
I just want to live a lazy life

Fed up with his life being the demon king, named Diavolo, Yuuha let himself be killed by the woman he loved and finally made it to the everyday world of his dreams. Now Yuuha can finally have the lazy life he's always wanted and enjoy his new daily life and happiness

Lord_Blacke · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

CHAPTER 10: Kirino's night attack

After that, Kirino came to the infirmary every day to take care of Yuuha.

She also said: "I want to monitor a pervert like you, and if you dare to take advantage of any nurse, I will report it."

In this regard, Yuuha didn't expose her.

In a boring ward, it is very comfortable to have a beautiful girl next to her, chatting and fighting.

Furthermore, this girl is no match for him.

It was very easy to make her cry.

A week later, Yuuha was finally released from the hospital.

The thick cast on her right leg could finally be removed.

After another 5 days of rest, he will be able to go to school.

In memory of him, the day he was hit by a car seemed to be the first day of school of his freshman year of high school.

It has been about half a month since he suffered this accident.

In other words, he missed the period of development of interpersonal relationships in the class.

At this point, everyone in the class should have formed their own small groups.

However, this is not a problem for him.

Either way, it doesn't matter if he is part of a group or not.


Since he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor said that he should exercise more, so upon returning, he had to walk every day at Daisuke's strong request.

It is said that this can promote the healing of leg wounds or something like that.

Yuuha didn't object to that either.

Using this time, he could get a good look at the area.

His teleportation must remember the location, otherwise the magic will not work correctly.


After returning home, Yuuha found Kirino lying on the sofa happily chatting with her friends on her cell phone.

Those two delicate feet seemed to reflect his mood at the moment, swaying from side to side, which looked really attractive.

Then Yuuha turned her eyes and sat silently on the sofa, pushing her to the side.

"Ah~! It's you!"

"Can't you walk without making noise?"

Startled by him, Kirino jumped like a rabbit and glared at him angrily.

In response, Yuuha looked at her but didn't say anything and took her cell phone.

It seemed like she had been bullied for a long time and had some advantage.

This girl hadn't spoken to him lately, as if she was in a cold war, deliberately ignoring him.

Of course he was right about that.

It depends on who can't handle it first, either way he will return to his rented house in a few days.


Just as he was about to say a few words, another girl's voice suddenly came from the phone.

"What's wrong? Kirino-chan? What happened? Did your disgusting brother do something perverted again?"

It's probably Kyosuke Kousaka.

This guy came to visit Yuuha once and then disappeared.

But Yuuha doesn't care. Compared to boys, Kirino is more attractive.

"Nothing~ It's nothing, it's another… hateful guy."

"Yes... Anyway, I'm fine... I still have something to do, let's talk about it next time."

Kirino quickly responded to her friend's call and finally ended the conversation hurriedly.

Finally, she looked at her cousin, Yuuha, confused.


"What is happening?"

Yuuha wanted to laugh in her heart, but her face was expressionless, looking paralyzed.

This girl finally couldn't help but say hello, which meant she had admitted defeat.

"That's it… that one."

The girl stood in front of him, a little nervous, and little hands behind her back were clenched nervously.

"Which one is this?"

Yuuha responded directly without lifting her head.

"It's… that thing."


Seeing her still squirming, Yuuha was speechless.

"So what's going on? And I don't call you Ei. You can call me Nisan or Yuuha-nii, of course. If you want to call me Onii-chan, I support it with all my hands and feet." "

"You have a beautiful idea! Pervert Yuuha!"

"Hey hey, since you said that, there's no need to talk, right?"

"Humph. Idiot!"

The girl looked at him angrily, and made a mischievous face at him. After that, he turned around and ran away, afraid of being caught by him.

No one noticed that the girl's face turned red and she looked shy.

She understood what Yuuha meant, didn't he just want her to call him "Onii-chan"?

But how could she say that?

When she thought of "Onii-chan", she thought of those cute sisters in sister games.

After being captured by her, a welfare screen will appear.

"Huh, idiot Yuuha. I won't call you Onii-chan!"

She still doesn't realize that she is not only a siscon, but also a hidden brocon.

Or, even if she understands, she will never admit it.

A girl's heart is very complicated.


At night, Yuuha was lying in bed.

He is not simply resting, but practicing.

As a Demon King, his ability is to use magical flames to absorb and refine the negative emotions of surrounding creatures and transform them into magical power.

Suddenly, he felt that the door to his room was opened silently.

A familiar figure closed the door silently and went to his bed.

Then, facing his face, he raised his hand.

Yuuha's eyes bugged out, this girl is going to hit him!

It's still the late-night sneak attack kind of thing.

It's not hard to guess why she has the room key.

She usually cleans her room with her mother. On the one hand, she avoids suspicions of eroge in her room, and on the other hand, she can deceive Kyousuke.

By the way, Kyousuke always likes to put eroge books and periodicals under the bed, and he is always found...

As a result, Kyousuke's family status plummeted.

However, this girl really wants to hit him, this is intolerable!


Kirino, who was about to play Yuuha, exclaimed, and his entire body was already pulled into the other party's arms.

She struggled immediately.

As a demon king, Yuuha could see clearly in the dark and the girl blushed.


Just as she was about to scream, Yuuha reached out and covered her mouth.

"Don't shout, do you want Daisuke-ojisan and the others to find out?"

Upon hearing this, Kirino's delicate body trembled, and she immediately softened and stopped resisting.

"Hiss~! It hurts!"

"Girl, why are you still biting?"

Yuuha quickly released her mouth and looked at her angrily.

"You, you pervert, what do you want to do to me?"

Kirino blushed and looked at him in panic as he struggled to free himself from her arms.

"I should be asking you this, right?"

Yuuha smiled evilly and hugged her tightly with some strength in her arms.

"Kirino, why did you come to my room so late at night? You raised your hand in my face. You didn't want to retaliate, did you?"

"I just wanted to wake you up. That's all, who made you sleep like a dead pig!"

The girl blushed, pushing him hard and trying to complain.

"Oh. Really? Well, forget it, never mind, I'm sleepy. Goodnight~"

Yuuha isn't upset anyway, he's the one taking advantage.

Smelling the fragrance from her body, he pretended to rest, but he held her hand and refused to relax.

Kirino was about to cry.

"Are you a pig? And even if you want to sleep, you have to let me go first!"

"Quickly release. Yuuha pervert!"

Upon hearing this, Yuuha laughed evilly.


That does not exist. This girl came to your door alone. How could this demon be willing to refuse?

(End of chapter)

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