
I Just Want to Read…

In a world where evil runs rampant, and strength reigns supreme, a boy is born to parents of mortal coils. His strength, though nothing at first, swiftly becomes an anomaly, detected by the golden age of technology. As his strength rises, so too does his boredom... Finally, when there was nothing but the void, the boy realized... Books can bring you anywhere, at anytime! “Leave me alone! I’m just trying to read!” Watch the boy rise from zero to hero! ... But not before tragedy?

CreedOfUnity · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Acceptance and Growth


The ship, which had been hovering in the airspace above the planet finally landed upon getting permission from air control. Looking down from the windows, Sheila could see a swarm of beings, akin to a swarm of ants, crowding around the entrance.

It was chaotic, with a few holograms could be seen hovering above the mess. On those holograms, a red recording dot could be seen on the top right, a reflection of the scene mirrored otherwise.

Sheila glanced around to the crew that was busily preparing to open the doors, she smiled.

'It's all going good...'


Outside the ship

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here live to find out the situation that I'm sure you all have heard about most recently." a human-like man said, "We shall find out the truth of the matter at hand soon. The princess has just returned, and with her, her hopeful-" The man stopped suddenly, "Ladies and gentlemen, the situation is fine, I'm told to head back in effect immediately on grounds of imperial punishment. I think the audience should know what this means and so I won't explain."

In minutes, the crowded space became vacant. A dry breeze blew past, picking up a few receipts of unknown origin...


Vale Country, Underground Laboratory 1

A pickup truck with blank license plates drove into an inconspicuous garage in the modern city.

"Passcode - 34083103 Passphrase - Midnight Water's Better." A muffled voice came out from the tinted windows.

"Passcode accepted, welcome back, princess." A mechanical voice sounded out from somewhere, "Please proceed to reception block A."

Sheila nodded, her silver hair bobbing with the motion. She started the truck back up and shifted into gear, heading toward the interior of a tunnel that popped up silently...

"Almost time!" She giggled, "You're gonna be all mine!"


A few hours later...

"Wake up my prince!" Sheila shouted excitedly, "How do you feel?"

Prost woke up with a start, his head smashing into a face right up close to him.

"Owwie!" Sheila cried, holding her head in her hands, "That hurts!"

"Huh?" Prost asked dumbly, "Where... Where am I? Why did you?"

He tried to move his limbs, but they didn't listen to him... He looked down to see that he was strapped to an operating table, metal constraints and all...

Sheila giggled, hiding her face. Prost looked terrified, which excited her.

Though Prost was technically 6 years old, he had been growing since he was knocked unconscious... He looked like a 6.5 foot adult. (And was basically 6.5 years old, maybe 5.5 mentally?)

Looking at his unfamiliar body that he couldn't move, Prost was upset. No, he wasn't just upset at Sheila for doing whatever evil plan she was doing, he was upset that he couldn't enjoy life...

It must have shown on his face...

"Oh somebody is grumpy!" Sheila laughed happily, "That's fine. You and me have a while to sort things out. A long while..."

"What are you gonna do to me?" Prost asked belatedly, his eyes widening in terror, "Please don't hurt me!"

"Don't even worry about it!" Sheila smirked, "I'm just gonna give you power and then let you go!"


"Yeah, I'm gonna make you real strong! Hehe!" Sheila laughed maniacally.

"Huh... Thanks?" Prost thanked her confusedly, "But what about mom?"

At the mention of Grundy, Sheila's face darkened, her eyes became menacing.

"If you mention her again, I'll kill her." She threatened, "If you so much as think of her as your mom I'll kill her too."

"-Eh? Why? Mom is mom!" Prost asked, "I don't know why you have something against mom, but-"

Sheilas eyes sharpened, she cut Prost off, growling, "Alright first lesson. Killing mommy boy's mommy."

"I can't do that! You won't make me actually do that right?" Prost asked nervously, "Right? You're giving me power... Right?"

"The second will be like it, your power comes through me, and you're only allowed to love me! Me! Okay?!!" Sheila ranted suddenly, "You're coming with me, and I-"

She stopped talking, she sighed, "First lesson first. Second lesson second. After the first lesson, I'm gonna have to train you..."

"O-Oh, Okay?"

Sheila released the constraints and dragged the boy, that was more than 5 inches taller than her, like a doll down the hallway.


Upon arrival at their destination, after a series of winds and twists that Prost couldn't remember, Sheila opened the door.

Inside, was a barn style room. A haystack bed, and a trough with water in it. As if a prisoner were an animal? Yes that's the mentality.

Sheila locked Prost into some kinda torture looking device and had him stand. She locked his hands in place. Handed him a shotgun and left the room...

(If anyone has played Wolfenstein 2... You will know where this is going. Sorta.)

After a few minutes, Sheila dragged in a crying Grundy and placed her at the end of the shotgun.

"Now shoot her." Sheila screamed as she locked Grundy in place with her cultivation, "Or I'll wait-"

'Bang Bang Bang'
