
#1; please rest.

#1— Guiding them back to their dorms so they can rest after a long day of practicing.

genre: fluff, fluff, pure fluff, only fluff, have I mentioned fluff? oh yeah, and fluff.

warnings: none


"Okay, boys, it's time to head back!"

Simultaneously, five boys that occupy the dance practice room groan and complain, telling you about how they're not done yet. Hoseok doesn't stop dancing even for just a second, Jungkook's on the floor with Taehyung, their chests rising and falling quickly to catch their breath. Jimin and Jin are over by the small table at the corner, sipping on a bottled water.

"One more song, noona!" "Wait, I just need to practice this one move." "One last practice, please?"

When you don't reply immediately, they all look at you expectantly, coupled with pouty lips from youngest and eldest, as well as puppy eyes from the 95 line and Hoseok. Your lips pursed into a single line, closing your eyes as to not let them tempt you further. 'These boys...' You succumb to their wants and negotiate a deal. "Fine. When I come back, you all better be ready to head back, alright?"

You hear a chorus of affirmations, as well as some "thank you!"s from the group as you exit the room, trekking down the hallway and punching in the code to the RKive. As you enter, you can already feel and hear Namjoon's frustration with the song, a three second loop filled with instrumentals being repeated constantly filling your ears.

You approach the leader slowly, calling out to him softly. "Namjoon! Are you done with the songs?" You place a hand over his shoulder, and his free hand rests his over yours. He squeezes it weakly, but doesn't move it away after.

"Not yet. I still haven't finished writing my part, and this part sounds weird to me. I feel like it's lacking something." His eyes are focused on the program, looking over carefully and trying to decipher what makes this part sound unacceptable in his judgement. The light from the screen reflects in his eyes, but it also highlights his dark under eye circles, as well as his skin, which has become quite dry, and has lost its healthy glow the leader usually has. His eyes, although looking determined as always, look so tired. You know he'd been staring at this specific part for God knows how long, and your heart sinks a little.

You move your other hand on his other shoulder, your head resting atop of his, and you start massaging his shoulders to give him a bit of relief. "How about you head back to the dorms to sleep? You're probably tired. Take a rest."


"Kim Namjoon," you warn him. Your hands don't stop massaging him, and you can feel how tense he is. He slouches down a second later, his head nodding slowly and his eyes closing as he mutters an okay to you.

"Okay," you reply back, giving him a kiss on his head before letting go of his shoulders and moving to exit the leader's studio. You shut the door behind you and walked down the hallway for a bit more, and soon you're standing in the infamous doormat of a white cat with it's middle fingers up and the text 'Go away' against a black background. You knock on the door softly, letting him know of your presence, and you punch in the code for his studio.

You don't hear any audio coming from the room, and when you open the door completely, you don't see the small rapper in his chair, but instead is laying on the sofa next to his setup, curled up quite tightly with a pillow on his head and his hands between his thighs. The lights in his studio are dimmed low, and faintly you can hear a soft melody of piano being played from the speakers.

Must've been so tired.

You smile at the sight, closing the door behind you softly and walk silently towards the sleeping man. You crouch down to level yourself with him, your hand reaching out to softly caress his hair back and gently call out to him. "Yoongi, Yoongi. Let's sleep on a proper bed, yeah?"

He stirs for a bit, his eyes squinting and his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks. He groans for a bit, releases his hands from the trap that is his legs and opens his eyes slowly. His eyes focus on you for a bit before moving to observe his surroundings. He closes his eyes again, but he starts to stretch like a cat, letting a husky and guttural sound at the back of his throat before settling down and slowly moving to seat himself up. He rubs his eyes with his hand, and you place it away from his face and plop it on the side of his slouched form.

"Let's sleep properly, yeah? Your neck might hurt after a while if you continue to sleep here."

Lazily and tiredly nodding an affirmative to you, he plops down on his chair and starts moving the mouse to adjust his set up, probably re-saving some files before shutting the computer down and twisting his chair to face you. His head turns up slightly for him to look at you, and he opens his mouth to say something, but instead it's a yawn, and his face reminds you that of a kitten who's utterly tired and just wants to go to sleep.

You move closer to him and he raises his hands up, like a child asking to be carried, and you lean in to hug him. He digs his face on the crook of your neck, and moans out in muffles. You sway him softly, repeating the words "Let's get up, Yoongi" in a soft singing tone, and for a while you bask in the moment. It's not like it's rare to get a moment like this, in fact it's the opposite, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy doing your routine of taking care of them. It's not always that a person like you takes care of seven men, much less them being idols who are also workaholics. You do you best to attend to them, helping them in their daily tasks in your own little ways, and it's enough for the both of you.

Yoongi makes a sound, and you take it as a sign that he's ready to go.

You return to the dance practice studio with the two rappers in hand, each one wrapping their own to yours tightly; Yoongi's interlocked with yours, and Namjoon has your pinky in his hold.

You ask one of them to turn the doorknob for you, and upon opening, the five boys who earlier asked are all laying on their backs on the floor, their chests exhaling and inhaling loudly, the sound being the only sound you can hear

You ask one of them to turn the doorknob for you, and upon opening, you can see that all of them are now laying on their backs on the floor, bodies laid out like a starfish, their chests rising and falling quickly, and their breathing is all you can hear once you entered with the two rappers.

One of the heads perks up, Jungkook, who's closest to the door, and turns to look at you for a second. "Noonaaa," he calls out to you.

"Guys, let's leave in about 3 minutes, yeah?" You ask the group, and you hear them groan at the same time. Jungkook, who's now sitting instead of laying down, gets up to his feet and decides to pull up some of his hyungs to sit up. He pulls on Hoseok first, easily getting him to sit up, then proceeds to pull Jimin and Taehyung at the same time. Jungkook grabs onto Taehyung's left hand and Jimin's right hand, and he starts to pull the two up with a bit of effort. "Hyung!" he complains, dragging out the last syllable. The two refuse to sit up, and instead choose to cuddle one another (they're both sweaty from practice, so you don't understand their logic but you do nothing about it) and Jungkook looks back at you expectantly. He calls out to you, tone whiny and his eyes scream help me!.

You smile and try break free from the grasp of the two rappers beside you. One is a success, Namjoon releasing your pinky from his hold, but Yoongi is stubborn and won't unlock your fingers. You turn to him to see him pouting, and the sight is so cute that you let out a soft giggle. You raise to your tiptoes and give him a soft peck to his forehead, your other hand sneakily pulling at his away. You pull away from him and step forward to deal with the two rascals who won't cooperate, seeing Jin getting up on his own and is now sipping on some water.

"Get up," you sing to them. They both whine, but untangle themselves from one another, and Jimin reaches out to you while still laying on his back. He calls out your name and his hands open and close like a toddler would trying to catch the attention of someone. You take his hands and pull, his body weighing heavily as he's reluctant to get up, and in turn to pull on harder with a complain of your own. "Jimiiin, please?" He looks at you, eyes tired but understanding, and he helps you but sitting up and pulling on Taehyung himself.

You wait for everyone to get ready to head back to their dorms, guiding them to the hall as you lock the door to their dance practice room and soon enough, you're all out of the building and into the black van.

You guide them to their dorm, your hands intertwined with Yoongi once again, because that man loves to hold hands, and Taehyung as well. Once they're all inside, they all drop on the sofa in the living room, tired and fighting off fatigue for a just a bit so they have the energy to sleep in their own beds and not settle for the couch.

One by one, you pick them off the sofa and guide them to their rooms, letting them sit on their bed and grabbing a tissue by their desk to wipe off extra sweat off their foreheads. You tell them to wash up before sleeping, place a soft kiss on their heads before bidding them goodnight and leaving their rooms to get the next member.

Soon enough, you're left with Taehyung, dragging him with his hands on your waist and your back to his front, his head on the crook of your neck and 'dammit its difficult to walk like this but he's so cute and I don't wanna disturb him'. As a result, you took about an extra five minutes guiding him to his room compared to the others, and he whines on how you leave his side as you grab a tissue to wipe his forehead.

He calls out to you, voice soft but also raspy, no doubt from practicing his vocals all day for the past week or two. "Can you stay with me for a bit? I can't sleep nowadays." He pouts and his cheeks puff out cutely. You know he's not doing it intentionally, he's just naturally like that, so you can't help but pinch his cheeks and nod with a hum leaving your throat. He smiles and quickly gets up to go to the bathroom and wash up, and you wait for him to return by sitting on his bed and closing your eyes, your hands supporting your body by placing them behind you.

A few minutes passed and you feel Taehyung plop down on the bed next to you. You open your eyes, turning your head to look at him to see that he's not even dried out his hair properly. You reach for the towel that lays on the chair by his desk and place it atop his head, rubbing it lightly to dry out his hair a bit more before you tell him to lay down so he can rest.

He places a pillow next to him and brings his left leg to go over the pillow, his left arm going across it as well, and he hugs it tightly, his head turning a few times to find a comfortable position. You look at him with a smile, the scene in front of you tugging at your heartstrings. Taehyung's arm plucks off from the pillow to grab on your pinky lightly, pulling it close to the pillow and grasping on it while he hugs the pillow tightly once more.

You don't know how many minutes passed, but you don't mind it all as you watch Taehyung drift off to sleep with a smile on his lips, your pinky tightly grasped in his hold and his body relaxing.

You thumb caress over his knuckles a few times before you slowly pull your finger out of the confinement, careful not to wake him up, and you lean over his curled up form to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

Goodnight, sunshine.

I'm quite new to this platform, so bare with me. There are some parts which are meant to be the thoughts of the reader, and there seems to be no option to have words be bold, italicized, underlined, etc. so I couldn't really emphasize that... If there is actually a way for me to do those things, please teach me!

Please let me know your thoughts so far! c:

madeforvcreators' thoughts