
I Just Wanted a Normal life with my Waifu!

Disclaimer-I own nothing. Dying and waking up in a weird place, I get wishes and you can guess from there, except for the part where ROB fucked me over! Warning- I'll update when I feel like it so sometimes I'll update sometimes I won't, also constrictive criticism is welcome.

BoredBoy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Jogo gone

After I did it the first time, I was able to do it continuously, and I continued training infinity with Gojo for a few hours.

"You sure you don't have a headache?"Gojo asked me for probably the tenth time.

"Yes, now why do you keep asking if I have a headache?"I asked back.

"It's because whenever I would use it I would get a headache, and now that I learned Reverse Cursed Technique I'm always using it which as a result causes my brain to deteriorate, but it's why I can do what I can do only now because I constantly heal my mind with Reverse Cursed Technique."Gojo explained while I had a clue as to why mine isn't, but I still wanted confirmation.

'It's because of you guys, right?"I mentally ask Venom and Carnage.

"For the most part it's your own healing factor while we repair any little damage that actually goes through."Venom explained while I mentally nod.

"It's because of my "curses"."I say to Gojo.

"Oh yeah, what's up with that?"Gojo asked.

"They were, something I found in the "house", and using the power I did before, I somehow made it so they always existed in this world."

"Interesti-"But he cuts himself up as we both dodge to the side, dodging a curse, who I recognized as Jogo.

"Oi, Oi, I was finally bonding with my student."Gojo said annoyed.

"Eh, off with the brat."He suddenly says, and s lava starts flying at me from a volcano head that sprouted from a tree, jumping high into the air, I decide now is a good time as any.

"Guess I can learn how to fly through kiiiii, AH!"Flying through the air, and breaking the sound barrier, was not pleasant to say the least.

"Will you be fine?"I hear Gojo ask from the ground.

"YEAH!"I respond though truthfully I don't know myself.

"You should be focusing on me!"Jogo yells as he try's to punch Gojo, only to be stopped by Infinity, to get gut punched forcing him to cough up blood, as he then spin kicked him sending him flying. while our MC started to learn how to fly properly.

"B-bastard! What the hell was that?!"Jogo asked.

"You touched the "Infinity" that exists between you and me. Infinity exists everywhere. My Jujutsu just brings it forward in reality. Convergence, divergence...What do you think happens when one touches this void? Cursed Technique Reversal: Red."Finishing his words, a red ball appears on his finger as he releases it, sending the mid-air Jogo flying at break-neck speed through the forest.

Regaining his footing, Gojo appears before punching, sending him again, but getting his footing back, he's forced to run up a tree and jump of it from all his momentum, as Gojo appears but grabs him by the face and uses him as a surfboard on the ground. Jumping while still holding Jogo, having him in a chokehold while standing, he punches him in the gut yet again keeping him in the air, he high kicks him in the sky before appearing next to him and kicks him in the cheek sending him barreling into the ground, creating a ditch.

"Sakuta, can you deal with him for now?"I suddenly hear Gojo says as I finally get a hang of this.

"Maybe!"I respond back from the sky.

"Cool, I'm going to get Yuji quickly."Gojo says as he disappears, flying at the embedded Jogo, I wrap myself in Venom and Carnage before making scythes and stabbing into him with it.

"B-bastard!"He said while coughing blood.

"Maybe."I said with a grin but just looked devilish from the eyes and teeth. I suddenly get a feeling of danger as I jump to the side dodging a purple stream, sticking to the tree I stare at him.

"I'll ki-"

"I'm back!"Gojo says while appearing with Yuji.

"Sensei, I was at the school just 10 seconds ago, right? What's going on here?"Yuji asked while taking in his surroundings.

"We warped here."Gojo said simply.

"Eh, what are you doing here Sakuta? And, is that Mt. Fuji?! His head is Mt. Fuji!"Yuji exclaimed at the end.

"Bringing in someone who will slow you down just makes you a fool."Jogo said.

"It'll be fine. after all... you're weak."Gojo said while Jogo blowed his top in response, or ears in this case.

"Don't underestimate me brat! I'm going to enjoy swallowing up that smug face of yours!"Jogo exclaimed as the surroundings started getting destroyed from the lava.

"You'll be fine. Just stay close to me."Gojo says noticing Yuji's shocked state.

"Domain expansion!"Jogo suddenly says as a dark veil enveloped them as I jumped away.

"Well this is boring now, might as well keep training."I mutter as Venom and Carnage go away as I start training by myself. After a few minutes I see Gojo get out the Innate Domain he made with Yuji at his side and Jogo's head.

"Hey Sakuta, I know you know, things, so I wasn't really sure if this guy is necessary or not but I brought him along anyway."Gojo said as he arrived in front of me.

"He isn't necessary."I say simply as he nods in response.before exorcising Jogo.

'Good, this is now a major player in Shibuya arc down now, and if things go according to plan, the catastrophe that broke my heart, that is Shibuya, will never come to pass.'I thought to myself as I see Jogo get exorcised.

"Sakuta, you good? You zoned out a bit."I suddenly hear Yuji.

"Yeah, I'm fine."I respond with a smile.

"Well let's get going then, I also need you Yuji for training and a few other things, Sakuta, you'll be fine on your own for training, right?"Gojo then asked me.

"Yeah, I should be fine, though eventually you'll need to teach me Reverse Cursed Technique."I respond back.

"Eventually."He says as we then teleport back to the school.

Rather shorter chapter, and reason for my absence is the past 2-3 days I've been dealing with a rather annoying situation, but I'd rather not delve into it, just know it's dealt with.

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