
I know I'm not the one

A older brother who is always overshadowed by his younger brother is filled with anger and jealousy. So he decided to leave his village to find his own identity. He discovers his abilities and weaknesses. He learns and grows. Life becomes nice temporarily until his younger brother comes back into his life and won't be that easy to get rid of

Kgaugelo_Sepotokel · Action
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Rimuk is in the fight of his life fighting a fierce dragon when his kill is taken over by his younger brother. His younger brother Giyuk has always been better then him at everything and always had the spot light which left Rimuk feeling despised and jealous.

His brother is only 2 years younger then him but was able to surpass him in a year. Rimuk was treated differently then his brother and felt alone in his village

Rimuk has always lived in his younger brothers shadow. He is always forgotten and because they look alike he is always mistook as his younger brother Giyuk.

Rimuk is left without an identity in his village was treated differently then his brother and felt alone.

He is a holy knight and has lightning and fire magic which are infused with his mage sword which allows him to move like lightning and can strike like lightning and fire attacks. His brother has water, wind and earth. Even if they are not superior but he is known as the strongest in his village while Rimuk is the second strongest. Rimuk trains everyday to be stronger than his brother but always falls short.

His village was attacked by a divine dragon and Rimuk spend an entire month searching for it and finally after weeks in the mountains he found the dragon.

Rimuk stand tall against a Giant divine luminous blue and violet dragon staring dead at its eyes unshives his sword and uses thunder boom attack against it's wings making it unable to fly. It roars in pain and release a blazing flame but he was able to divert it with his fire magic. Rimuk goes straight for the neck but slashes it's face tearing it's left eye. It was bleeding but still full of energy and was able to grab hold of his foot and tossed him 100 feet up in the air and blew a blazing blue flame that is as hot as the surface of the sun but he used his own attack, Thunderbolt and flash where he was able deflect it's attack and stab it's chest making it bleed a lot but that attack cost him to get hit by the tail to the chest causing him to have a punctured lung causing him to cough up blood and making him unable to stand up. As the divine dragon stares at the knight it breaths in a deep breath with it's mouth glowing red hot preparing to burn him to ash. He gives all his strength to stand up and readying his thunderclap and flash technique when his brother Giyuk finished the kill by slicing it's head clean off with his water technique pressure slash. Rimuk says to his brother;how dare you Giyuk! THAT WAS MY KILL HOW DARE YOU TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARD! Why, why, why, wwhhhyyy, why do you take everything away from me? ;I hated you the day you where born Giyuk; Giyuk response by saying 'Why do you blame me for your weaknesses, I am not the one who is weak or a disappointment, I followed you because I knew you could never defeat the divine dragon it needs an actual knight;.

Ryuk filled with rage but still injured tried to fight Giyuk but got his ass kicked the shit out. He passed out. But woke up in his bed with bandages and a female nurse by his side.

He spent the the next month recovering from the injuries from the dragons burns that couldn't be cured from healing magic. The female nurse was a healer and would visit him everyday to heal his burns but it was difficult. She did everything she could to heal then and she was finally able to heal the wounds.

While taking care of him they would talk and started having a good connection talking about their life's and how it feels not being seen. They began to have romantic feelings for each other and got together. While recovering his brother came to see him and said 'how do you feel being so weak and useless, people like you are like stars in the night sky but I am the brightest star, the rest of you are just the to make me shine brighter.

Rimuk said'you know on that day you killed the dragon so easily, I realised I will never be better then you no matter how hard I train and will never make a name for my self with you around so I have decided to stop trying to be better then you but instead focus on my self.

Thank you for showing me the true path for me it is my thank you and goodbye. Giyuk says'so after realising your uselessness you decide to run away like a coward then, wow how pathetic are you I didn't even know how low you will go. Ryuk simply smiles and says it doesn't matter how you persive it all that matters is how I now feel about it and I have decided to start a new life because I never had a real life here I am leaving and there nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

His brother simply says 'well at least you will see how weak you are without me' .

After spending a month fully healed he then asked the nurse to come with him because he plans to leave his village to find himself and would like to leave with someone who took care of him and liked him for him. He quit his job as a knight and set out to be an adventurer with the now former nurse and they said their good byes and set out to the demihuman village north of the village.

I hope you enjoy getting inside my mind

It's my first novel so I hope you like it

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