
What, am I supposed to do Rough Play or Something?

*Player Registered Initiating Starter Quest*

What is this quest thing that is in front of my face? Rae-gi reads the quest "Defeat All Thugs and Their Leader". How in the world am I supposed to fight these thugs if I cant even stand up to the bullies at school. What, am I Supposed to do Rough Play or Something? "Are You Sure You Want To Learn Rough Play"? Rae-gi not having any other option says "Confirm". The thugs who think hes gone mad made fun of him and watched him for a while longer. Rae-gi presses the description for rough play and reads it. "Rough Play, the roots of all the other fighting styles. Increase the mastery for Rough Play to discover more fighting styles. Experience needed to gain mastery will increase overtime. Current Mastery:1. Current Exp:0/100.

Rae-gi was speechless with everything that was happening. It was as if he thought he was in a dream. Rae-gi presses the "see special attributes button". "Due to it being rough play dopamine is increased while fighting causing you to be happy, pain tolerance is also increased. Have fun playing rough!"

One of the thugs tell Rae-gi, play time is over kiddo i'm really sorry. Rae-gi replies, i'm sorry too. Because play time has just started. Rae-gi gets into a fighting position and fights the thugs. The thugs land lots of hits on him but to his surprise, he was smiling the whole time. Rae-gi threw a punch, Rae-gi pulled their hair, Rae-gi tackled them. Rae-gi didn't realize but surprisingly he defeated all of the thugs.

You're next "kiddo" Rae-gi said tauntingly to the leader. The leader pulls out a pistol causing Rae-gi to raise both his hands up. Go away I don't have time for you, said the thug leader. Rae-gi secretly took a gun while fighting the other thugs so he went outside. I can't just fail this quest, said Rae-gi. Rae-gi thought carefully about which entrance to go through. Then it hit him, he decided to go through the roof window.

Rae-gi climbed the ladder looking for the leader through the roof window. He found him, now all he had to do was aim and it will be all over. He took a deep breath and aimed. This is just a Pistol I need to be really accurate. Rae-gi took the shot then ran away as soon as possible.

Rae-gi went to his apartment hoping for his quest to be finished. Rae-gi thought to himself, there is no possible way he survived that, he didn't even have first aid in that building. Rae-gi went to lie down in his bed then suddenly he heard a ding. The quest was finally finished, he lost enough blood.

"Would you like to claim the rewards?" Rae-gi said claim before the dialogue even finished loading in. "New Feature Unlocked You May Now Invest Stat Points, Right Now You Have 100 Stat Points For Completing The Starter Quest." Rae-gi went to the menu and pressed stat points. So there are this much options for where I can put my stat points into. Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Fitness, And Durability. How am I supposed to choose between these, you know what? I will just invest tomorrow after I sleep.

Rae-gi who has now built enough courage to go to school decided to never run away from school ever again. Rae-gi remembered yesterday, the time when he first unlocked Rough Play. I remember it saying that Rough Play is the roots of the fighting styles, Rae-gi pressed on the fighting styles list.

Rae-gi saw a lot of fighting styles and some of them even require you to unlock certain fighting styles to even view it. So to unlock fighting styles you need a certain amount of skill points? The most normal thing to do is to unlock street fighting since its just 20 on all stats. Besides I already have a hundred. Boxing is a good option too though, only 25 on Strength, Agility, Fitness, and Durability. Right now Boxing is the best one because if I fight back using Street Fighting I could get someone severely injured and i could get reported too. I'm going to go for boxing i guess.

Oh shoot I didn't even realize the time, I'm 10 minutes late for school, at least it's not break time yet. Time to go, I'm just going to unlock boxing on the way to school, I already added the stat points anyway. Walking on his way to school Rae-gi was planning on unlocking boxing but he felt like something was wrong. His clothes felt way too loose. He saw his reflection and he was surprised, he wasn't fat at all. He didn't have big muscles but hes not fat at the same time.

He went to school and he felt a lot of eyes staring at him. He heard whispers like "he looks good but why are his clothes so big, "hes exactly my type I like clumsy people", "oh my god is that a new student". Rae-gi was happy, nobody recognized him. Except for a certain group of people.

Look Rae-gi lost some weight! Everyone's faces started to have a different expression after realizing that the person was Rae-gi. I should probably unlock boxing now. People laughed at Rae-gi because they thought he was miming but then Rae-gi got more information about this Game Interface. In order to learn a Fighting Style you need to finish a quest.

Rae-gi without hesitation talked to the bullies and said "Hey wanna play rough!" the bullies laughed then threw a jab at his face. I know I need to finish a quest but isn't this quest too hard. How am I supposed to defeat them without feeling the humiliation. I know I managed to defeat the thugs but there's no way I can defeat these people, I just got lucky the other day.

Rae-gi remembered, "Im not running from school anymore". Even though Rae-gi was embarassed he used Rough Play and defeated them all. He didn't expect it but everyone started cheering him on. "Good Job Rae-gi!", "I knew you could do it". Rae-gi was happy.

The day ended then Rae-gi went back to his apartment. Rae-gi knew that the next day will be much more exciting.