
I Just Want to Read…

In a world where evil runs rampant, and strength reigns supreme, a boy is born to parents of mortal coils. His strength, though nothing at first, swiftly becomes an anomaly, detected by the golden age of technology. As his strength rises, so too does his boredom... Finally, when there was nothing but the void, the boy realized... Books can bring you anywhere, at anytime! “Leave me alone! I’m just trying to read!” Watch the boy rise from zero to hero! ... But not before tragedy?

CreedOfUnity · Fantasy
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8 Chs

SS1: Sheila's Past

Sheila was the heiress to the Vale Countries' king. A princess if you will, but one without power. A puppet.

Sheila was born without spirit lines, the key stress in cultivation; the passageways that energy flows. Without these lines, they are but mortals. And a mortal can't be in a position of power over cultivators, as they will be ripped apart by a sneeze.

It was strange, how could someone born of the most powerful be powerless? Her father gave up on her; he had other heirs... Bastards, yes, but they would do. Her mother tried to kill her after finding out Sheila was powerless.

The only one who cared for her was her grandmother. The King's mother... Empress Dowager of the western world. However, the grandmother's protection could only last for so long, before the collapse.

Despite the royal grandma's protection, Sheila was constantly reminded of her powerlessness. Her cousins bullied her; she who's mother was in prison.

"Why don't you just die?" her cousins asked curiously, "You could just end it all and be done!"

To which she'd reply, "Living is tougher than death. I'm a coward to kill myself. And I'm not a coward."

Yet eventually, the king died, leaving nothing to her name but a single ring... The ring was deemed of little value, and thus left to her. She couldn't have absolutely nothing after all; what would the people think of that?!

It'd lose face.

Sheila was kicked out of the castle, her subordinates who'd been with her through thick and thin left without a second thought.

She roamed the streets of Vale, unable to get help. Occasional help came in the way of food or a few cents. Or it came in the form of a kick, punch, or otherwise...


On a single day, one that Sheila couldn't remember, she heard about a guy. It was on the news in front of a television store...

She couldn't hear his name, but the story told piqued her interest. It was about an anomalous kid, who bust out of captivity in the Dancing Empire, killing all who were in his way.

Now this wasn't anything special. You could hear about this everyday. What piqued her interest was that the guy was only 18, yet was said to be in the highest known stage of cultivation... The Emperor stage, one of legend!

Sheila thought it was bogus, the man must've either paid the company to say such things, or he was at a lower stage.

Yet as she turned her head to leave, she noticed the man's portrait.

'Damn he's hot...'

She shook her head, turning to leave yet again.

"Hey little girly, are you-" a scrappy voice called out, "Ah, the old princess!"

A fat man in a pink tuxedo flopped out of the crowded streets, giggling to himself, "Your highness, can I pay you to service me? It's the job of the royal family. Right?"

His greasy hands grabbed onto Sheila's ragged clothing, and dragged the struggling lady to a nearby alleyway. "Hehe, I'm gonna have some fun!" He licked his lips, "I-"

"You both better leave and pretend you didn't see anything." A wicked voice came from the shadows of the alley, "Or I'll kill both you and your lover."

"Oh damn... I didn't know that a REAL FUCKING IDIOT CAME OUTTA THE FUCKING WOODWORK!" The fat man shrilly laughed, "Don't you know who I am? I'M FUCKING DONNY DAVINCI! THE BIGGEST MOB BOSS IN VALE COUNTRY! AND IF-"

"One-" The shadow counted calmly, "I don't care if you're the biggest or the fucking fattest, get outta my sight."

"I'll kill you and your boss, tell me who you work for!" Donny shouted.

"I'd be an idiot to tell you even if I did work for someone under you." the shadow countered, "On second thought, I'll just kill you both."

The shadowy voice inched closer to the ranting Donny. Sheila sensed some kind of danger and backed off slowly, planning to run if it looked bad.


The sound of a blade slicing flesh was heard, and Donny's head slid off... Blood spurting everywhere. Donny didn't know what happened even after it happened...

"You're next lady." The voice called out to Sheila, "I don't really want to kill you but... I have to."

Out of the shadows came the man Sheila saw on the television, her eyes widened, before becoming calm.

"Oh?" Prost felt confused, "Why are you not running?"

"I'm dead anyways. I can't win against you, and... You're that guy on the television. Right?" Sheila said sadly, "If you wanted to kill me, you could do it at any time. I'm but a mortal anyways."

"Huh..." Prost paused eyes flashing, "Well-"

"Anyways, thanks for helping with Donny." Sheila stopped him, "I am not really looking to get raped anytime soon..."

"No problem... Any last words though?"

"Are you single?"

"Uh... No. Sorry." Prost's heart beat faster, "I'm really sorry but..."

"Yeah yeah... Just kill me."


'Shing' Prost drew his weapon...

"If there's an afterlife, I'll make sure to take you for myself... Both the power and you..." Sheila said shakily. She closed her eyes and opened her arms, "Do it."

"Okay." Prost nodded, before cutting her head off.


"By far the weirdest mortal I've killed..." Prost mumbled a bit of regret in his heart, "Maybe I-"

"What's going on?"


Suddenly, a universe ending explosion took place in Prost's heart, killing him instantly.


Sheila woke up in her past. Nothing was different? Why did she suddenly wake up in her bed?

'Eh? I've been reborn?'

"Why does it feel different?" Sheila thought, squeezing her chin, "DAMN THAT HURT!"


The Prost of that timeline is technically dead. Yet the emotions remain?

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