
I like fantasy but never thought this would happen to me

I'm a college student. Well I was one until I died in a plane crash. I wasn't particularly good at anything and I changed my major 3 times. I knew it wasn't a good thing to do but nothing really caught my interest. I had a great memory and could excel at everything I tried but in truth I was just a guy who longed for magic and adventure. Yeah it was cliche and unrealistic but I know that most people wanted it and I was just open about it. Well I died and never in my wildest dreams would I ever think to be put into another's body in a fantasy world. Now that I'm here might as well enjoy it right?

Jokesonyou · Fantasy
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22 Chs


I didn't need time to comprehend true magic. It was easy to understand once I accepted it. Now that I solved one mystery I moved on to the next one, the dragon egg. It was around 60cm tall and 40cm wide and looked exactly like eternium with pruple lines that looked like cracks all across it. I extended my mana trying to probe it but it seemed like the egg absorbed it. After a couple tries of trying to keep it from absorbing my mana I gave up and started to examine it physically.

It felt warm and smooth to the touch. It seemed like it would crack open at any moment. I could feel it reach out to me with a strand of mana as if curious about me. It slowly made its way around my body until in settled on my left arm. It really did seem to have a connection with eternium. It was taking the mana I used to control my arm so I poured more mana into my arm constantly.

After taking about one tenth of my mana the tendril from the egg pulled back into it. The purple lines on the egg seemed to pulse for a second before disappearing. I waited for five minutes before scanning it and found that all the mana was circling around in the egg slowly being absorbed by the life within it, making it grow in size and strength. If it was going to keep with the same speed of absorption then it was going to be five days until the egg was done.

Knowing that I just continued training and experimenting with Zera for the next five days. The egg just sat there until the middle of the fifth day when I was searching for ways to expand my mana capacity. It suddenly cracked and the purple lines reappeared on it shining brightly.

I stopped what I was doing immediately and started to observe it. It started to pulse like a heartbeat and after 30 seconds the egg released a blinding light. When I opened my eyes I saw no sign of the egg. In the place where the egg used to be was what I believed to be a baby dragon.

The creature was about half the size of the egg. When it looked at me it let out a noise like a cats purr but louder and rushed over to me.

"Cute!" As Zera said that she picked up the little thing and hugged it to to her chest and said "Father it's so cute! What should we name it!"

Laughing at Zeras excitement I shook my head and said "We don't even know if it is a boy or a girl yet."

"Oh that's right! Are you a boy or a girl? I think it's a boy. Do you know any good boy name father?"

"Maybe Doryu? What do you think Zera?"

"I think it fits him. From now on you are called Doryu okay?"

The baby dragon behaved very much like a puppy except this one could kill a normal person on accident. Zera took a liking to Doryu and played with him quite a lot but I think because I fed him mana to grow he sees' me as his parent.

Doryu grew very fast but also ate a lot of my mana and slept for most of the day. I found that his species was called an 'Eternal Dragon' but didn't know what was different about him from other dragons because I never saw any other dragons before. I knew that he had some connection to eternium but didn't feel like investigating so I just let it go.

We are going to leave the world tree today and head to the demon continent. I knew a bit about the demons and their language but because most races hated them I couldn't learn much about them. As we were about to head out a couple of people called out to us.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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