
I Just Wanted a Normal life with my Waifu!

Disclaimer-I own nothing. Dying and waking up in a weird place, I get wishes and you can guess from there, except for the part where ROB fucked me over! Warning- I'll update when I feel like it so sometimes I'll update sometimes I won't, also constrictive criticism is welcome.

BoredBoy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The overpowered cat is coming(updated)

[Cursed energy detected, would you like to integrate?]

A screen that suddenly popped up said, agreeing, I felt that flame from before get stronger, if only by a bit.

"Hmm, that's interesting, you didn't have cursed energy before." Gojo said, appearing behind me.

"Yeah, I didn't." I said briefly.

"Hey Saiki, send us to capsule corps." I said too Saiki, and after a few seconds we appeared in the lawn of Capsule corps. After a few minutes, Bulma appeared with Vegeta.

"Who are you guys? What's going on Goku?" Bulma asked.

"We had a bit of a spar."I said with a awkward smile.

"That's weird then, because I only sense Ki from you, and it's akin to a Saiyans, along with something else I can't sense." He said, before he appeared in front of while gripping me from the throat and choking me.

"I wonder if you're lying about something?" Vegeta said suggestively, before he got suddenly pushed away by Gojo, losing grip of me.

"I would appreciate if you didn't bully my student." Gojo said with a smile but underlying tone.

"Vegeta, calm down, Goku, please explain the situation." Bulma said, quickly calming him down seeing as we're not just normal people, or for the most part Gojo.

"Thanks." I said to Gojo while massaging my neck.

"No problem, just know you're my student now, but I also have some questions." Gojo said, the last part referring to my eyes with his typical smile.

"Sure." I said, and honestly this may be for the better if I'm his student.

"Sorry about Vegeta." Bulma said, while I heard Vegeta "hmph" from a distance.

"Yeah I understand." I said, as then Goku explained to Bulma away from us.

"So these guys are some Alien friends?" Bulma asked now aloud while turning to us.

"Yep!" I answered simply not wanting to go in depth and explain how we come from different universes, outside the different ones already here.

"Huh, well if everything is fine with you then it's fine with me." Bulma said before walking away, probably to go back to sleep.

"Wait Bulma! These guys are my friends, but they don't have anywhere to stay right now, so could you keep them here, just for today?" Goku said pleadingly, sighing she responds.

"Sure, but it's getting late so get back home Goku, I'll give them rooms to stay." Bulma agreed.

"You're right! Man, I hope ChiChi won't get mad, well I gotta go now, see you guys later!" Goku said before instant transmitting away.

"Ok, I guess he won't get up any time soon." Bulma said, referring to Saitama.

"Robots, take him to the infirmary, show the rest empty rooms." She finished with a yawn before walking away while a bunch of little robots came out of nowhere and led us to separate rooms.

"This was an eventful day." I mutter before deciding to sleep.

(Next Morning)

Waking up, I see it's daytime, so I take a shower after finding spare clothes in a cupboard before I decide to walk out my room, as I see Saiki walk out his own room beside me in a set of clothes like my own.

"Hey Sakuta." Saiki greeted me.

"Hey Saiki." I said, as my stomach rumbles since I haven't eaten since breakfast.

"Bulma's with Gojo and Saitama left to her birthday cruise."

"Do you mind teleporting us over?" I asked sheepishly since I feel bad for him taking me everywhere, but he justs sighs before nodding and teleporting us to the cruise ship.

"Hello Sakuta, Saiki!" Gojo said with his normal upbeat tone.

"Hey guys." Saitama said, bored.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it." Bulma said greeting us.

"Hey Bulma, happy birthday, sorry we didn't have a gift." I said apologetically.

"It's ok, at least you guys came, unlike those damn Saiyans!" Bulma said while I chuckled awkwardly.

"Something's peering at us." Saiki suddenly says, looking at the sky.

(Beerus' Planet)

"Oh, how interesting my lord, there seems to be a Saiyan, that has divinity, but isn't a god, and his friend can sense us." Whis said, surprised.

"Hmm? Interesting, this may be a clue to that Super Saiyan God. Forget Goku, we're going to this Saiyan." Beerus ordered.

"Of course, my Lord."Whis said before Beerus grabbed onto Whis as they disappeared in a white light.


"They're moving here." Saiki said, and remembering Beerus and Whis, I realize they're either coming for me and Goku. Immediately opening the Group Chat, I send a message.

[GCM:"Sakuta", Goku get over to Bulma's party!]

["Goku", is online]

["Goku", but why, I just started getting a sweat in]

[GCM:"Sakuta", would you rather train or meet the strongest being in the universe, the guy our mission is about?!]

I said to bait Goku in coming.

["Goku", You should've said that from the beginning!]

He says before instant transitioning in front of me.

"Yo, so where's this Beerus guy?" Goku asked.

"Coming, Bulma, get Vegeta here now, I don't care what measures you use but he needs to get here in the next, let's say 15 minutes." I said to Bulma, and seeing my seriousness she nods before pulling out her phone.

"So the guy our mission is about is coming?" Gojo asked.

"Yeah, and I already know what we should do next." I said before seeing Trunks, I call out.

"Hey Trunks! We need you to get the DragonBalls for us, it's an emergency." I said to him quickly.

"No way dude, who even are you?" Trunks asked, but then Bulma seeing the situation from a distance yells.

"Trunks! Listen to whatever he tells you!" She suddenly says, startling him.

"A-ah, ok, I'll get them." He said before he startled flying away on the ship. Bulma then walks over as do the Z fighters.

"He's coming." Bulma said briefly, referring to Vegeta.

"Hey Dad, who are these guys? What's going on?" Gohan asked.

"Well these are my friends, and some guy called Beerus is coming." Goku answered.

"And who's Beerus?" Piccolo asked this time.

"A destroyer deity, strongest guy in the universe." I answered briefly.

"Is he coming here to destroy the Earth or something?" Krillin asked this time, clearly distressed at the thought.

"No, he's coming here for a fight, but he may destroy the world if he's not satisfied." I answered solemnly, and seeing how serious I was they take it seriously too.

"Well, Goku can still fight him, right?" Krillin asked pleadingly.

"Goku's the booger in his nose." And with my words, they all grew silent.

"It's okay though, a little domain expansion and he's done." Gojo said confidently confusing everyone else except me, Goku and Saiki.

"It's the move he did yesterday Saitama." I said to them.

"You mean when he overloaded our brains?" Goku asked and I nodded.

"But Gojo, it won't work on him, at least, not as well as you think, he's a literal God, there isn't much that can really affect him."I explained to him.

"If my technique wouldn't work on him, and Goku, who's supposed to the strongest here, is practically a speck to him, how would we beat him?"Gojo asked, and though he made it sound so hopeless, I know he knew that I had a plan.

"There's something, but we have to wait for Vegeta and then Beerus to max out the time limit for what we'll be doing."I said, and speak of the devil.

"What is it that was so important for me to come?"Vegeta asked.

"Beerus the destroyer is coming, the same guy who got your Planet destroyed by Freiza over a pillow."I said, and he gained a confused look before it turned into realization then fear.

"H-he's coming here?!"Vegeta asked fearfully.

"Yes, but no need to be scared, if everything goes as planned, we can beat him."I said confidently, and after a few more minutes of waiting a beam of light landed in front of us before it disappeared revealing Whis and Beerus.

"Hello mortals."Beerus said with a grin, and seeing him I start to think to myself.

'He may be an overpowered being, but he'll never be overgeared like God Grid!'

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