
I Might Be A Fake deity

this novel revolves around our mc( jun mo xie) i plan to take a slow paced approach towards this novel there are going to be love intrests but no harem i abhore those novel in my opinion it is a excuse for cheap ideas .my ideas for the mc are generous in the front while scheming in the dark i have plans to make mc op mc will not be laying lowkey like a salted fish instead i plan to make him like a villian who will do as he wants. comming back to synopsis the mc jun moxie who was preparing for his exams late at night suddenly experienced a heart attack and was reborn into a world of fantasy with unlimited potential a family background that would cause many young masters to blush and a cheat he himself doesn't understand.with such background talent and cheat if i remain a salted fish even the heavens won't forgive me. my first language is not english i have tried my best to translate and correct grammar mistakes so if you find any my apologies in advance.

luciferu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

underworld judge? but it looks more like a talent show judge..("__")

after 'absolute' became one with jun moxie , jun moxie had a feeling of a faint connection with the other two marks. He couldn't put his finger on it though. But he soon put it on the back of his head for the problem now was to find a way back.

jun moxie kept swimming in the void aimlessly in hopes to find a something or someone he could ask for a way to go back . he travelled for days and weeks without any success he was but a soul so he didn't feel hunger or the need to sleep.

after traveling for weeks he finally found a place where people were lining up umm no they were souls like him they were transperant. He saw these souls and was moved to tears. how long had it been since he had human contact with another person. he swam towards the line at full speed

jun moxie "hey brother what's up i've been stuck at this place for a few weeks now i was transported to someplace else by the way where does this line lead to?"

the soul man " this is the line that leads to the underworld judge you better not speak to loud lest you wanna attract those black guar-"

halfway through his sentence he looked back to find who had asked him this question but he didn't find anyone. He felt puzzled but then as if guessing something his face turned horrified

soul man "is this the legendary voice of temptation that makes you break the line and loose your way? but the voice was too manly how could it arouse temptation?" while feeling puzzled he did not look back anymore and covered his ears murmuring to himself.

jun moxie 'this man looked behind but doesn't seem to have seen me is this the power of absolute? or could it be that im not completely dead? but then why is my soul here???"

the more he thought the more puzzled he became

'but since no one could see me i suppose i should cut in the line hehe'

with this thought jun moxie went ahead curious to see the so called underworld judge . He was however cautious in his approach fearing the judge would be BOSS level and would see him through some magical power. hence he did not stray away from the line but was actually passing through the souls.

this was something jun moxie discovered when the tried to touch the soul man who couldn't see him jun moxie's hand passed right through and the soul man seemed to not have noticed anything..

As he went through the long line of souls he finally found a palace it was made of dark green jade however it gave a dull feeling a strong sense of death.

jun moxie stood in front of the palace a long time wondering if he should go in or would he trigger some security alarm

after standing for a few moments he discovered that every 20 or so mins the palace door would open and a black guard and a white guard would come out to accompany a new soul in for their judgement. He sighed in relief as he found out even the black and white guards couldn't see him.

so jun moxie had a bold idea he directly jumped inside the soul of the next soul man who was about to be brought in.

He was probably the first soul to possess a soul.

as jun moxie was snickering about this the soul man was escorted to the palace

the palace was beautiful with green jade and gold as main components it certainly looked royal. there were some sofa chairs on which some other people were sitting with anxious looks on thier faces holding number cards in their hands the number on one card of a soul was 100007600045 he was stunned what was this number? some punishment it must be he may be whiped so many times wont his soul dissapate? he looked futher to see a soul in guard costume wearing a name tag that said "soulboi789" ?!

How nice of you to wear name tag and proudly show off that name haiii if only i had such confidance in life .

well he did not stop gere but went further under the guidance of black and white soul where he finally could see a stage with three judges sitting in a majestic chair its just that.....

it seemed less of underworld judge but more of a talent show judge

jun moxie ".."