
You may think I'm Crazy

I was sitting on my couch, my parents had just left so I was home alone. I didn't have any siblings to worry about so I could do whatever I wanted to. I packed up a bag with some water, snacks, and other things. I made sure I had my phone and an extra portable charger. Then I set off into the woods on a trail outside my house.

My name is Ella. I'm 15 and this is my story. I'm hoping you will finish this and not think I am a complete psychopath.

It was a nice sunny day in Indiana. I live in the small town Versailles. I was walking down a path in the woods outside my house. I had been up and down this trail for years so I could easily tell where I was.

But when I got to the end of the trail I noticed that it look very different, like I couldn't even tell where I was at all. Then I saw this little purple orb which obviously stood out compared to the green environment. I picked it up (sounds like anything a character from a book would do right?) and kinda just stood there looking at it wondering how it even got there, wondering how I got there.

I came back into reality and realized that my fingertips were getting really tingly. Then before I could realize what was happening I got sucked into this wormhole type vortex.