

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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This story was told by a person close to Cyrus and Navajas and related the following to them: "I remember once that a person, who I will not reveal his name, said the following:" When I was fifteen years old and I was in full "Age del Burro ", which means that one rebelled before their parents without caring about anything and disobeyed their parents' orders, they felt a fascination towards roller coasters.

The fascination for this device was so great that they could not avoid going to Disneyland every day, just for the sole purpose of climbing on that machine and feeling free to do so.

I was the only one who had not experienced that or felt the adrenaline that my friends had felt. Every time they told me to go to Disneyland, I refused because I didn't find any sense in doing it and because it was not something that made me feel attracted to it.

Faced with the constant insistence of my friends and with the support of my parents, I decided to go to that place, without spirit, to be honest, to climb on the roller coaster and feel the adrenaline of which everyone did not stop talking.

We had agreed to go in two weeks because by that time, we would be finishing up with the exams and after that, we didn't want to know anything but our lives and live to the fullest.

During that time, there was something inside me, deep inside me that told me "don't go, stay home, because something bad is going to happen", but I ignored it and went to the amusement park.

After having entered several games and having fun, we decided to go on the roller coaster, to continue our happiness.

At first, nothing happened, and everything was quiet; Until, like a flash or by the Devil, the roller coaster was going full speed, and we were really scared.

No matter how much we shouted, no one came to our aid, and in one of those ups and downs of that game, I saw VALAK and the Devil.

I was really scared and did not know what to do, and all I did was pray and ask for all my family so that they have consolation in my death.

One by one my friends were dying in the scariest and most chilling ways than I ever thought I had to see and experience and don't ask me why, but I saw the carriage of death and Semyazza, putting all those souls in that carriage, to take them to hell and VALAK, he was supervising everything.

While all the people and my friends continued to cry out for help, I did not stop praying, asking for our souls, and thanking God for everything.

When I finished praying, I was the only survivor, and everyone including my friends had died, and I was the only survivor.

It took me a lot to assimilate everything that had happened on the Roller Coaster, and I still don't understand what happened and the reasons that led them to commit it.

After that, I no longer spoke to anyone, and I easily lost myself in my thoughts, completely forgetting about reality and what I had experienced.

After two weeks, the respective funerals were held. I did not go, because it was difficult for me to realize the reality and to say goodbye to my friends and acquaintances.

My family, seeing that I did not react and that it was difficult for me to do the same thing again, took me to a psychologist. In the beginning, nothing out of the ordinary had happened; until, one fine day, I saw the ghosts of all my friends and acquaintances, in the psychologist's office.

I thought I was going crazier than I already was and I was very scared, having that feeling that I had lost my mind.

Little by little, with difficulty and helping my friends and acquaintances, having the end they deserve, they began to cross the portal that led to the sky.

From that moment, I realized that one of my professions is to help people have the outcome they deserve, so they can go to heaven; apart from being a writer and reporter.

Finally, I will say the following, and it is that Frankie Brolly, is actually Barbara Stevenson, the girl that you have been looking for like crazy for all but, be careful because her adoptive family is not what you think you are.

First, conquer her heart, before revealing the truth to her, listen to me, and you will be able to tell her the truth and with time, you will know perfectly all the reasons why you cannot reveal the truth to her "