
I Married a Billionaire after Divorcing my Evil In-Laws

When Su Lian'en was diagnosed with infertility, her mother-in-law shouted to the whole world that something was wrong with her. With a cheating husband and a vile mother-in-law, Su Lian'en quickly and decisively filed for a divorce, causing her mother-in-law to scoff, "A divorce? Who would marry an infertile b*tch like you?" Nonetheless, a handsome billionaire proposed to Su Lian'en soon after, giving her ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law a slap in the face! The man's son had cerebral palsy and was a mute, but called Su Lian'en the instant they met. With their prenuptials signed, they were married in a flash, and she would start to heal her new child's various discontent. Given a new life and a new career, she would traverse all challenges to rise to the peak. And yet, her billionaire husband is...

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40 Chs

So I'm Crazy

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Mr. Gu, have you attended my class?" Su Nianen asked.

Gu Xichuan said, "Xuanxuan likes you."

Su Nianen quickly glanced at the little guy and said, "Xuanxuan has his own likes and dislikes. It seems there's not too big a problem with him."

"Teacher Su…"

"I have to get back to class. Excuse me."

Su Nianen turned to the teacher. "Teacher Xiaolin, I'll leave this gentleman with you."

The boy's gaze followed Su Nianen until she disappeared around the bend in the stairs.

Gu Xichuan squatted beside his son. Of course, he noticed the change in his son. His son's gaze had never been focused before, let alone focused on a person.

Once again, this confirmed his thoughts.

"Xuanxuan, do you like Teacher Su?"

The little guy could not see Su Nianen anymore, and the only light in his eyes was extinguished.

He was back to his original state.

Gu Xichuan's heart ached and he gently rubbed his son's head. His son didn't say anything, but he understood.

"Sir, are you bringing your child to our institution for lessons?"

Gu Xichuan said directly, "How can we make an appointment for Teacher Su Nianen's class?"

"Teacher Su is our trump card expert. It's very difficult to arrange her classes. If you make a reservation now, the nearest class will be in three months…"


Gu Xichuan's firm tone stunned Teacher Xiao Lin.

"Well, you see, Teacher Su is…"

Gu Xichuan raised his hand to stop her. He had already made a phone call.

"It's me, Gu Xichuan."

Then, he handed the phone to Ms. Xiaolin, who had a question mark on her face.

Teacher Xiao Lin took the phone hesitantly. When she heard the voice on the other end, she realized it was the boss of the company!

After a short report and communication, Xiaolin returned the phone to Gu Xichuan.

"Mr. Gu, I'll immediately prepare the classes for you. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock, you can bring your child directly to Teacher Su's class."

"Thanks a lot."

Gu Xichuan left the rehabilitation facility with the boy.

The next day.

The moment Su Nianen appeared in the company, there were people pointing and muttering. Although she didn't understand, she didn't ask.

Up until she was stopped outside the classroom.

"I've violated my contract, and I've been fired?"

Su Nianen looked shocked. How was that possible?

"I even came to class yesterday, but no one informed me. What happened?"

Su Nianen was stunned for a long time before she asked incoherently. It didn't seem like a joke when she saw Teacher Li taking her place in class.

"This is my class. Do you think it's yours just because you took over half the class yesterday?"

Teacher Li said, "Teacher Su, don't you know your own situation? The entire company knows. Don't hide it anymore."

"My situation?"

Su Nianen tried her best to suppress her rising emotions. "What situation would that be?"

"Aren't you… not in good health? The company is doing this for your own good. You should go home and rest well. Teacher Su, in your situation, it's not suitable for you to come out and work."

It was no wonder Su Nianen's mother-in-law barged into the company yesterday.

Su Nianen shook her head. She didn't understand.

Could this person be saying that she could not even go to work now because of her infertility?

"What kind of logic is that."

Su Nianen gritted her teeth and smiled. No matter how unwilling she was, what was the use of arguing here with this Teacher Li who replaced her?

She quickly rushed into the leader's office. This was the first time she was this emotional in the company.

"I've been fired. Director, was it your decision?"

The director said, "I approved it."

As the director answered, he pushed a few pages of documents to Su Nianen.

"Teacher Su, we know about your situation. The higher-ups want you to go home and recuperate first. When you recover, you will have a chance to come back."

A raging fire burned in Su Nianen's heart. She looked at the director with disappointment.

However, there was nothing she could do.

She picked up the pages from the table, shocked.

What greeted her eyes was a diagnosis of her mental illness!

"Mental disorder? Psychological disorder?"

After Su Nianen finished reading, she looked at the director with question marks on her face.


The director said, "The boss has already approved it. I know that you've been working outstandingly in our company for the past few years, but Teacher Su, since you had a relapse recently, we…"

Su Nianen couldn't take it anymore and interrupted, "What illness? Director, I respect you, so I came to look for you. Please explain the situation clearly!"

"Your illness acted up not long ago and you lost your mind. You injured your mother-in-law. Your mother-in-law's hospital records and proof are all there. Do you still want to deny it?"

Su Nianen clenched her fists and denied it loudly.

"I didn't hit her!"

The director quickly followed her words and said, "Okay, okay, okay. You didn't. Let's calm down first. Don't be agitated and calm down."

Looking at the director's posture, Su Nianen guessed that he was afraid that she would have a "relapse" right then and there.

She wanted to laugh.

Utter disappointment.

"Director, I've worked for the company for five years, but apparently I'm no match for these nonsense papers."

She was mentally ill. What a joke. No wonder everyone looked at her like she was abnormal the moment she entered the building.

Instead of being angry, she smiled. The way she looked at the director was colder than the winds in December.

"So, I'm crazy."

She left without further explanation.

The grievances and pain were not important anymore.