

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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All the employees were immensely happy working in the mansion and at the same time, they fulfilled, with a smile on their lips, all their obligations.

Whenever they came home from their day off, they returned more willing to work and did so with more energy than before and always happy and singing, while they worked until ten o'clock at night, which they headed to sleep.

Everything was going perfectly; until, things in the house began to disappear, and no member of the Stevenson family; far from it, the people who worked in the mansion, could give a reason for the disappearance of things.

The Stevenson family could not believe that this kind of thing is happening in their house, where it should be a safe place for its inhabitants; so, they knew they shouldn't overlook this, and they had to investigate.

Before investigating the theft, they decided to ask each of the workers, if they knew the exact location of the missing objects, to see what they would respond to, and thus, know exactly how they should act.

For two weeks, non-stop and with the authorization of the house bosses, both the butler and the housekeeper, they began to question each of the employees and with discretion, so as not to raise suspicion.

Nobody said anything and everyone preferred to remain silent, before saying something that could harm them or simply, they did not know anything about it.

The only ones who knew about the theft are the Peters family because they are the thieves, and they decided to steal because they loved the power and the feeling of having beautiful and elegant things in their house.

While they were investigating the employees, the owners of the house, who are the Stevenson family, gave the order to take away the days off they had enjoyed until Sunday, and they could not approach their children and babies, until they discovered who they are thieves.

From the peace and harmony, they had enjoyed so far, it disappeared due to thefts.

The employees were saddened by this mistrust on the part of their employers because the vast majority of them are honest and hard-working people, and for that reason, they did not deserve that treatment.

But not all people are like this, because the Peters family are the only ones who did not care about anything, because they are the ones who were enjoying what was stolen.

Weeks went by, and they didn't find the thieves; until, tired by the dense environment in the house and by the mistrust that the robberies had generated, they asked the Williams family for help, so that, together, they set a trap, so that the culprits fall under their weight and throw them out immediately of the house and without salary.

The Williams family told the Stevenson family that they should buy all the furniture, sell what they have, and put all kinds of surveillance cameras in that new furniture, so they can see who the thieves are.

The Stevenson family did exactly what the Williams family told them to do. It took them several days to do exactly what the Williams family recommended they do.

Once ready, the only thing they could do is wait, until they see what the cameras capture. The Stevenson family had to wait a month to find the thieves; So that they end all the injustices and mistrust, which have been against employees since the wave of robberies began.

Nobody would imagine, what they would see next when they did all that. When they saw the cameras, they saw the Peters family, stealing everything they could from the house.

Annoyed and with all the evidence they had gathered against them, they were thrown out, without pay and with an arrest warrant.