
I just want to live a lazy life

Fed up with his life being the demon king, named Diavolo, Yuuha let himself be killed by the woman he loved and finally made it to the everyday world of his dreams. Now Yuuha can finally have the lazy life he's always wanted and enjoy his new daily life and happiness

Lord_Blacke · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

CHAPTER 12: Kirino's secret

Arriving at Kirino's room, Yuuha was a little distracted for a moment.

Girls' rooms are completely different from boys' rooms.

Kirino's room is reddish, the walls are painted red and inside there are shelves and desks.

This pink animal doll is also placed on the spacious pink bed, which looks very feminine.

Furthermore, there was no scene of clothes and pants being thrown around as expected, it seems that Kirino is a very self-disciplined girl.

But this is normal.

Just like Kirino's cute appearance, she is a goddess-like figure at school.

She is in the top five with excellent grades, versatile in sports and kind to others. She is simply the best girlfriend in the eyes of boys.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Come here quick!"

Seeing him looking at her room, the girl's shyness took over again.

Kirino glared at him and pulled him towards her closet.

Move the bookcase away.


When the closet was opened, the scene inside came to Yuuha's eyes.


Although he had known this for a long time, he was still a little surprised when he saw it with his own eyes.

He saw that the large closet was already filled with CDs of all sizes.

Some of them are cartoons and some are eroge-oriented girl games.

Especially those Meruru figures with pink double tails are very obvious.

Such a suitable otaku!

"There are endless DVDs like "Sister Fighter" and "Stardust Witch Merulu", and from the first version to the latest limited version, there is no shortage. Well, what do you think?"

"Isn't it strange that a person like me would really like to play this kind of game and collect this kind of cartoon?"

As he silently peeked at her face, Kirino's expression was a little abnormal.

Upon hearing this, Yuuha shook her head, "No. It's nothing. Isn't it just some computer games, cartoons, and figures? I don't think there's anything wrong with collecting them."

He saw a lot. Okay, Kirino's collection is quite small, after all she only has one closet collection.

In his old world, he saw otakus with a whole house full of stuff.

"That's it…"

The corner of his mouth twitched and Yuuha picked up a game box.

There are several cute anime girls printed on it, and the title says "Battle of Sisters" in fonts.

Upon hearing this, Kirino's beautiful eyes lit up and he began to speak enthusiastically:

"Ah, this is the PC version. It was originally for PS2, because that way an entire series could be released."

Who wants to play?

Yuuha is speechless, don't make it seem like I want to play.

"Oh, by the way, let's talk about some other games."

Kirino took out a cardboard box from the closet with excitement on her face, took out the games inside and presented them to him one by one.

"This is the first edition. Playing with my sister is a great introduction..."

"This is the second edition, Super Step Sister~"

"There is also the third edition, My Sister Under the Stars~"

"The 6th edition... the 9th edition...Looking for my sister, Sister King,..."

Soon, Kirino used games to build a tower taller than her. These games, without exception, were all "sister" related.

"Okay, that's all for now. There are still many limited editions in production. I've already reserved some of them. I can get them and reproduce them when the time comes..."

"Uh, Kirino, why do you want to buy so many copies of the same work?"

A drop of cold sweat fell on Yuuha's forehead.

Many of these rows of person-height game animation discs are the same, but the versions are different.

There are cheap editions, limited editions, Blu-ray editions, fully restored editions, North American editions...

"Of course it's for presentation!"

Kirino rolled her eyes at him and said matter-of-factly.

As a qualified otaku, isn't it normal to prepare three copies of something, one for personal viewing, one for collection, and one for presentation?

"But, Kirino, where did you get so much money? You seem to be a high school student, right?"

It turns out that Yuuha didn't know Kirino's source of income, so he specifically asked.

"Of course it's from my salary."

"Here, you will know after looking at this."

The girl blushed and handed him a magazine.

This magazine, Yuuha knows, is a very famous fashion magazine.

Flipping the magazine over, the photos inside suddenly appeared and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In the magazine, he saw Kirino wearing different fashionable clothes, which was pleasing to the eye.

Especially Kirino, dressed in a white dress and with an innocent smile on her face, looks so cute.

"Amazing, Kirino, you're a model for a well-known fashion magazine? You're just a high school student and you've already made money that ordinary office workers can't make in a year."

Yuuha praised her warmly.

This is really incredible. It's more than ten times better than Yuuha who works part-time. Compared to this, the original Yuuha is really a waste.

"It is not a big deal..."

The girl's pretty face was pink and she looked shy. To cover up her shyness, she quickly changed the subject.

"So, do you have anything to say? Like feelings or something?"

After saying that, she focused her sharp eyes on him, trying to figure out something.

"What I think?"

"Clear! How do you feel after seeing my interest?"

she asked eagerly.

Yuuha touched her chin, "Honestly, I was shocked."

"Are you surprised? Is there anything else?"

"Not anymore. What else can you think of?"

Yuuha helplessly spread her hands. The one who traveled to another world is still the demon king.

It can be said that he is the most evil existence. Compared to him, who had several gigabytes of memory full of 'culture' in his previous life, Kirino is really a child.

However, after hearing his words, the girl sat on the ground in a daze and said in a depressed tone:

"Of course, I'm still very strange, collecting so many…"

"That's nothing." Yuuha looked at him amusedly.

Seeing the girl's eyes moving, he continued, "You collected this from the money you earned, right? Then there's no problem at all."

"Don't care too much about other people's eyes, just be yourself. This is my advice for your life consultation tonight."

"Really? You really think that?" Kirino looked at him in surprise.

The feeling of being recognized is a rare surprise.

Yuuha nodded.

"Of course. There's nothing wrong with using the money you earn to collect the items you want. Besides, even if you like eroges, have you ever thought about using them to do bad things?"

"No, I just like these games, and I've thought about borrowing them, but as soon as a new series comes out, I can't help but buy it, but I can't decide to throw it away. Subconsciously, I've already collected so many ."

She was a little distressed. Her hobby might be really abnormal, but she just couldn't give it up.

"Isn't that enough? There's nothing wrong with sticking to your own interests and hobbies. It's like a childhood dream. How many people will be able to fulfill it when they grow up?"

Yuuha looked at her beautiful face and said in a sincere tone.

"Don't you care about other people's opinions? I know!"

After muttering this sentence under his breath, Kirino suddenly realized this. As if she had gathered her courage, she said enthusiastically:

"Then I'll tell Dad about it!"

"No! Are you stupid?" Yuuha quickly interrupted her.

How did this give you so much courage?

"You're the idiot. Didn't you say that you shouldn't care about other people's opinions? And you also said that I use the money I earn to buy the things I want. Isn't that true?"

Kirino looked dissatisfied... His cute little tiger teeth were also smiling at him, looking very cute.

"I'm dizzy. My views do not represent Daisuke-ojisan's. Have you forgotten the recent news about otakus committing crimes? Daisuke-ojisan is a criminal police officer. Do you think he will agree with you continuing to be an otaku? If you are exposed, You will be grounded!"

Yuuha was speechless. This girl is usually very smart, but when she encounters things related to her hobbies, she becomes stupid.

"But… I really feel bad. This kind of hobby has always been hidden in my heart, and there will always be a time when it will be exposed…"

At this point, Kirino looked at him and lowered her head in despair.

Now she has been discovered by him, and if she is not careful in the future, she might be discovered by Kyousuke, or even her father, Daisuke.

What should we do then?

Seeing her disappointed look, Yuuha's heart moved, he opened his hands and gently pulled her into her arms.

"It's okay. Didn't you hide it well? Since you really can't control what your sisters like, then go make friends. Find a friend who has the same interests and hobbies as you and discuss them together. That way you Can you adjust your mindset?"

Feeling her warm embrace and hearing Yuuha's gentle words in her ears, Kirino's face suddenly turned red.

Suddenly, she pushed him directly towards the door. "You pervert, get out of here!"


The door was closed.

Standing at the door, Yuuha helplessly touched her nose and smiled evilly.


I've already enjoyed a lot today, without any loss.

I go to bed.

Leaning against her own door, Kirino covered her beating heart, her face flushed with embarrassment.

That pervert Yuuha actually took the opportunity to hug her just now!


Friends with common interests and hobbies...

It seems possible.

(End of chapter)


I just want to make it clear that I haven't abandoned Pokémon fic, I'm just taking some time until I resolve certain issues, after I resolve them, I'll return to 'The strongest trainer in Pokémon'.


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