
I Know Everything (Under Rewrite)

Skyword, the book that records every truth of all universes. The record of Heaven itself. It was never meant to be seen, never meant to be found but Zhen, a reincarnate, never got any chance to choose when it followed him along as he left the circle of Death, binding itself to him for life and beyond. Not that he is complaining, not at all! Zhen-"Hmmm, I should start cultivating now but which scripture to practice?" "Should I practice Ancient Celestial's Mantra or Anihalation Scripture or ....ah so many choices what to do, which to choose??" "Yes, I will practice every Genisis scripture" Zhen proudly declared, feeling pleased with himself. But it is not possible to simultaneously cultivate more than one technique!!! Zhen-"Shut up, don't you know Four Billion years ago, Realm King Man simultaneously cultivated three scriptures; If he can cultivate three scriptures simultaneously, I can definitely cultivate Seven without a problem!!"

NoodleBrain · Eastern
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43 Chs

The Skyword records on Common Cultivation Terminologies

The cultivation is the arduous process of self-evolution, a way to break the limits of mind, body, and soul to achieve a higher state of being.

Similarly, cultivation can be divided into three types.

1. Qi cultivation-

The most common and most developed form of cultivation, so much so that the other ways of cultivation except the Qi cultivation are considered unorthodox. It involves taking the essence Qi of the world and refining it using cultivation techniques.

It is divided into many great realms further, with each except Qi gathering having nine minor realms. These are as follows:-

(1)Qi Gathering realm - In this realm, cultivator learns to sense and gather qi into their dantian. The number of minor realms in Qi gathering is defined by the talent, perseverance, and Cultivation technique of the cultivator.

(2)Foundation Establishment realm - The realm after spiritual veins are formed inside the body. These veins are very important for all cultivators as they serve as the foundation for all future cultivation.

(3)False Core realm - The realm where severance for the cycle of life and death starts. Life and vitality extend, and true immortal cultivation begins. The life of the cultivator extends by 500 years. But every step in cultivation becomes infinitely more difficult, as from here on out, cultivators are now going against the will of Heavens by cultivating.

(4)Golden Core realm - The dantian of the cultivator turns into the golden core, making cultivators in this realm a very significant increase in power.

(5)Nascent Soul Realm - The realm in w.....




2. Body Forging Cultivation

A relatively rare form of cultivation among humanoid races, especially among humanoid races due to its intense difficulty and pain that is involved in the forging of the body. The most common method is the practice of Martial art, the use of battle, and practice to forge the physical body. Less common methods include using extreme natural phenomenons like lightning, fire, and poison to refine the body. There are many Body forging manuals but unlike Qi cultivation, Body forging does not need to be systematic, and neither does the body forger need to stick to a single body forging manual.

Like Qi Cultivation, Body forging also has multiple great realms and each further has nine minor realms. And these realms of body forging are-

(1)Skin Forging- the name of this realm does not do it justice. The first and most crucial step in body forging, here muscles, ligaments, tendons, and of course, skin. The mental limits placed on the body get removed, giving cultivators a substantial increase in power over pure Qi cultivators.

(2)Bone Forging- strengthening of the skeletal system, along with muscles. Cultivators of this realm gain incredible vitality. Wounds that usually take weeks, start to heal in a matter of hours.

(3)Blood Forging- this realm focuses on refining internal organs and in a way, the blood of the cultivator.

(4)Physical Refinement...




Soul Cultivation- Forbidden and frowned upon, and incredibly rare. But it could only be started after reaching the Nascent Soul realm and forming an infant soul in the Dantian.