
I Just Wanted a Normal life with my Waifu!

Disclaimer-I own nothing. Dying and waking up in a weird place, I get wishes and you can guess from there, except for the part where ROB fucked me over! Warning- I'll update when I feel like it so sometimes I'll update sometimes I won't, also constrictive criticism is welcome.

BoredBoy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Taking residence in another world

When I get to my room, I open the group chat.

[GCM:"Sakuta", is online]

[GCM:"Sakuta", Hey Gojo, what's going on in your world right now?]

I asked since I want to help with Shibuya arc and hopefully prevent it, but I have to be stronger by then.

["Gojo", is online]

["Gojo", my cute little first years are going to check for survivors at a cursed womb while I finish up a mission, why?]

[GCM:"Sakuta", cause one you students, Itadori, is gonna be killed and forced to strike a deal with Sukuna to live, and the part where he gets killed, is planned by the higher-ups since the cursed womb is already special grade with one of Sukuna's fingers]

I explain the situation to Gojo, and it took a few seconds to respond.

["Gojo", thank you for this information, Sakuta-kun, I'll make sure to handle the situation thoroughly]

He said, and though we aren't talking face to face, I could tell he was at the least, annoyed.

[GCM:"Sakuta",actually, I want to visit your world, as your student, it's better if I get introduced before the exchange event]

["Gojo", good idea Sakuta! Come now and I'll teleport us to them]

Doing as he said, I spend 1,000 coins and appear in front of Gojo in a random empty street, but a screen also appears.

[Hidden mission!

Description: Be the first to travel between worlds outside of missions!

Reward: Free return pass for every world


It suddenly says, before I hear Gojo talk.

"Let's go and save my students!"He exclaims before putting his hand on my shoulder as we appear in front Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara.

"AH!"They all say in fright.

"Hello!"Gojo waves with a smile.

"G-Gojo! What are you doing here?"Ichiji suddenly says.

"Well, my good student here told me some interesting information about this curse womb, so I've decided to deal with it."Gojo explains.

"S-student?!"Ichiji asked surprised.

"Hey Gojo, I can make it seem like I'm someone from your clan, easier to explain my ability's to everyone else, I'll still explain them to you though."I say telepathically to Gojo, of course I had to focus to do it, but it still worked.

"Sure."He responds back simply through the link I made. Affecting the atmosphere, I make it seem like I always existed, the second person to be born with both Limitless and six eyes, of course I excluded Gojo from the atmosphere as if he brakes out of it I'm probably fucked.

"Y-you took Sakuta as your student? I thought he was supposed to be trained by your clan."Ichiji says, good, seems like it worked.

"There was a change of plans, it's better if he gets taught by someone with it anyway."Gojo said professionally improvising.

"Who is he?"I suddenly hear Nobara ask Megumi.

"The second person to be born with both Limitless and six eyes, the first was Gojo-Sensei, though I didn't know he was Gojo-Sensei's personal student."Megumi explained to her.

"I'm not actually, I'm just with Gojo for now till I get to Jujutsu High and get interviewed to join."I explained the misunderstanding.

"Well, like I said before, I'll deal with this, so take them back Ichiji, and get Sakuta that interview."Gojo says before walking away to the entrance and creating a veil before walking in.

"Well, since he's dealing with it, we have nothing to worry about, let's go back."Ichiji says before leading back to his car and drives us to Jujutsu High.

"Get back your dorms, I'll take him to the principal."Ichiji says as we arrive, guiding me to a building, inside is a hall with pillars and the principal at the opposite end.

"So you're the famous Sakuta. What are you here for?"He suddenly asks me.

"You know, I could say something typical, like "I want to make the world good!" or "I'm here to take revenge" but honestly, I'm here to have fun."Finishing my words, I put my hand up catching a doll.

"You should know from personal experience that nothing can escape the six eyes."I say with a smile, before a bunch of tendrils come out from around my body stopping a bunch of other dolls from jumping me, before I affect the atmosphere yet again to make it seem natural.

"So that's the special grade curse?"The principal asks inspecting the tendrils from afar, interesting, so they're seen as a curse here, huh.

"Yeah."I answered simply, not wanting to divulge on the topic.

"You fail!"He suddenly says as the dolls lose life.

.'Really making this hard on me, hah.'I think to myself before quickly thinking of an excuse.

"You wanted to know why? Sure, I'm here to have fun, I want to have fun, because as soon as I'm out of this place, I'm just gonna be a tool for the higher-ups, Gojo barely got me freedom to join here, so I'm gonna live while doing what I wanna do, make experiences I'll never get a second chance to, even if only for a short time."I said.

"Acting 100."Venom suddenly says.

"Bullshit 100."Carnage follows.

"...Ichiji. Show him to the dorms. Explain the security and everything here to him. You pass, you'll join the second years, welcome to Jujutsu High."The Principal says with his back to us, final part addressing to me.

"Follow me."Ichiji says while going to the entrance to leave, while I follow. On our way to the dorms, he explained everything to me.

"Say hello to your fellow second years."Ichiji says as we walk in a court where I see Panda, Maki, and Toge.

"Though one of them is overseas currently, these are your classmates."Ichiji finishes before walking away.

"So you're the new second-year?"Maki rhetorically asked.

"Kelp."Inumaki says which I assume is his greeting.

"Hey."I said while waving.

"I'm Panda."Panda said simply while I greeted him back.

"Names, Sakuta Gojo, though of course you probably already knew that."I introduced myself, since I'm from the same clan as Gojo I should have the same last name for appearance sake.

"You don't seem all that strong."Maki says.

"Looks can be deceiving."I reply back.

"Well, there's only one way to see if you can live up to the hype."She says before walking away while I follow, eventually we arrive at a field, Panda and Inumaki followed.

"Fight against the three of us."Maki suddenly says, though I can do it, the main things I'm worried about is Panda's other cores and Inumaki's curse speech, sure Maki's strong, but my power level in DragonBall terms should be in the tens of thousands range, and of course that's not all that strong compared to DragonBall, but it's more than enough here for humans, and I don't say curses cause I need cursed energy to deal with them which I do not have a lot of.

"What are you guys doing?"I suddenly hear, turning to the voice which is Megumi, he's followed by Itadori and Nobara.

"We're testing the newbie."Maki responds.

"More like preparing themselves to be the Vegeta to my Goku, second."

"You're an arrogant bastard aren't ya?"Maki asked with a sneer.

"Not arrogance, confidence."I correct her.

"You guys wanna join?"I asked after turning back to the first years.

"Sure."Itadori said agreeing.

"Sounds boring."Nobara answered.

"To annoying."Megumi also said as the two walked away while Itadori approached.

"My name is Yuji Itadori. I like girls like Jennifer Lawrence. Nice to meet you."Yuji said with a bow, chuckling I respond.

"no need to be so formal, you should consider yourself my best friend now."I said casually while he smiles in response.

"Ok, so you want us four to go against you?"Yuji asked again for confirmation.


'It's an easy way to get the Inumaki bloodline to.'I thought to myself, if Carnage and Venom absorb his blood, they'd probably get his power which I then can use.

"You sure? I mea-"

"Yuji, have confidence in me, after all I'm supposed to be Gojo's second coming, and he's called the strongest for a reason."I said interrupting him while he sighed in resignation.

"So we gonna start or what?"

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