

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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41 Chs


After things had calmed down, they managed to put the Peters family in jail, and most important of all, trust between employer and employee has returned.

In the Stevenson house, peace, harmony, and above all, tranquility reigned, because there was no longer any evil; far from it, people who do as much evil as the Peters family.

For two weeks, the Stevenson family, as compensation for the damages caused to their employees, decided to give them several parties for two weeks, give them their days off again and give them a raise in salary.

The employees, seeing the generosity of their employers, could not take it anymore and began to cry, but from the happiness of seeing how generous their employers and the Williams family are, who had also organized the parties and had helped the Stevenson family with the preparations for your employees' party.

The employees did not stop thanking their bosses, the housekeeper, and the butler, for how generous they are and for all the things they have been given, and also for their kindness.

They were extremely grateful to their bosses and swore that whatever happens, they will always be faithful to them, their children, nephews, and grandchildren and that they will always defend them with their own lives, if necessary.

At that party, both the Stevenson family and the Williams family took advantage and united Barbara and Nathaniel in marriage.

"How are you going to commit them in marriage? They are just babies and do not realize what is happening around them. We should wait for them to grow up and for them to decide everything" said Charisma, trying to have a reproachful face, when she knew that the decision her husband, Adam and Sandy had made, is for the best.

"This is for the best. Besides, God forbid, but if something happened to us or one of us died, at least they would have to spend the rest of their lives together," Adam said, trying to reason with his wife.

Both Adam, Michael, and Sandy, had the strange feeling that one of them would die before their children grew up and that is why they have decided to start uniting their children in marriage.

"What's wrong? Why did they get melancholic?" Kirsten asked, approaching the group, carrying a tray of wines and the other of different snacks.

At that moment, Adam, Charisma, Michael, Catherine and Sandy, managed to bring Kirsten up to date, with her fears about the future of her children without them.

"How can you think of death in a nice and happy moment like this day, that you just ruined?" Kirsten said, sad and annoyed to really hear what they are thinking.

"Love, don't be angry. We simply have to think about the inevitable, because if the Peters family gets out of jail or manages to escape, the first thing they will do is kill us, because we have put them in jail, for thieves and scammers and that is why, we are already thinking about the future of our children. A future without us, "said Sandy, with a certain sadness in her voice.

"Gentlemen, the best thing is that we leave the conversation until here and that what has to happen," said Catherine, trying to change the conversation, to change the topic of conversation and so that no one notices how nervous they were.

They decided to leave the conversation, until further notice, but secretly, Adam, Michael, and Sandy, would meet to get everything in order, before that happens, and it is too late to think about the future of their children.