
I must confess

Author: Crimson B
Completed · 150.4K Views
  • 28 Chs
  • 4.8
    38 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is I must confess

Read ‘I must confess’ Online for Free, written by the author Crimson B, This book is a Horror&Thriller Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Zac lives a carefree life as a model with his famous mother. He is suddenly sent away with his aunt when the truth about...


Zac lives a carefree life as a model with his famous mother. He is suddenly sent away with his aunt when the truth about his mother is revealed to him by an unknown source. Only when the pieces are finally put together does Zac realize that not everything is as it seems. One action can cause the ruin of a person's entire life and Zac finds out that his mother was on the receiving end of that action.

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Me enamoré de un malvado

El matrimonio de Cristina cambió y de lo dulce y romántico, se convirtió, de repente, en un infierno, por el trato cruel y déspota de su marido, un CEO súper multimillonario, dominante, que consideraba a su mujer, simplemente como un objeto. Donatello, su marido, abandona el lecho conyugal, y se aficiona a otras mujeres y borracheras, despilfarrando su fortuna. Ella cansada de los maltratos de él, decide dejarlo y luego de separarse, sostiene un romance con un cantante. Herido en su orgullo y amor propio, Donatello, al descubrir ese romance, se suicida. La vida, entonces, de Cristina se derrumba ante sus ojos luego que sus hijas la abandonan acusándola de responsable de la muerte de su padre. Sin embargo, el marido había obligado a firmar un contrato de matrimonio a Cristina, su mujer, que la comprometía a tomar las riendas de la fortuna familiar, dejando de lado al ambicioso Francesco, el hermano de Donatello, quien aspiraba hacerse del imperio del CEO y convertirse en el hombre más poderoso del mundo. Cristina tratará de recuperar el amor de sus hijas, volver a enamorarse, manejar el fastuoso consorcio económico que le dejó su marido y enfrentar las ambiciones de Francesco empecinado en conseguir la fortuna, aún tenga que matar a su propia cuñada. Amor, desengaño, contrato de matrimonio, romance, dolor, angustia, acción y suspenso, se suceden en esta apasionante novela, "Me enamoré de un malvado" que lo mantendrá en vilo de principio a fin.

Edgar_Romero_0510 · Urban
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  【团宠+穿书】叮!每天给老公早晚安吻,持续三个月,奖励一头靓丽海藻瀑布黑发! 叮!每天早晚准时问候老公累不累,连续半年,奖励一让人看了想亲吻的饱满嫩红唇! 叮!每天给老公做饭一次, ……  林寻一摔不小心到现代,还被人妻系统绑定,   好不容易挑个完美老公嫁了,走上人生巅峰!   谁知,领证结婚大半年后,老公突然重生黑化,每天嚯嚯磨刀冲她这个‘恶毒女配’? 偏偏她还不自知,每天甜蜜喊着老公亲亲、抱抱举高高! 直到被离婚当天,林寻觉醒记忆才知道自己穿书,穿到一本《拯救黑化偏执大佬》的文里。   书里大杀四方、黑化偏执需要拯救的男主是她现任老公,女主另有其人。   而她现在正穿成害男主一辈子对女人石更不起来、男主恨不得挫骨扬灰又厌恶的‘恶毒女配?’? 林寻:“……” 认清事实真相后,在保命和男人两者,林寻果断选择前者,立即签下离婚协议。 转身挥挥衣袖立即奋起挺进娱乐圈, 一朝逆袭太成功,不仅成功登顶娱乐圈三金影后,还让之前某个一心让她净身出户的狗男人天天喊她‘宝宝’,上赶着求她复婚! (男女双洁,强大深情占有欲特别强偏执男主VS表面老公脑实则心机勾人颜值爆表美美美妖艳货女主)

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277 Chs


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Wow, a truly unexpected start to a heart gripping start to an emotional rollercoaster of a story.! The raw emotions are caught so well. I'm following the protagonists development praying they emerge stronger and that they conquer all the obstacles.!! Awesome start, keep the chapters coming. It's good..


This was a very different story than I was expecting to read, but in a good way! The character describing is on point and very detailed. I an curious to see how things go on for Zac!


Reveal spoiler


The plot is noice. Very noice. Impressive novel..... Have nothing to say just keep up the good work... Imma recommends this to mah friends who loves horror n thriller. Keep up the good work :)


The stability of the story plot plus the imagination of the reader is equals to the most amazing thriller story I have read! It's nice to read such stories as somewhat some of it is very relatable. I love how the story goes and I am hoping for more chapters to come. Keep up the good work author! Highly recommended.


I had a good first impression on the story! This is an interesting one. The synopsis first got my attention. I love the Author's writing style. It really emphasizes the storyline. Kudos to the Author!


i love the character development of the story, i am looking forward for more chapters. i hope you dont drop the story, i love how detailed the story is.


Nice one here real beautiful story I love the way you began send the way it floi very beautiful I'd definitely recommend this work I will read more of this but just thought into.let you know how good your work is


This story really caught my attention once I read through the first chapter. I mean, besides from the synopsis, a guy name Zac AS A MODEL. Bruh, my mind was going fangurl mode. BUT! This story is truly good. The way the author uses his/her words, is indeed incredible. Damn well deserves 5 stars! Waiting for the next chapter!


this is a nice one good job to the author for this astonishing piece of work it is a wonderful one i love the settings the plot and the heading of the novel good job author


Nice Story.. Held me and made me want to read more.. The character build is so On point.. Good job writer..👍🏽👍🏽 hope to see more From this book😊👏🏼👏🏼


Interesting and Entertaining. when you read the synopsis, it made you think of what's the problem. and when started reading it, you can say "Oh, that's it." kudos writer.. keep it up


This book has a very exciting plot and I am loving it... the author's writing style is really good too... I am waiting for more....[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


the plot is amaxing... the characters are interesting... keep up the good work and kep going... you have an amazing story... I loved your book!!


The writing is excellent (grammar and punctuation) and the author's attention to details are outstanding with scenes fully fleshed out. The dialogues between characters are also on point. They feel like real conversation. There was a scene where a character was being hit in the face, but instead of just telling us, the author described it in a way that I didn't expect. I loved that scene. This novel is a must read! 😉


Wow! Amazing master piece! Just the synopsis stole my heart to dive deeper to read more. One thing I know, is the fact that we cannot escape influence. Crimson B, has spilled out an amazing master piece "I must confess".. Lol I know what you are thinking.. I must confess this is a great work of inspiration, interestingly, I must confess is the title of this amazing...what a perfect alignment that the author stole my thought as a title. I mean, I must confess this a great job. The synopsis is dupe, though brief and packed full, which makes it easy to understand and impacting. The synopsis sets the pace for the quality of her work. Perfect structure revealing how truth can break hold of secret and change the entire dynamics of our relationship. If I didn't catch anything, I caught the author's very thought "One action can cause the ruin of a person's entire life.." Great job, very commendable, I recommend this master piece. Kudos to the author! Reviewed: Author Pattyegah Ikwue


The story is really good... The details and all is also good, at first I feel a bit confused but as I continue reading it, it felt a bit relaxing... If you are looking for a good pace, I recommend this... Keep it up...


this is such a unique story. very interesting. i would really like to finish this book and see what happens at the end. the plot is different from the other run-of-the-mill stuff.


The story that begins with a story. I am intrigued, and quite eager to explore the rest of this work. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in being... Wowed.


I have to pause from reading just to say 'I love you, Zac!" I wanna give him a very nice hug! I mean I already expected things when I read the synopsis but it is actually different when you actually read it! It's a good find and I will be sure to add this to my library for Zac!


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