
I lost my brother

A journey of a loving sister and a kidnapped brother!!!

astar_vids · Realistic
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5 Chs

the kidnap

so that is what i did! Everyone said no. I even showed them a picture of him but it was still the same response! Days went by and money was starting to get tight because i had no job. I soon came across this group of 3 suspicious people, I had asked them if they had seen Conner...but they said no when i showed them his picture they just chuckled and walked away. The group really creeped me out so I followed them. The 3 of them went into some abandoned looking place . I went inside... and you won't believe who I saw! It was CONNER! I pinched myself to make sure i wasn't dreaming. Conner was tie to a chair with rope on his legs and hands and tape on his mouth. The people had kidnapped him! Immediately I had called the police trembling with fear . I think i must have let out a squeal or two because by then the 3 of them and Conner had noticed me I had smiled at Conner with my heart pounding ,it looked like he smiled with his eyes back. the group had said ''well looks like we have another one,'' I felt like a bug against a human. Instead of being scared and standing in the corner I decided to say '' you know what i am not afraid of you ok. do what you want because the police are on their way!'' who knew a 15 year old girl could shout so loud? It looked like they were about to come at me but for some reason they suddenly looked really scared. Without knowing police were behind me I said ''yeah that's what i thought. you are scared of a 15 yr old girl!''. The police had then said ''OK lets not get ahead of yourself''. I kind of blushed when they had said that because i had no idea they were there. They had arrested the 3 of them and let Conner go. He hugged me, I started to tell him of. We both were laughing. Finally we got home and he told me everything.😂