
I Loaded Kaidan Game

After arriving in Japan, I became a high school student named Kamiyagawa. Looking around— Hanako crouched in the bathroom, waiting for someone to knock on the door; the Split-Mouth Woman wandered the streets with scissors in hand; Miss Mary's deathly calls echoed incessantly; the wails and barks in Inunaki Village never ceased; the Ubume searched for her long-dead child; the Aoandon smiled, enticing passersby to play with the lanterns of a hundred demons… In a crumbling world rampant with sinister tales and malevolent spirits, Kamiyagawa set a small goal for himself: "Defeat all the demons and monsters, and become the supreme ruler of ghosts and deities."

Thirteen Modesty · Urban
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162 Chs

087 Loving Each Other in Inunaki Village

Translator: 549690339

In the world of Strange Tale, the myriad monsters were far from a harmonious bunch.

It was possible for them to be embroiled in conflict and battle with one another.

In the mountains, the twisting entities and the numerous Inunaki Village villagers in the tunnels, although not of the same faction, had until now kept to their respective domains.

The twisters would not actively invade the tunnel, and the listless villagers, with little capacity for thought, would not venture out of the tunnel to trouble the white plastic bags.

Yet, this relatively balanced neighborly relationship was finally shattered today.

A despicable outsider, disguised as a local, became the catalyst that ignited the flames of strife.

Chasing Kamiyagawa into the forest, the twister reached the entrance of the tunnel and was just about to enter.

Suddenly, from the dark, cramped tunnel, an unusual sound emerged.

Pat, pat—

First came the disordered footsteps, erratic like a drumbeat without rhythm.