
Chapter 79 Someone Should Be Punished for What He Had Done

Johnson was almost convinced.

Emily was right. Although he had great influence in the UK, he couldn't afford to offend Auston.

He was surprised why Auston chose to protect Emily.

After all, in everyone's impression, Auston was a cold-hearted person.

The interests of the company were always the first priority in his life.

For a woman, it was almost impossible for him to give up the company's interests and let the stock price fall.

But it happened.

That was why Johnson contacted the directors of Cavendish's company, hoping to put pressure on Auston and make him give up on Emily.

But seeing Phillip's performance, Johnson knew that the chances of success under pressure were slim.

But now, Emily offered the initiative to him.

Johnson was always cautious. He subconsciously felt that there must be something wrong!

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he realized that it was impossible to happen.

His plan was so perfect that Emily couldn't reverse the result.