
I just want to live a lazy life

Fed up with his life being the demon king, named Diavolo, Yuuha let himself be killed by the woman he loved and finally made it to the everyday world of his dreams. Now Yuuha can finally have the lazy life he's always wanted and enjoy his new daily life and happiness

Lord_Blacke · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

CHAPTER 11: Don't worry, I will be responsible for you

Seeing his actions, Kirino's face turned red with embarrassment and his head almost stopped.

But Yuuha didn't let go of her and even breathed evenly.

Now she was anxious and couldn't help but threaten in a low voice, "Hurry up and let me go! If you mess up again, I... I'll scream!"

If my parents find out, let's see what you'll do!

"Ah, then you can scream. Don't worry, if Daisuke-ojisan finds out, I will admit guilt and be responsible for you."

Yuuha was indifferent to her threat and Kirino was surprised by what he said.

"You... your head was broken? Pervert Yuuha! Do you really plan to act against your sister? I misjudged you! I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Cousins aren't prohibited from getting married, right?"

Yuuha looked at her with a half smile.

"You you you...!"

The girl's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

This guy really has bad intentions towards her!

Bad guy!

"Hahahaha. I was joking." Seeing his shocked expression, Yuuha laughed stupidly.

Releasing her, he said softly:

"Alright, let's talk about this. Why did you come to my room in the middle of the night? I'll give you a chance to explain."

Upon seeing him release her, Kirino breathed a sigh of relief.

So, she immediately jumped out of bed, walked quickly to the door, and looked at him warily.

"Hmph. It's okay. I just want to retaliate! You pervert!"

"Oh, really? It's a good relationship. You can stay here tonight."

Yuuha raised her eyebrows and stood up, making a move to attack.


"Abnormal~! Don't even think about it... I, I don't want that!"

Kirino couldn't sit still at this point, she just screamed and ran away in panic.

What can be seen is that the girl's cheeks are red and she looks very charming.


"Are you such a coward?"

Seeing her run away, Yuuha curled her lips in disinterest, turned around and lay down on the bed, closing her eyes to rest.


Leaning against the door of her room, Kirino covered his beating heart and was unable to come to his senses for a long time.

She felt like she must be broken.

When she was in his arms, she really felt so warm...

Thinking of this, she shook her head vigorously, trying to get someone's evil smile out of her mind.

Lightly biting the shell teeth, the girl's eyes were complicated.

"This pervert..."


an hour passed.

Kirino was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep.

Then, once again, she tiptoed to Yuuha's door.

Her and Yuuha's rooms were on the second floor and were right next to each other, very close.

Gritting her teeth, she carefully took out the spare key and opened the door silently.

Taking a deep breath, she tiptoed inside.

Through the faint moonlight on the window sill, she could clearly see Yuuha's delicate and beautiful face.

"Hmph, he sleeps like a dead pig. Such a pervert."

Pouting her lips in a low voice, she hesitated and went to his bedside.

He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to wake him up.

It is impossible to call her "Onii-chan".

If she calls him a "pervert," will this guy get angry again and bully her?

So, of course, you will still have to use physical methods to wake him up!

Thinking of this, she raised her white palms again.

At this moment, Yuuha suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her helplessly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Huh?! What, you haven't fallen asleep yet?"

Kirino retracted his palms in a sullen manner and placed his hands behind his back like a kitten stealing fish.

Her cute and delicate face was filled with a shy blush.

Yuuha raised her eyebrows.

Is this girl here to seduce you?

After thinking about it, he sat down and said calmly:

"Tell me. What was it? Were you bullied at school? Tell me and I'll teach you a lesson!"


The girl turned pale. At a glance, he seemed to have made up his mind and was sitting on the bed.

"Yes...it's life counseling! I...I want to see you for life counseling!"

Gritting her teeth, she finally declared her purpose.

"Life consultation?"

Yuuha's mouth twitched.

So since this is life counseling, why do we have to do it secretly at night?

You're really going to make people think wrong, girl.

"Yes…" Blushing, Kirino glanced at him secretly, then lowered her head in shame.

"Um, didn't you say that you don't oppose my hobby? I thought about it a long time ago, and I think I still need to let you help me see my collections... Anyway, I'll know when you go to see it!"

When the time comes, watch his performance, then she can find out if he really has any objections to her hobbies.

Kirino has always been interested in collecting erotic games for girls.

She knew very well that this was a sign of being an otaku, and her best friend hated otakus very much, to the point of breaking off the friendship if discovered.

Therefore, Kirino, who secretly hides his hobbies, is actually very lonely in his heart.

Only when she was alone at night would she play secretly to release internal pressure from him.

And now, there is someone who knows her secret and promises not to oppose or discriminate against her...

This makes the lonely girl can't help but open her heart to him a little. Even if she is bullied, she still wants to know if he is really true, don't discriminate.

Looking into Takaita Kirino's bright and expectant aqua blue eyes, Yuuha was momentarily distracted.

"Um, Kirino? Can't you understand that? It's already late at night~"

"No. I want it now! Life counseling...! Didn't you say you weren't opposed to my hobbies? Are you lying to me?"

The girl looked at him with a stubborn expression on her face. She finally worked up the courage to ask him, but he said to do it tomorrow?


"Uh, okay."

"Ha~! Hurry up then~~!"

As soon as he agreed, Kirino excitedly grabbed his hand and ran towards his room impatiently.

(End of chapter)

[A/N: If any of my patrons are reading this, I want to let you know that today's chapters will be delayed.😥😢😰]

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