
I married the love of my life

What do you do when you fall in love with someone? Do you keep trying until you make the other person feel the same or do you give up? Melissa fell in love with Jasper at first sight. He was her whole world. Situations led her into marrying this man of her dreams but will this cold and biased man feel the same for her? Excerpts from the book: "I love you and one day I hope you would too." "I've never loved someone so much to the point of not seeing what it has done to me. I don't think I can ever stop either."

Aphrodite_123_Ares · Urban
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11 Chs

The plan

A week later, Melissa returned the book to the library but chose to hold onto Jasper's library card. As she looked at it, her fingers gently traced the name inscribed upon it. She decided to capture this cherished memory by taking a photograph of both cards resting on her hand. This simple act was a reminder of a lovely memory of their shared experience.

Melissa decided to wait outside the library once again hoping to get lucky again. But this time Jasper was accompanied by Derek.

Derek was overjoyed by the unexpected meeting and approached Melissa with a smile. He couldn't help but feel that fate had played a role in their encounter. He greeted her with enthusiasm, saying, "What a lovely coincidence! What are you doing here?"

Melissa replied, "I'm just returning the books I borrowed last week to the library." She casted a brief glance toward Jasper, acknowledging his presence. 

"I see… Do you like reading?" Derek asked.

"Yeah I do, I love reading" Melissa responded.

Jessica excitedly ran towards Melissa and exclaimed, "I was looking for you everywhere! Let's go get some food!"

Melissa took the opportunity to introduce Derek and Jasper to Jessica, saying, "This is Derek, he's from our class, and this is Jasper, he's his friend."

Jessica warmly greeted them, saying, "Hello, guys! It's so nice to meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you two from her." She giggled.

"Well see you then, I gotta go," Melissa said.

"Alright then see you tomorrow!," Derekn odded.

Derek blushed as he watched Melissa leaving with Jessica.

"Dude, anyone can tell you're in love with her," Jasper remarked.

Derek cupped his face with both his hands and asked in embarrassment," Is it really that obvious?". 

Jasper simply nodded in response.

Later that evening Jasper received a text message from Melissa

M : < Hey you there?"

J : < Who's this?>

M : <Oh so you're there, is this Jasper?">

J : < Yes but who are you?>

M : <It's me Melissa. I'm sorry I took your number without permission. It was written on the library card and forgot to return it you today.>

J : < Okay>

M : < Are you free tomorrow? I can return it tomorrow>

J : < Give it to Derek>

M : < I can but it's yours and I need to repay you for that>

J : < No need. It's fine.>

M : < Just meet me tomorrow please, near the library 1:30pm I'll be waiting>

Jasper was puzzled by Melissa's determination to return the card in person and so he decided to share his thoughts with Derek.

"I happened to accidentally come across Melissa the other day, and she was in trouble," Jasper revealed.

 Derek was concerned and he inquired, "What kind of trouble?"

Jasper explained, "She needed an extra library card for her research and so she took mine."

Derek listened attentively.

Jasper continued, "I lent her mine, and now she wants to return it."

Derek suggested, "Well then, you should go get it."

Jasper was frustrated at how Derek wasn't getting the hint and he responded, "Don't you get it? I'm giving you an opportunity to go meet her and take my card from her. Idiot!".

Derek was deeply moved by his friend's selfless gesture. He expressed his gratitude, and said, "Oh my goodness, I didn't think of it that way. Thank you so much! You're truly my best friend."

Derek realized that despite Jasper's outward demeanor of nonchalance, there was genuine care and friendship beneath the surface. He felt truly grateful and fortunate to have such a wonderful friend in his life.

For Jasper, this plan was like hitting two birds with one stone. He not only helped his friend get a chance to talk to his crush but also ensured he'd get back his library card without having to engage with Melissa directly or go out of his way. It seemed like a pretty good deal for him.

The next day after their classes ended, Melissa eagerly waited for Jasper near the library. Just then, Derek approached her and said, " Yo! You're waiting for Jasper I presume?"

"Uhh yeah… how did you know?" She asked

"Jas had something important to attend to, so he left early today. He asked me to collect his library card from you. I'll make sure I pass it onto him." He explained.

" Oh, is that so?" Melissa responded, she was a little disappointed but did not show it on her face, handing Derek the card."Well then please thank him for me." She said.

"Sure." Derek replied.

Derek saw this as a golden opportunity that Jasper had provided to engage with Melissa and spend time with her.

"Hey, do you want to grab something to eat on our way out?" he asked.

Melissa smiled warmly and agreed. As they strolled toward the cafeteria, Derek initiated a conversation, "So, what are your plans for this summer?"

Melissa thought for a moment before replying, "Well, nothing much. Most likely, I'll be heading to my cousin's place again."

Derek was intrigued, "Again?"

Melissa nodded, "Yeah, I spend every summer with my cousins."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they continued their walk, with Derek seizing the chance to get to know Melissa better.

"Derek gently asked, "What about your parents?"

Melissa paused for a moment, her expression dimming slightly, which made Derek realize he might have touched upon a sensitive topic.

"It's okay, you don't have to share if you don't want to," he reassured her.

Melissa managed a smile and replied, "No, it's fine. My parents are always busy with work, so we hardly ever go on vacations. I can't even remember the last time I had fun during the summer or went to the beach."

Derek couldn't help but feel sympathetic for her.He realized that behind all those smiles and laughter was a person who had experienced loneliness and sadness. Despite being classmates since junior year he had never spoken to her before. She always seemed surrounded by friends and appeared happy, so he had assumed she had everything in life.However, now he wanted to change that perception and make an effort to be there for her and make her feel truly happy.

Derek's face lit up with excitement as he asked, "Would you like to spend your summer a little differently this time?"

Melissa was taken aback by the sudden question. "Huh? What do you mean?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Derek persisted with a determined grin, "No need to worry about the 'how.' Just answer me this: Would you like to see the beach and have fun this summer? Yes or no?"

Melissa couldn't help but smile as she replied, "Yes, I would love to, but how?"

Derek chuckled, his enthusiasm undeterred. "You leave that to me. Don't make plans for anything else this summer," he assured her, hinting at his intention to change her typical summer routine and create memorable experiences together.

With a sense of anticipation and trust in Derek's plan, she remarked, "I don't know what you're planning, but considering how much fun we had last time, I'm looking forward to it"

She then added, "I'll invite Jessica too, if you don't mind."

Derek smiled warmly and replied, "Of course, the more the merrier."

Melissa couldn't contain her excitement, chuckling as she said, "I'm excited!" 

As they purchased some snacks from the cafeteria and settled down together, Derek couldn't help but still feel nervous around Melissa. Despite their numerous encounters and the many conversations they had shared, her presence seemed to have a certain effect on him that he couldn't quite shake off.

Derek's mind was already buzzing with plans for the upcoming summer vacation. He couldn't stop thinking about all the things he wanted to do for Melissa to ensure she had a memorable and enjoyable time. He wanted to make sure he gave his best at everything he did for her. Seeing her smile and laugh and be genuinely happy was what he really wanted.

He walked Melissa to her car, exchanged a friendly wave goodbye.

He then headed back to his dorm, filled with excitement and anticipation to tell his best friend about the upcoming summer vacation plans. 

Derek's concern extended beyond Melissa. He also wanted Jasper to break free from the confines of his room and embrace life's experiences. He feared that Jasper might remain isolated and later regret missing out on opportunities and good experiences in life. For Derek, this effort was driven by his deep care for both his best friend, Jasper, and the person he had feelings for, Melissa, whom he cherished dearly.

Derek entered his room to find Jasper engrossed in watching anime with all the lights turned off. He didn't waste any time and switched the lights back on, announcing, "Dude, I have some good news."

Jasper, seemingly unfazed by the interruption, replied, "Turn off the lights, please, and then we can talk."

Derek, undeterred by Jasper's initial disinterest, continued excitedly, "Listen! I've made plans for this summer vacation. We're going to the beach."

Jasper, absorbed in his anime, replied with a casual, "Boring."

Derek insisted, "Well, you can't say no. I've already included you in the plan."

Jasper, without looking away from the screen said, "Okay, do whatever you want, just turn off the lights!!" His focus on the anime was evidently more important at that moment.

Derek was accustomed to Jasper's occasional rudeness, so he didn't take offense. He simply responded, "Alright, just remember, you can't back out now," as he turned off the lights.

Taking a deep breath, he settled down to begin typing out the plans for their upcoming vacation and a few questions for Melissa to answer which included her likes and dislikes.

Hello guys I hope you're liking the story. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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