

What would you be able to do in the name of love? Would you give up everything for love? Would you allow a member of your family to take your love away from you? Would you ever trust those friends who betrayed you? Would you ever trust the family who turned their back on you? Would you take revenge on the people who took absolutely everything from you and left you in utter misery? What would you feel if you found out that the family who saw you grow up is not your real family? How would you feel if you found out that you were kidnapped by your family's employees as a baby? Would you forgive them? Will you be able to see your first love again? A true love, an unrequited love, lies, deaths and betrayals, are the main ingredients in this story, where nothing is what it seems to be.

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This story begins with a slightly sour story for my grandparents and for my great-uncles, who had to fight hard for the love of their partners and defend themselves from people's gossip.

The names of my grandparents are Adam and Charisma Stevenson, and the names of my great uncles are Michael and Catherine Stevenson, and this is the love story that they lived and lived to the fullest.

Adam, Charisma, Michael, and Catherine met when they were in kindergarten, and like all children, who did not like to be around girls and boys' girls, they would not be the exception because that is how they were when they met.

After several deals and daily living together, they began to know each other more thoroughly and became the best of friends, and they did everything together including, sharing food, playing together, and sitting in the same places.

While the respective relatives of Charisma and Catherine were happy with the friendship because they knew that they are good children and that they would be incapable of hurting them and that this friendship as children would last for a lifetime.

Charisma and Catherine's parents knew that perfectly because that's how they met and now, they are more in love than before and have a strong and close friendship relationship.

But the Stevenson family thought otherwise because they did not entirely agree with that friendship relationship because they were afraid of people's gossip and bad intentions.

"As long as you do not fall in love with them, everything is perfect, and they will always be well received by each one of us. You know perfectly well that yours can never be" said his dad, Donald, worried and anguished about the relationship her children had with Charisma and Catherine.

"Dad, we are just friends, nothing more than that. Besides, we are still small, to be thinking of falling in love or having something serious and none of us want to lose this beautiful friendship that we have and that we had a hard time keeping" said Adam, trying to calm down to his dad and convince him otherwise.

"Father, what my brother just said is true. We are just friends, excellent friends and for now, we are not thinking of falling in love. The only thing we think at this moment is, study and spend the greatest of our times together, as excellent friends that we are, "said Michael, supporting his brother at all times.

"I agree with Donald. Also, just thinking about what people are saying about your friendship makes me sick just thinking that we cannot do the things we want freely, without being criticized.

On the other hand, we do not want our last name and good name to be by word of mouth, just because we want to be friends with all the people we meet.

I know that we cannot judge people by their condition, and believe me we do not, but we know how this world works and believe us when we tell you that they are going to destroy you when you find out who you are friends with.

Let's just hope you accept them and leave you guys alone, because you are too important to us, and we don't want anyone to hurt you.

As for his friendship with them. If they are transparent, then there will be no problem in accepting them as our daughters-in-law, and they will always be welcome in this family ", concluded her mother Julie, who was also just as worried as her husband Donald.

The Stevenson family is one of the most powerful families in the entire United States. They live in The Hamptons, in one of the largest, most beautiful and elegant houses that exists in that place.

Due to their social position, the Stevenson Family, must have an impeccable and neat position and conduct, but, above all, they cannot be by word of mouth or be part of any topic of conversation, which harms them in all senses of the word.

They are not bad, but they had to move according to the environment they are in and always be aware of not doing anything bad that would harm them in the future.

For this reason, the Stevenson family are always aware of everything and most importantly, they always try to protect their own, without putting them in a glass bubble.

The reason why they protect their family in this way is because they are aware of the cruelty of the Society and that people are always aware of their neighbor.

"Mom and Dad, we are just friends. It hurts to know my brother and me, to know and be aware of what you really think of our environment, of the people who come close to us and with whom we fall in love.

We cannot believe that they are so judgmental and that they do not support us at all. If Michael and me, who are their children, treat us in this way, forbidding us with whom we fall in love and if we do fall in love, investigate their social status, in order to be with them, we do not want to imagine how they will treat other people, strangers to this family.

It hurts us to know that anything is more important to you, than us, your own children "Adam finished saying, hurt to see and witness the reaction of his relatives, about the friendship they have with Charisma and Catherine.

"I agree with my brother. It cannot be possible for you to get carried away by what they will say about the gossipers; instead of being on our side, supporting us at all times and without forbidding us anything. Why can't they be like the other parents who unconditionally support their children? Why do they punish us like that? What have we done to make them treat us in such a cruel and ruthless way? " Ended by saying Michael, who supported his brother Adam, in everything he decides to do and has an opinion on the matter.

"Our children, never compare yourself with other people, who mean nothing to us. Instead, you are our children, our world and the most important for your mother and me.

You are the blood of our blood, we love and adore you with your defects and virtues, because there is no one more important than you, our family.

For you to see and feel, how important you are to us, I will tell you the following: if the time comes, and you fall in love with Charisma and Catherine, and they show us, with facts, that they are not bad people, we will give them our full authorization and approval, so that they are together and as a family, we will confront people who wish to harm them or make you no longer with them.

Finally, if you decide to marry them, we will support you in everything and help you with the preparations for your respective marriages "Donald finished saying, trying to reason with his children and reach a reasonable agreement with them.

"Our children, I agree with your father in everything. Never, for any reason, should you compare yourself with anyone and never think that you mean nothing to us or that you are not important, because you are too important to us, and we are capable of do anything for you.

Sorry, if I gave the wrong impression that we care more about the Society or the gossip of people without trade; instead of, you who are our children, because it is not like that, and we are very sorry if we gave the wrong impression about it "Julie ended up saying, while hugging and kissing her children, with tears in her eyes.

"So, let us be friends with her and allow us to have a friendly relationship with them, without any problem and do not forbid us to see them, because it is something that we will not do and if the time comes, we fall in love with them, give us your permission to be immensely happy with them.

"In addition, we are aware that we do not have anything easy and that we have everything against us, but we are not going to give them up for any reason, because they are our soul mates and we want to be with them forever.

We do not know exactly what you are feeling about them, but whatever it is, we are not going to give them up, just because "Society" requires us to be surrounded by people who have our same social position "Adam ended, as he went to hug his parents.

"I also think the same way as my brother. It cannot be possible for the" Society "to tell us who we should be with and who we should not. Besides, we are living in a modern age, where these damages were left in the Stone Age, and now, we can all live in peace and harmony "Michael finished saying, as he joined the group hug.

"We cannot promise anything, but if they meet all the requirements and most importantly, they continue to be transparent as they have been until now, they will count on us unconditionally, and they will be welcomed as our daughters, and we will protect them as we protect you and only time will tell "Donald finished saying, at the same time that he returned the hugs of his children.

"It is true our children. Only time will tell. For now, let's leave this conversation here and let things take their normal course, and if they are your half oranges, then they will have our full approval" Julie said while joining the family group hug.