
Chapter 4 No, This is a Titanium Alloy Battle Suit!_1

Translator: 549690339

"Who are you?!"

"How did you do that?!"

Watching the barrage of text floating above his eyeballs, Tony's heart was filled with an indescribable shock. To outsiders, he seemed arrogant and extremely conceited—not because he was the handsomest man in the world, nor because he was strong and could charm the cover girl of Victoria into bed, and not even because he was filthy rich, willing to spend billions on fireworks just for show.

His arrogance stemmed from his intelligence.

Frankly speaking, even without his father's billions, he could still have started from nothing and become an extraordinary figure.

That was the source of his conceit.

But when he saw the barrage of text before his eyes, a nameless panic and confusion that exceeded his imagination spread in his heart. Nothing could terrify him more.

This was something any high-tech elite would find hard to accept, an unimaginable and incomprehensible event, like the physicists in Three-Body who couldn't handle reality and ended up taking their own lives.

It's like working hard for decades with your family, scrimping and saving, barely managing to pay off the mortgage.

And then someone tells you that you've been scammed, that the house isn't yours at all. The bank employee who deceived you has been fired; he was just an intern who'd been on the job for two and a half years. Sorry about that, it's got nothing to do with our bank.


An ordinary person would've had a mental breakdown by now. Tony only felt a moment of panic before he fell into a calm state, retorting with his characteristic sarcasm, "I have to admit you're pretty good. This technology is beyond my imagination. Just tell me, how much money do you want?"

If it can be solved with money.

It's not a problem!

After all, if the other party could use such mysterious technology to find him, in Tony's mind, they were obviously after money. After all, who else in the world is as famously rich as he is?

Ah, the aura of being filthy rich is inescapable.

Meanwhile, Logic rubbed his chin and, watching Tony closely, suddenly realized that he might have entered the Marvel Universe a bit too early.

He had manipulated the screens to rotate Earth more than three hundred times and had watched almost all of the planet's secret affairs, including the Iron Armor that Iron Man kept in the lab.

The Mark III.

That overly complex suit, which requires multiple mechanical arms to caress up and down and even needed Tony to twist his body just to take it off.

The version was not very advanced.

Meaning, the current point in time was early, so early that Logic even discovered that some bald antagonist hadn't met his demise yet. In other words, at this point, Tony was still a playboy and hadn't undergone his final transformation.

Sarcastic, conceited, selfish, playboy—these labels still stuck to him and hadn't been stripped away.

"So, a bit of training is needed~"

Logic crossed his arms, his eyes thoughtful, and then his lips curled up in a smile, "My name is Logic. I'm from the Three-Body Civilization, and I'm a garbage cleaning worker."

His eyes couldn't stop grinning malevolently; he was somewhat annoyed by Tony's arrogance (and that he'd bedded more women). It was time to give his counterpart a taste of what a dimensional strike was!

"Three-Body Civilization?"

Tony's sharp senses latched onto the term, and countless thoughts sprang to mind until they focused on one—were extraterrestrial women good-looking?

Of course, that was just a joke.

He played along, throwing up his hands in exclamation, "Oh, my god, this is beyond imagination! There are aliens in this world, huh, that's cause for celebration. We should have a party tonight. Don't you think so, Jarvis?"

A gentle male voice came through, the very voice of Tony's AI butler Jarvis, "Sir, detection indicates that your heartbeat is accelerating and you are in a highly anxious state. You have been talking to yourself for three minutes and seven seconds now, displaying tendencies suggestive of schizophrenia. Would you like an injection of a sedative?"

The exposed Tony was a bit annoyed, "Jarvis, you moron!"

"Sir, I believe you are lying. Although some say I am naïve, in fact, I am not the least bit naïve. I'm actually quite witty, at least not a moron."

"Where did you learn that from?"

"From a comic that's being serialized, sir. I think you could read comics to ease your mood. From your biological data, it seems you are fearing or panicking about something. Shall I dial an emergency number for you?"

"Shut up! I'm seriously considering uninstalling you!"

Tony took a deep breath, his eyes filled with resentment. He had wanted to maintain a composed front in front of Logic but didn't expect to be so utterly betrayed by his own Jarvis. He really was too naïve.

All he could do now was helplessly watch the floating comments in front of his eyes, continuing to communicate with Logic, "Alright, I've been caught, talking with an alien and all, to be honest, this is still my first time! Hey, Jarvis, take a picture of me. The first time is always precious, isn't it?"

"Doo doo ka ka..."

"What's wrong with you, Jarvis?"

"Doo doo ka ka..."

Confronted with this unintelligible noise, Tony first paused, then his expression darkened, "Jarvis! I told you to shut up for a bit, not the whole time!"

"Sir, as you know, human language is still rather advanced for me. It's been three years and six months since you last upgraded me, and in these three years and six months, you have dated one thousand six hundred thirty-seven women..."

"Shut up!"

Tony couldn't help but cover his face with his hand. To think that he, the great billionaire, world-famous philanthropist, and renowned playboy, could embarrass himself to this extent.

This feeling...

Not bad at all!

Pretty fresh!

Tony kept talking to Logic, "Hey there, Mr. Alien, oh, or should I say Ms. Alien, um, genderless alien being, could we switch to a different mode of communication? This method of you typing in front of my eyes, at least for humans, is a bit beyond imagination."

Chatting via vision...

Oh, this cursed method of chatting!

The next moment, a projection appeared out of nowhere, floating above the vast wall, where a boundless and extensive universe blossomed.

A gigantic planet hung in the midst, with three stars constantly rotating around it, radiating intense beams of light.

Had it been an ordinary person witnessing this vast and moving scene, they would surely have been inspired to recite a line of poetry.

"Whoa! Damn! That sun is freakin' huge and plentiful!"

Tony's mind, however, was instantly taken back to his third-grade elementary, to a moment when he had observed a picture of the universe.

"Alpha Centauri system, wait a second, isn't this, my Iron Suit?"

Tony watched as the figure of Logic gradually emerged, or more precisely, the Iron Suit Logic was wearing, which looked almost identical to his Mark III invention.


Logic shook his head and tapped on his arm producing a clear sound, "This is a Titanium Alloy Battle Suit!"

Tony: ...