
A Suicidal Mafia Heir 07

After 1204 explained the dynamics of the original owner's relationship with Mo Xunian, Xiu Lin finally understood why the body loved him.

In his eyes, Mo Xunian was his mental support. The person who can cheer him up in just a minute and is always paying attention to him. He didn't even know the reason why Mo Xunian was doing this was not out of love, but because of work.

He was happy while being deceived so greatly by the person he loved the most. Causing him to die full of questions in his heart. After being killed by his friends, did Mo Xunian ever feel sad when Xiu Lin passed away after being beaten to death?

'System, how did Xunian handle the original owner's death?'

[Responding to host, After Xiu Lin died and was thrown out in the garbage dump, Mo Xunian got angry towards his friend when he finally regained back he strength. But since there was no lingering affection towards his ex-lover, he immediately forgive his friend in understanding.]

'So, in conclusion... the original owner was unimportant.'

Xiu Lin Lost his appetite when he realized this and looked at Mo Xunian. "Why now?" he asked.

Mo Xunian was still staring at him. "What?"

"Why do you care about me now when you never did in the past?" he asked, no longer touching his food.

The man nearly choked from the unexpected question. How do you say this, after realizing what went through overnight, Mo Xunian didn't really hate him? In fact, he felt guilty for not realizing that Xiu Lin was so sincere and hurt him badly. He wanted to make up for it and at the same time, know more about him this time--not because of his job, but them as a person.

"Because I know I'll regret it in the future if I didn't." Mo Xunian stared at him seriously, his eyes being quite sincere.

Xiu Lin held those deep eyes with his bright ones. "What should I do if you hurt me again?" he asked.

"I won't."

"I don't trust you. After what you've done. How can I?" Xiu Lin simply hummed lazily, stabbing his cake, crumbs by crumbs.

The older leaned forward and grabbed the boy's hand and kissed it. Xiu Lin's eyes widened. Stunned, he froze in place wanting to say something but the older spoke first. "I understand your distrust. Whether or not I can earn it back, remember that you're mine."

From being stunned. Xiu Lin's face changed immediately into disbelief. "'Mine' your sister! We're already done the moment you said you were deceiving this Lao Tzu." Xiu Lin finally had the thought of grabbing his hand back and glared at Xunian.

"What else do you want to eat?" Mo Xunian decided to change the topic again.

Xiu Lin, who seemed to have remembered the purpose of being taken by Mo Xunian, finally looked at his unfinished meals again and finished it first in one bite before replying: "Seafood."

"Okay. I'll book a restaurant for you immediately." Mo Xunian assured.

Xiu Lin looked at him suspiciously but didn't raise more questions, sipping on the straw of his milk tea instead and indulging the sweetness in his tongue. Hits the spot.

The two decided to walk in order to shake down the food properly from Xiu Lin's stomach which is probably filled with street foods right now. Walking would help him digest the meal properly and give him some space in the stomach.

The walk took about twenty minutes due to their slow steps of stopping and sightseeing for a while. Mostly because Xiu Lin gets easily distracted because of their silence and his eyes would stay on something for a good few seconds before he would move to the next interestingly uninteresting things his eyes would lay upon without realizing that Mo Xunian had taken the opportunity to hold his hand and Xiu Lin, subconsciously gripping it tighter when he was about to stop so as not to be pulled away.

The two finally reached the restaurant and took their seat on an empty balcony, viewing the city's high-rise buildings, skyscrapers that stood tall in the night, lit up by artificial stars lighting up the city without fail.

The dinner date started peacefully after the fancy and pricy seafood was served in front of them. Xiu Lin was so happy he ate with his hands since most of the meals required deshelling and deveining. Mo Xunian helped out with folding his sleeves and giving him his hunted treasures from the shellfish.

The boy ate happily with his bounties, while the lover watched with soft loving eyes. When Xiu Lin noticed his stare, he picked out a deveined crawfish and put it in his mouth. "Eat. Stop watching me and have a life." he rolled his eyes and ignored him again.

Mo Xunian couldn't help but chuckle. Focused on some shells and ate some himself but was still watching him eat his full. A wine followed through their meal and Mo Xunian motioned the waiter away before he could pour the wine into their wine glasses.

He took the opportunity to pour some for the boy and himself. The sweet taste of wine complimented the seafood flavor, making the meal more delicious than Xiu Lin had expected. Because of this good complimentary, Xiu Lin's alcohol intake had become numerous he had lost count. His cheeks turned red, but his mouth hadn't stopped chewing at all.

Now Mo Xunian realized how big his appetite was. Remembering the bowls of porridge and bread he was served, he didn't think it'd be enough to fill such appetite.

When Xiu Lin stopped eating, he was already drunk and full. His head was light and wanted to finally sleep for the night as usual. He finally stopped eating after the seafood dinner and stood up.

"Do you still want dessert?" Mo Xunian asked.

Xiu Lin looked back at him with unfocused eyes. The wine started kicking in and the person in front of him looked like a misshapen line moving me from left to right, making the boy frown more. But in Mo Xunian's eyesight, the boy was the one who was trying to balance himself to stand, stepping from left to right.

"You're drunk?" already? Mo Xunian wasn't expecting this. They both drank the same amount of wine. He thought that knowing Xiu Lin's appetite and bearing, he really didn't think this guy would easily get drunk just drinking a bottle of wine.

"I'm not drunk..." The boy slurred and turned around. Started walking away and almost tripped to fall.

The older couldn't help but laugh, moving just a few strides until he got to the young man's direction and supported him through his waist. Deciding to book a room for him at the hotel nearby. But while he was on call, the boy he was supporting suddenly leaned back and became heavier, causing both to fall on the floor sitting.

"Lin..." Mo Xunian sighed and checked the one who passed out drunk. His eyes were shut closed and his breathing deep and stagnant, indicating that he did indeed slept on him carelessly. He could only sigh, confirm his booking, and carried the boy in his arms as he left the premise. "Seriously, I thought you don't trust me?" He murmured with a small smile on his face as he glanced down at the peaceful boy sleeping in his arms.


In the deep night, Xiu Lin didn't know how many times he was woken up due to someone who kept moving beside him.

At first, the boy was wary since he suddenly woke up somewhere unfamiliar in the dead night and the side of the soft bed was suddenly sinking. But when he turned to glare at the said intruder, he saw Mo Xunian. Both eyes met and the little drunk suddenly kicked him off the bed.

"Stop moving around!" He said before turning to his side and continuing to sleep.

Mo Xunian couldn't help but chuckle went back to the same bed and wrapped his arms around his waist confidently. What's there to worry about? After all, Xiu Lin is his lover.

"Goodnight." He showered the young man with a kiss on the back of his neck. He could feel the other shivered and strike him by pinching his arm that was around the boy's waist.

But he wasn't bothered by the pain at all and smelled the other's alluring scent. The mixture of red wine and his citrusy yet minty perfume wafted across his sense that he almost felt drunk.

The hold on Xiu Lin's body tightened, and the body behind him stuck more. Leaving no space available and every lumps and shape could be felt.

Xiu Lin woke up again due to this scenario, kicking Xunian's knee with the back of his feet in irritation.

'Can't he give me a break?! I'm so sleepy!' Xiu Lin complained.

1204 could only watch and sighed. [It's advisable that the host gets used to this. I'm pretty sure you've already gotten used to Fei Yang's attitude.]

'Still, he needs to be bullied by me.'

1204 oh-ed. [I see. The host is a vengeful soul.]

Next chapter