
I don't know what your love is

The first time I saw him at the school gate, I was so shocked to see him that day.

Seeing that Kajal's black eyes of her, I fall in love with her.

He left without seeing me in a very good way.

And Dariye seemed happy here.

Since then, I go to the school every day to see the wire.

I would be a little bit of a snout as many times as I could.

Then one day I dared him and called him,

I asked him his name by calling, but he didn't tell me to name him, but I got a very hard name. Her name was Sapna ,,, The girl is not very beautiful to look at but not. But there was a magic in his face. I've been walking behind him for a while. I've been telling him many times that I love him. But he never agrees. But he liked me in his mind but he didn't say it in his mouth. I don't know why he turns his back and forth behind him. I left him behind for a few days. After that, about 10 days I went to buy my mother's medicine in front of their school.

Then he sees me and comes to me.

Where has that dog been for so long? You know how much I'm looking to see you once. After hearing this, I have become old surprised.

I'm not saying anything just saying I'm listening. After that I also understood and loved me.

Our love begins after that.

Bye one more day for the rest of this story