
Best Friends 4ever

Five years ago, Cathelyn was a new student in school. She cried silently in the restroom as she was jeered at on her first day.

While hiding in one of the restroom stalls, she heard someone knocking on the door and said,

"Don't cry, it's okay."

Cathelyn slowly opened the door and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of her. She stared at the girl as the girl helped her tidy up.

The girl introduced herself, "Hi, my name is Hillary Scott. What's yours?"

"Cathelyn Hills," she replied. Hillary asked why she was crying. Cathelyn told her that students made fun of her, calling her nerd, geek, weirdo and many more. Hillary suggested to give her a makeover. Cathelyn just agreed with her.

After school, Hillary brought Cathelyn to a mall and dragged her to a salon. While Cathelyn was having her hair done, Hillary went to a few boutiques and bought a few new clothes for Cathelyn.

Cathelyn stared at her reflection as she looked at the mirror. She admired the locks of wavy hair drooped on her shoulder, the bangs right above her eyebrows. She questioned,

"Is this really me?"

"Of course, it is. You should be confident about your beauty." said Hillary as she entered the salon. Hillary held out the bags of new clothes to Cathelyn and told her that it is a gift. Cathelyn hugged Hillary and thanked her.

She let go of Hillary. Hillary put out her pinky and said, "Best friends?" Cathelyn nodded her head and wrapped her pinky along Hillary's.

They hugged again and said in synch,

"Best friends forever."

That's how they met and became best friends.