
I know it all....

Tale of a depraved prince chasing his princess, offending the malicious cobwebs of the degenerate modern era.

lordgrimza1 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

2. Old lady

" I have been hallucinating quite a lot lately"(whisper)

"What is it, son?"

"Nothing mother"

My whisper drew mother's attention and I simply shrugged it off . Nothing strange happened to me after mirror incident in restroom.

(That incident is bizarre enough as it is, also it could just be my hallucination)


"Yes, Father"

"Blaze industries and enterprises is one of world's major manufacturers and service provides, you are fortunate enough to receive a call shortly after your graduation. It is a one in a million opportunity so, don't screw it up"

"First of all, I am not as lucky as you think, I have been working hard for this day for the past 6 years, I will undoubtedly get in."

"Ha ha ha that's my son!"

After that I left my house with my resume and lunch box. I said my goodbyes to my folks and walked down street number three.

I boarded a bus and took a seat near the exit, that was empty. The company was a little out of the way from my home. The bus was mostly empty and I rarely saw anyone boarding and leaving.

After 15 minutes, a lot of people hurried onto the bus and it rapidly become overcrowded, an elderly lady sat next to me.

She pulled out some snacks and began eating, after a while she looked at me and inquired while offering her goodies,

"Kid, want some?"

"No, it's fine Madam."

"Eat them, youngsters of your age have to eat a lot "

"No Madam, today is an big day for me, so I can't have my stomach give up on me."

I said with a chuckle, then the old lady saw me from top to bottom and said with a exasperated gesture,

"By the look of it, are you going to attend for an interview?"

"Yes mam"

"Lucky for you, my scum of a husband slept like a pig when he was your age."

"Ha ha ha ah "

"Can you tell me, which company is it?"

"Blaze industries. "

"Oh god in the heavens, looks like I met up with an incredible young lad"

"It's not a big deal, mam"

"You are too modest , even getting an interview call from Blaze is a achievement itself.

"You flatter me, mam"

"Okay my stop has arrived, I will depart now.

And best wishes, may your future be bright!"

Speaking with that old lady gave me a pleasant feeling if it had not been for the words she said to me after leaving the bus, with an emotionless tone.

"We will meet again and o-f-t-e-n!! Ehe eh eh"


(Fuck! What's going on, is she still the old lady who was talking cheerfully with me until now?

Why does everything seem so spooky today? with that dream, the morning episode and this old hag now. Alas! What a dreadful day)

My heart started beating wildly, I started to sweat too but thinking about my big day I slowly regained my calm.

I exited the bus and came into the new generation city. Following the world War 1 and signing of Trinity Treaty, Next generation metropolis is established. Next generation city is also the capital city of Tidaholm. Tidaholm is the smallest country of Trinity but also the strongest one since it is the home to Blaze HQ.

It controls over 3/4 navy of entire world. It has a long coast line which is used for commercial purposes like fisheries, tourism.

The outer circle, which is sometimes

referred to as old gen city, and the

inner circle, which is sometimes

referred as New gen city, make up the next generation


Before world War there used to be only one city , but following the establishment of Blaze the city was split into two, one is the place where the wealthiest and most powerful people of entire country live and it also houses the major companies' and industries' headquarters, Universities, shopping malls and so on, it is the new gen city.

(old gen city is a slum compared to these magnificent establishments)

I was in wonder as I walked down the

path, passing busy individuals, students from prestigious universities, and a

diverse range of people.

(This is a different world altogether)

I was about to board a local bus to Blaze, when two people wearing full on black suits with Blaze industries logo on them along with black spectacles came up behind me and blocked my way, I didn't want any trouble so I tried slipping away. But one of the two guys stopped me.

"Excuse me"

"Wait Mr.Axel Belruian , we are here for you."

"For me?"



" The interview has already begun"


"Yes, don't be so surprised sir, this is how things are done here."

"Then.....what should I do?"

"Follow us"


There is no way I am following somebody just because they are dressed in black suits with Blaze logo on it, they look like professionals but it is always good be cautious.

"What happened, sir?"

"First show me the proof that you belong to Blaze industries"

"Proof? Don't you believe that we are from Blaze"

"No, do you think that I'm a kid? So you can lure me in with a candy"

They went quiet for a while and,


While I was growing skeptical of their motives my mobile suddenly buzzed, I picked it up to discover that I have received a message.


From Blaze industries,

12th January, 1233,


Mr.Axel congratulations on passing the 1st round of interview.

[QR code]

You'll be ready for the second round if you show the QR code to the individuals in front of you.

Best wishes.


"What is going on?"

"An age-old tactic that still works is to let anxiousness impair one's judgement."

They showed me their ID's and proved themselves,

*sigh*"Nervous? I am too lazy to be nervous "

"Don't frown Mr. Alex, more than 80% percent of people failed in 1st round. You should be content."

"Yes, Mr. Alex please show us QR included in your message"

They scanned QR code and talked to someone with mobile.

While I received another message instructing me to go the infamous-

"Next gen squalor!"