
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

Next day

Kashish's POV continues

Last night we came to the decision that we will leave by tomorrow, its happening too fast but no one can refuse mother. She is going paranoid thinking Rajiv will walk in any moment through the door in our house. I had already submitted my resignation to Mrs. Arora in the morning stating family urgency, Mrs. Arora and Alia were sadden to let me go; Paksh isn't in the city which I was very thankful about its better than confronting him. By the time we pack all our necessary belongings and arranged the house, the sun had set. Dinner was very depressing, I couldn't feel the taste of food and mother was also silent the whole time, although my mother is not showing it I know she is equally heartbroken to leave this place. We had built up our relation and we understood the meaning of family in this home; this is not only a house its all our emotion and love attached to it. After finishing the dinner we head to our room for sleep and for during the dinner I noticed mother's eyes never left that old chair lying in the left corner of our hall.

While lying down I imagine about what does our future holds for us, we are stepping into the unknown, the only thing that is keeping me going is the thought that everything will be alright what was in the past will remain in the past, with this optimism I close my eyes.

Morning comes with new hope for a new beginning; this is the day I knew would come but didn't realize it to happen anytime soon. I enter the kitchen to prepare tea for the last time in that house, watching at the water boiling in the pot I feel nostalgia. I sieve the tea in cup and head to the living area where Mohit, Priya, and my mother was packing the last bit of necessities, Priya takes the tray from my hand "Go and sit for a while, you have been working since early morning" she comments. I comply and get comfortable on the sofa, "Every important item has been packed, and I had called my relative yesterday in Delhi, by the time you reach everything will be arranged; you just need to get settle down there" Mohit informs. Mother emotionally comments "I can't thank you enough bhaiya, all these years you guys have been our constant support. How can we ever repay for your benevolence", Priya releases a long sigh "Again the same thing, we are family and that is the only fact you need to remember", both mother and Priya share an understanding smile. Mohit after sipping the tea gets up "I will call a taxi, you guys get ready". I get up and go to the kitchen to clean the dirty utensils, after washing them thoroughly, I place them inside the cupboard. We are going away leaving so many things behind which has been with us since the day we first came to this house. The kitchen has been my best friend since the day I set foot in this house, I get sentimental recollecting all the good memories I made here. Mohit said he will come by to check from time to time which gave me little relieve. Mother had declined the idea to sell the house as originally it didn't belong to us we were only given the responsibility to take care of it so we don't have the right to make this decision. I know mother will never sell it off, this house has a special place both in our heart. "Kashish, let's go its time" mothers voice interrupts my thoughts. I leave the kitchen taking one last look, I stand at the main door to take in the view, and for the umpteenth time I stare at the picture of grandma Desai hanged in the main hall, so that it will be imprinted in my mind, I push away my depressing thoughts and lock the door.

Throughout the ride to the station, I look out of the window taking in the view of the city that I called home for the past eleven years. I might never get this chance again to see this city cause once we are out of this place there is no returning. Mother said if the situation gets better and Rajiv leaves this place we might return after some years, but I know my mother very well, we may change the city throughout our life but returning is never an option.

We reach the station fifteen minutes early than the train departing time, mother and I board the train taking along our possession and Mohit also helps in carrying the heavier bags. We search for our seat in the train compartment and soon spots it. Mohit helps my mother in arranging the bags while I go out to get a drink with Priya for my mother and me. I return back and soon the departing news is announced Priya and Mohit reluctantly get out, they stand near the window "Don't forget to call us time to time. Don't forget to eat in time and sleep in time both of you, Kashish while taking care of your mother don't forget about yourself" Priya orders smoothly. "I will aunty, you too take care, and also uncle you don't forget to rest when you're tired instead of continuously driving the passengers" I reply smiling, Mohit nods and smiles in return.

"May I have your attention please, Mirzapur to Delhi express is expected to depart at eight hours fifteen minutes from platform number one" it is announced through the speaker, it indicates there no time anymore, we are leaving this city. The train's horn blow signaling to depart, slowly the train starts to move, Me and mother wave to Mohit and Priya who is still standing in the platform returning the gesture. I look back till the station vanishes from the view, I turn and look ahead looking forward towards what this journey will bring me, will it be painful? Or will I heal? Lots of question is running through my mind and all these will be answered only when we reach our destination.

Suddenly my mother embraces me gently interrupting my thoughts "I know you are very tensed, I know you are going through a very difficult time. I know my dear its very difficult for you. We are going to that place that had given you so many painful wounds but trust me its a new beginning. We will be in the same city with them but not in the same world, have faith, my dear. Everything will be alright" she assures me, I hug her back in return "I know Ma, and I am prepared for this beginning".

Trip to Delhi lasted for about twelve hours I was pensive all throughout, it was delayed due to various reason. By the time we reach the sun had already set. My mother and I slowly grab our belonging, as soon as I stand at the door to set the first foot on the land of Delhi I get anxious, all my memories comes flooding in my mind. I recollect thirteen years back.

"Ma, will papa come to pick us" eight years me while standing in station platform ask anxiously to a apprehensive lady in her late twenties. The lady kneels and smiles softly "No, but we are going to him. We will see him soon" I beam hearing her words. She stands up extending her right hand "Hold my hand Aradhya".

"Hold my hand Kashish! Hold my hand" my mothers voice breaks my train of thoughts. I clasp my mothers hand tightly and sets my first foot in the land of my horrible past. Shortly a coolie arrives and carries our bags to a nearby taxi, after paying the coolie we begin our ride to the given address by Mohit. I open the window letting the breeze flow in and through my hair and I look at the night view of the city. I don't remember anything about the city but the only thing I remember is all the incidents that occurred inside that house, I remember each and every word that was thrown at me and I remember it clearly and I wish I really could forget it.

After around 40 minutes we finally reach our destination, sight of the surrounding was decent enough although it look more crowded compared to our old place. I was busy looking around when a men who looked like he was in his fifties approaches us "Hello, are you Saina and Kashish Desai?" he greets us politely, a young men also follows him from behind. My mother returns his greetings "Namaste, you must be Prakash Awasthi. I had called you". I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't realize when did my mother had called someone. He nods "I am Prakash and this is my son Parvaan", "Namaste aunty" the younger men greets with equally polite smile. "As soon as Mohit called, we had cleaned up the house as much as we can. But it has been uninhabited for very long now so it still needs some more adjustment". "Thank you for going through so much of trouble for us" my mother replies.

"No trouble at all, from now we are neighbors, we will help each other in future" he pauses and signals his son "Parvaan, pick up the bags", Parvaan easily picks up the bag and head straight inside the house. "Come inside" Prakash invites us in. I look around as we enter, the house is smaller and isn't as spacious as our home back in Mirzapur, but it looks cozy enough for us two. Parvaan gets the responsibility to give me and my mother tour while Prakash leaves saying he has a work. Parvaan proceeds "This the hall, the bedrooms are in the right side. Kitchen is in left along with bathroom". By the time Parvaan finishes giving us tour Prakash returns along with two new faces, "This is my wife Jamuna and daughter Sunehri" Prakash introduces. "Namaste! welcome to Delhi, was the journey comfortable?" Jamuna greets kindly. "Namaste, and yes the journey was comfortable" my mother answers kindly. "Namaste aunty I am Sunehri, but my friends call me Babli so you can call me that" Sunehri pauses and all of a sudden she runs towards me "Oh my god, a girl who looks like my age" she loudly states "What is your name? Whats your age?" she inquires enthusiastically.

I get surprise by her loud reaction "I am Kashish and I am 21" I respond trying to look as energetic as I can be. "Woah, we are same age. Nice finally I will have same age friend in neighborhood" Sunehri comments.

"Don't you already have friends here" Parvaan questions raising his eye brows. "No all them are traitors, they always ditch me when I need them" her remark makes Parvaan sigh. She suddenly clasp my hand "Lets get along, my new friend" she states expectantly. I respond nodding my head slowly, she beams with my respond.

After all the greetings and introduction finally my mother and I are left alone at last. We start unpacking our bag "Sunehri is total reflection of her name isn't she? I ask smiling thinking about her way of greeting. "Her behavior conveyed why all her friends address her as Babli" my mother comments. While unpacking I find an old album, I sit down in sofa and open and go through the pages, I come across an old photo, in the photo I ten years old was standing in right, mother in left and in centre old grandma Desai was seated in old wood chair.

Grandma Desai was the one who gave us roof when we became homeless, she was the one who supported us during our hard times. "Ma, do you think grandma is disappointed in us. We didn't keep our promise?" I question dejectedly. Mother who was busy in her tasks stops abruptly and turns to look at me, she slowly approaches and sit in the seat near me. She takes album from my hand and places in her lap, for a while she stares deeply at the picture "No, my dear. I know her very well she is the kindest, and we didn't break any promises. She told us to always protect what's most important to her. And what do you think is most important to her?" mother questions expectantly reading my expression. I light up replying "Her home, and her family makes her home". Mother smiles acknowledging my answer "Now stop making those depressive faces and give me a hand", I nod feeling much better.