
I just want to quietly draw comics

Chu Yu, a senior two-dimensional fan, a dead house in the eyes of others, and a comic book author and cheat in the eyes of readers! On that day, he obtained the system that transports many excellent manga works in the parallel world of Earth... and began his life as a mangaka who was considered a legend, or not so much! Reader A: "Professor, please finish the full-time hunter manga first and then open a new hole? It's been three years, and three years later, three years have been opened for ten years. Do you want my son to see the final chapter of the full-time hunter?" Reader B: "Old thief Chu Yu . If you don't resurrect Furukawa, I'll send you the blade tomorrow!"

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I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Li Xi's words made Gu Yan a little uncomfortable, but after her body got up from the hot spring, the cold air instantly invaded her body.

"Thank Sister Li Xi for your support, I will work hard!" After Gu Yan responded to Li Xi, he decisively ran to the women's locker room to put on clothes.

Three minutes later, Chu Yu put on the clean clothes he brought and stood in the yard near the hot spring. After a few minutes, Gu Yan, who also put on his clothes, hurried out.

He is still dressed in plain white and dressed up, but the bun that Gu Yan combed up has disappeared, and his waist-length hair is draped behind him, and it is not very dry and somewhat moist. I am probably afraid that Chu Yujiu will wait and there is no hairdryer Blow dry and come out.

But for Chu Yu, he couldn't notice the too many details. He just looked at the Gu Yan in front of him. She seemed exactly the same as before, but Chu Yu's mood at this time was completely different.

Thinking of Gu Yan's looming body curve that he saw in the hot spring in his mind, he took a deep breath and put aside many distracting thoughts.

"Today.... to trouble you tonight, Gu Yan!"

"It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of effort!"

Gu Yan's face was also a little red, the whiteness after bathing, but standing outside in this kind of weather, or when his skin was already sensitive just after bathing, it was indeed not the time to gossip.

Both felt a kind of chill eroding their bodies.

"By the way, didn't you mean you were hungry?" Gu Yan said.

"It just so happens that I am hungry too, you follow me, the dining area here has to walk a short distance to get to..."

After speaking, Gu Yan continued to lead the way ahead, Chu Yu followed behind her as before, but this time...Chu Yu couldn't calm down.

The hotel's dining area is very large, but there is no one here at night, and there are only a few chefs on duty.

Chu Yu looked at the menu and ordered a set meal. Gu Yan ordered half of steamed dumplings.

Although it is a Japanese island, there are foods that fit the inland people of the dragon.

The two sat opposite each other. On a large plate, Chu Yu contained a large bowl of ramen, a plate of fried dumplings, a plate of kimchi, and a plate of soy sauce and mustard.

Although the atmosphere was embarrassing, Chu Yu didn't recognize it when he got hungry. Although the taste was lighter, he felt that the taste of mustard was much worse than that of his hometown chili, but he still didn't even have any soup left after eating this supper. .

When he raised his head after he finished eating, he only saw Gu Yan staring at him motionlessly.

In an instant, the atmosphere was a little different.

Several chefs working at night in the hotel looked at the two sitting in the hall looking at each other and shook their heads speechlessly.

Gu Yan kept looking at Chu Chuyu while Chu Yu was eating, but they kept looking at Gu Yan.

It would have been miserable to be on duty at such a cold night. Will the two guests outside send out some dog food in front of them?

"Are you enough to eat half of that steamed dumpling?" Chu Yu took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Enough... Enough!"

"Then, it's too early now, go back and rest!"

Chu Yu didn't know what to say, but he knew that tonight, whether it was him or Gu Yan, it was very strange.

If he is usually not so twitchy, on the contrary, he will be very open. How could he be like now, he would not be embarrassed to look directly at Gu Yan's face.

"Then go back and rest!" Gu Yan took a deep breath and said with a smile.

Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, stood up, and was about to turn around and leave.

But Gu Yan suddenly pulled her sleeves.

Chu Yu glanced down slightly, just in time to meet her gaze.

"Your...this face has mustard!"

Gu Yan stood on tiptoe slightly, touched Chu Yu's face lightly with his hand across the table, it was cold, and then wiped Chu Yu's face with a tissue.

The cheeks were a little itchy, but Chu Yu resisted not scratching, even holding his breath, but the faint fragrance of shampoo on the hair of Gu Yan, who was only twenty or thirty centimeters away from him, entered him. Tip of the nose.

In my heart, there is an inexplicable feeling rising.

"Okay, cleaned up!" Gu Yan was also a little embarrassed, but it was obvious that her face was thicker than Chu Yu in this kind of thing.

By the way, she also checked that the skirt of Chu Yu's kimono was not a little open, and helped Chu Yu tidy it up to prevent him from being blown by the cold wind.

The whole process took less than half a minute, but Chu Yu was immediately confused.

When the system was possessed, Chu Yu didn't have so many distracting thoughts in his heart.

In the end, he followed Gu Yan with a little stiff body and left the hotel's dining room, and walked towards the living room of the group of people.

And the few chefs who were lonely and bored in the middle of the night looked at the two leaving figures, and felt quite uncomfortable. One thought of his wife living in Sapporo, another thought of his ex-girlfriend in Tokyo, and One thinks of the popular Japanese star Amamiya Kotoma...

In short, Chu Yu followed Gu Yan back to the room where he lived.

"Then Chuyu, take a rest quickly, it's late...I also took a rest."

As Gu Yan spoke, the mist came out of his mouth and nose, and his expression was a little unnatural, but after all, he turned and walked two steps... and opened the wooden door of his room.

"Wait, do you live here?" Chu Yu realized then.

Why is Gu Yan's room next door to his room?

"Of course, didn't you see me coming out of this room when you woke up before?" Gu Yan asked strangely.

"What about the room on the other side of you? Who is next to you?" Chu Yu asked.

"Sister Li Xi, my room is sandwiched between you and Sister Li Xi. As for Sister Li Xi's direction, two more rooms are occupied by the female staff of the studio. Then there are four empty rooms separated by Huang produced. Ren and other males in the studio live in rooms. After all, there are differences between men and women. Producer Huang took these conditions into consideration when arranging a residence specially."

"Then why would I live with your girls..." Chu Yu asked subconsciously.

"It's all arranged by Producer Huang. He said that you were drunk today and arranged for me to take care of you nearby. Then, if you have anything to discuss with Sister Li Xi on the comics, it is also very convenient for you to live in this room... ...So it was arranged like this!"

When Chu Yu heard the words, Huang Ming was really a good brother. He drank too much at noon, so Huang Ming arranged him clearly~www.mtlnovel.com~ for fear that nothing could happen to him and Gu Yan, just like this. Gu Yan arranged in the room next to him.

Chu Yu took a deep breath, didn't say anything in the end, and entered the room after a few words with Gu Yan.

The soundproofing effect of the wooden house was not good. Lying on the ground was covered with quilts, Chu Yu could even hear the rustle of snowflakes falling on the roof tiles.

After sleeping all afternoon during the day, he was very active at this moment, and couldn't sleep over and over again. But in this dark environment, people's five senses except for vision became inexplicably sensitive. Soon, Chu Yu heard Gu Yan in the next room. In the sound of her breathing even after a deep sleep.

The whole person suddenly recalled the whole process of bathing in the hot spring tonight...

In the dark room, Chu Yu opened his eyes, and he felt his spirit getting better.

One night, Chu Yu fell asleep in a daze. In his dream, he dreamed that he and Gu Yan had been soaking in the hot springs there until dawn. He looked at the morning light in the dream... and then woke up from the dream. Come.

Looking out the window, the naivety was slightly brighter.