

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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41 Chs


What Sookie didn't know is that the Brolly family was looking for her, and it's because they needed her as an employee, not as the adopted daughter she is to them.

They did everything to find her; until they managed to find her.

The moment they arrived at Sookie's foster home, they put on the best of shows, to get Frankie back, who was called Sookie.

After two hours of drama, they managed to get Sookie handed over to him, and despite her constant protests, they managed to take her away.

"Demon girl, now you will pay us all this" Angelica Brolly said, bursting with anger.

As soon as they got to the house, they all started whipping poor Frankie, and after that, they locked her in the basement for four days without eating anything.

While all of this was going on, Bridget was overjoyed at what poor Frankie was going through.

During all that year, the Brolly family, including Bridget, had poor Frankie as a servant in the house, and they did not allow her to study; much less, leave the house.

Frankie couldn't handle the situation anymore and felt that she should run away from home, and in one of her escapes, Frankie met Nathaniel Williams.

At first, neither of them decided to talk, but feeling that they were together, they felt a warmth in their hearts, and little by little, they became best friends.

The two had agreed to meet every night in that place at midnight.

To protect themselves and so that no one would find out about the friendship they had established, they decided not to say their names. As the months passed, the two began to feel attracted but decided not to say anything for the time being.

Both Frankie and Nathaniel had enjoyed that magical night, and without thinking twice, they decided to give themselves over to love. A pure and true love, that would last for a lifetime.

"I love you, and I don't want to lose you," Nathaniel said, holding Frankie in his arms, completely naked.

"I don't ever want to lose you either," Frankie told him, enjoying being in Nathaniel's arms.