
I just want to fish, man...

Henry Brown, known by his colleagues, friends and family as a serious workaholic. In school he studied extremely hard and well into the night, passing with flying colours and continued this habit into his work life. However, this attitude led him to have very few hobbies outside of working. In fact, the only hobbies he picked up were reading fantasy novels and fishing. One day, while on his commute home from work, he spotted an advert for a recently released video game: “Simulacrum”. Utilising brand new full dive technology, one could be transported into a fully immersive MMORPG where one could be whatever you wished. Seeing an opportunity to revive his old hobbies, he hopped right in. However, things are a little more competitive than what he signed up for...

SomeoneOnWebnovel · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A new beginning

sleep, work, eat, repeat.

This was Henry's schedule since he started school and lasted well into his early thirties. Working a well paying, but dull and lifeless job the days passed by uninteresting and bland.

"Henry." the stern voice of Henry's boss, Michael rang out from behind his desk. "I understand that you're a hard worker. I appreciate it greatly, but you've been working non-stop for years! It's about time you took a break. Go home, and take a week off. You've earned it."

"A break?" Henry asked, confused.

"Yes, a break. It'll do you some good. Take some time to enjoy yourself." The usually cold Michael said with a voice of concern.

The rain thundered down as Henry pushed homeward on his bicycle, weaving in and out of the alleys and roads.

"God I hate the rain. If this doesn't end soon, my hands will fall off." He complained inwardly, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. As he waited for the lights to turn green, he absent-mindedly watched the vehicles on the road chug past and continue on their way, before one, in particular, caught his eyes.

And advert, plastered upon the side of a bus showing a group of adventurers standing by a cliffside, overlooking the vivid scenery of vibrant forests teeming with wildlife and flora, a wide river of Sapphire coursing through its heart and the distant mountains looming over it all.

"Simulacrum, now released for the immersion system . Become whoever you wish to be, for there are no limits."

Instantly his mind was captured by the wondrous landscape and promise for a new start, but what truly had his cogs turning was the wonderous river that twisted and turned through the open lands. After ruminating over the prospects of simulacrum the light he had been waiting for had once again turned red, and the bus disappeared into the gloomy day.

"...Shit." Henry cursed beneath his breath, pressing the button at the crossing once again.


Eventually after retiring home, still sipping wet from his journey, he rushed to his laptop and began to look up the Immersion system as well as Simulacrum.

Looking at the description, he realised that this could potentially be the perfect outlets for his only hobbies: Fishing and fantasy. He immediately purchased both the Immersion system as well as Simulacrum, and thanks to modern-day shipping, a huge box arrived at his door within the hour.

"Bloody hell. I worry for the poor soul who had to carry this two and from their truck." He mused to himself, dragging the box through his bungalow.

His house was mostly bland, with little decoration and furniture. The largest room was his living room, that contained a large sofa and television, attached to a well-kept kitchen a smooth white floor. The only semblance of life contained within his house were the few scuff marks across his carpet floor as his two beloved cats: a Black and white cat named Meowther, and a ginger cat named Catwick.

He swiftly set up his new Immersion system just behind his sofa, which was a streamlined pod with various wires and sensors with comfortable padding area that supported his back, neck and legs. He made sure that his cats had a clean litter box and were fed before booting up Simulacrum, brimming with anticipation.

He felt a very strange loss of muscle control that swiftly took him into sleep, and not long after smooth and comfortable voice soon rang out in his mind.

"Welcome to Simulacrum."

"In this world of fantasy and magic, one is free to adventure and do as they wish. You are only limited by your imagination, for this world has no limits. What is your name, player?"


"I'm sorry, that name has already been taken. Please try again."

"Oh crap, you are asking for my username, uhhh.."

"I'm sorry, that name is too long. Please try again."

"How about, Fisherman."

"Hello, Fisherman. Please, design your character as you see fit."

Before his eyes, he watched as an almost nude version of himself materialised in the darkness before him, staring right into his soul. He had a smaller build, standing at around 5'6 with short brown hair and brown, droopy eyes.

"I suppose I'm fine as I am." Henry thought, aloud, not feeling the need to edit himself.

"Welcome, Fisherman, to Simulacrum. You have been randomly started within the kingdom of Herald. Good luck."

His view faded from black as he appeared within the starting village of the Herald kingdom, Ainsley. The movement of the game was surprisingly fluid and truly felt as though he were there in person. He saw many people within the bustling market, some with glowing white names above their head, and others without.

"Whew. So... what happens now?"

First chapter written and posted! Thank you so much for choosing to read my novel! I will try to keep a semi regular upload schedule, but I do this mainly for fun so do not expect loads of chapters every day. I’m really happy I started making this, and I hope you enjoy :D.

If I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me and if you have any suggestions or criticism I would love to hear it. The future chapters will be longer than this one I promise :p.

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