season of the sports he tries out. Nevertheless, he excels at his academics without a fail every year, his popularity never diminishes.

As Caius smashes the shuttle without holding back, the opposite team failed to apprehend his attack, making Adelaide turn around to her partner and give a high five but she abruptly stops and looks up at the ceiling of the gymnasium. No one would have foreseen this catastrophe; Adelaide immediately runs to Caius standing and pushes him away out of the way making him bump the wall with a not so hard safeguard attach to the wall.

"Hey, Adelaide what was that for?" asked Caius while hissing and massaging his bum and lower back from the impact.

Everyone in the gymnasium heard and watch a metal from the ceiling fall from where Adelaide and Caius are. They watch in horror as Adelaide pushes Caius away from the danger but putting herself in danger instead. In a second a clang is heard and echoed through the room; the people heaved a single sigh of relief. Except for Caius who is petrified looking at Adelaide, for the first time in his life he felt fear and anxiety, he saw her left foot being crushed underneath the heavy metal.