

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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People who are gay are not to blame for being born that way, loving people of the same sex, and how there are people who can't understand people who are gay, they judge them without knowing them.

The vast majority of gays have to live a double life, in order not to be judged by Society, who loves to point the finger at all the people who do not pass the test, making them feel miserable.

Both Frankie and his family and friends would experience firsthand the evil of people and how low they can go, just to see their dreams come true, and at the same time, kill gays and transsexuals.

One of them, who wanted to kill gays and transsexuals, is Simón Rosende, for something that he lived and experienced firsthand.

Simon's first love was when he was twelve years old, and the love of his life was called Candance.

Candance was a pretty girl with golden hair like the sun, blue eyes like the sky, a mouth, and fine features.

Instead, Simon owns a beauty that stands out from the typical beauty, he has all the positive qualities, and he was a kind and caring man.

Everything was going perfectly between the two, and they were even accepted, as a couple, by their respective families.

But not everything was rosy, because there were people who couldn't stand the idea of ​​them being together, and they would do anything to separate them.

One of the families who wished that they were not together, is the Swan family, who desperately wanted that separation, because they knew that it was the only way for the Rosende family to join the plan of revenge that they were planning to carry out, against the Stevenson family.

The Swan family, are the owners of a hospital and in it, they operated illegally, operations that did not need anyone to find out the truth.

For the plans of the Swan family to be executed perfectly, they knew perfectly well that they had to get the Rosende family with them through thick and thin.

As soon as they had the opportunity to kidnap Candance they did it and without thinking twice, because they knew that she would be the main engine for revenge, because with her out of the game and out of Simon's life, he would be filled with hate, just like his family, and everyone would take advantage of that moment to turn them against the Stevenson family.

They immediately took her to the hospital where they are the owners and began the operation to change her sex, turning her into a man, and at the same time, they did everything to change her voice, so that it would stop sounding feminine.

The sex-change operation lasted a whole day and half the next day because it was not easy to do what they did to achieve that change in Candance.

When they managed to change her sex and saw that her feminine appearance disappeared completely, and now she looked totally like a man, all that was left was to give her a man's name so that the change would be definitive.

After thinking it over, they decided that he would be called Christian. As soon as Candance woke up, she felt a lot of pain, and at the same time, she felt dizzy and confused.

The moment he started talking, he got too scared because that wasn't his voice and when he started to inspect his body, he realized that, that wasn't his body either, and he didn't understand what was happening.

Candance was really scared because until two days ago, she was a woman, and now she's a man. While everyone was extremely happy with the results, Candance didn't know what to think or say about it.

The only thing he could do is cry inconsolably, to be able to unburden himself, and he did so. As she was crying, she began to remember all the happy times she had with Simon, and all the nice times she had spent with her family.

Suddenly, he felt a fear that he didn't know how to explain because he had to explain to them the reasons why he now looks and talks like a man.

Candance, who is now called Christian, knew perfectly well that both her family and the Rosende and Simón families hate gays and transsexuals; especially transsexuals, because they were against them deciding to change their sex when they were born being who they are.

In addition, Candance knew perfectly well that the moment her family, the Rosende family, and her love saw her, they would kick her out of the house and out of their lives with kicks and strong insults.

As soon as they released her, Candance went straight to her family's house, who were also the Rosende family, including Simón, who was really worried about Candance's disappearance.

The moment Candance got home, she began to experience the real fear of rejection from people who are important to her.

And it was not for less, because as soon as they saw her and found out the truth, at that precise moment they rejected her and denied her.

Regardless of Candance's explanations, they decided that she would no longer be a part of their lives, and they would tell everyone who asks about Candance, they would say that she is dead, that she died in a car accident.

Candace couldn't believe what she was hearing, and how she couldn't take it anymore with the rejection of the people who are too significant to her, Candace began to cry, while trying to understand them.

Seeing the faces of each of them that showed the disgust they felt towards her, she decided to leave, to avoid more problems or confrontations.

After what happened, Candance collapsed in the middle of the street, remembering what it was like to visit her loved ones and how they rejected her for being a man now.

"Get out of our sight, transvestite. I refuse to believe that you are Candance", was her father's response, when he had just learned the terrible truth.

"Candance is dead to us; so, I demand that you leave and never come back," said her grandfather, really furious and unable to control his growing anger towards Candance.

"Go away thing. My girlfriend is not a transvestite," said Simón Rosende, bursting with anger.

At that moment, she didn't care that they were watching her, because all she cared about was that she had let her family down, the love of her life, and the Rosende family.

At first, Candance had a hard time getting used to her new appearance and her new lifestyle, because she was born a woman and not a man; especially, because she began to experience the rejection of her relatives, of her great love who is Simón Rosende and of the Rosende family towards her.

The reason why they rejected her was that they denied and denied her, and that had Candance's heart in a thousand pieces.

But she knew that she had to get on with her life in the best possible way and try to live as a man, and in that process, it was difficult for Candance, because she has always lived and experienced things that any woman would experience, and now she has to do all of that as a man, forgetting that he was once a woman.

But the poor thing knew that it would not be easy to get the idea that she has to live as a man and not as a woman. Little by little and with the help of some transvestites, Candace managed to live as a man and get the idea that she is a man.

Both the Candance family, the Rosende family, and Simón Rosende, began to circulate the true appearance of Candance, who is no longer a woman; but, a man in his totality.

Little by little, Candance's friends began to turn their backs on her, because she was no longer the woman they had known for all these years; but, a man in his entirety and now he is called Christian.

Candance's sex change is reasoned enough for them to start denying her as their friend, and start treating her like she's the worst thing they've ever had to deal with.

During this process, Candance has been alone, because she has not been able to count on her loved ones; but, with strangers, who knew perfectly well what she was going through.

The next two years that she lived as a man, she felt the real rejection by society and by all the people who Candance admired.

In those two years, Candace felt that she could no longer live as a man; so, after thinking about it carefully, she decided to change her sex again, becoming a woman, totally different from what she was before.

The first thing she had to do was take enough hormones to have breasts, fine features, like any woman has, and for her hair to grow.

After a long and extensive plastic and cosmetic surgery and liposuction, in its entirety, which lasted all day, the poor thing became a woman again, but a more beautiful, fine, and refined woman.

Finally, Candance did everything to get her female voice back, and after a year of undergoing all of that, she managed to become a full woman.

Before she became a man, Candace had a typical American beauty: blonde, tan skin, blue eyes, slim, and small breasts.

Post-surgery, Candace has exaggeratedly long blonde hair, white skin, huge breasts, a larger than normal butt cheek, a thick mouth, and a snub nose.

When she managed to recover, she knew she had to find a new name and after several days of thinking about the name, she decided to call herself Candis Cronwell.

Little by little, Candis saw the positive effect she had on people and thanked God for another day of life and a second chance to regroup, and she also thanked the doctors for the opportunity to help her become a woman.

After that, her life changed radically and for the better, and she was never afraid again, and now she gave talks of all kinds and also helped all the people who were going through what she had gone through.

Immediately, Candis got a good job and from that moment on, her life changed for the better, and she left behind all the suffering she had to go through.

As for her family, Simón Rosende, the Rosende family, and her friends, she decided to ignore them, so as not to have to relive all the hell she had to suffer alone and without their help.