
I just want to be a slacker, is it too much to ask?

When some humans can’t handle their life being difficult they decide to end it themselves as they see that will free them from suffering, it's a one kind of ending. When humans are at the end of their lives they also rest in peace, it's also one kind of ending. Humans must have to go to their internal rest, that is an undeniable fact.  If there was a beginning then it had to have the ending.  But for Amphorn being alive or dead, he is always on a constant battlefield. What he fights against is an invisible enemy that can't be seen by the naked eye. He has to fight against a powerful opponent, human nature, good and evil and fight against himself before losing himself into madness. The battle is not for power, not for status or not for internal life. What he wants is the ending he lost.  The true ending is taken from him, he wants his freedom back and he will take it back no matter what. And then HE WILL REST. “Yeah. I’ll rest tomorrow, no I have to loot him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have to destroy the palace. So yeah maybe the day after, maybe someday ~”  ‘Yeah, definitely someday, I’ll Rest’ I swear I WILL REST!        

WingsofChaos · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16

Amphorn looked outside the carriage window and was amazed about the size of this place.

'What a terrible day, I feel so uncomfortable sitting near Adam as time goes by and I want to go outside to get some fresh air, but there are lots of people waiting for us to come out. 


Why is this always happening to me? I want to go home already.'

"Shall we get going?" 

Amphorn stared at Adam's face, steadied his heart and nodded. As expected people got excited as they all welcomed their king, he was sure many people were secretly looking at him as well. As they walked inside people came and greeted us continuously.

As Luca said, many important people just casually said a few words to Amphorn and started talking to Adam, but it's obvious they all pay close attention to him.

Adam looked at Amphorn's tired look and said 

"Let's get you to eat something, you look tired"

Just as Amphorn was about to nod he stopped because he saw a familiar face

"Greeting your highness, I hope you're enjoying your time. I'm Jemma and this is my sister Ella."

Amphorn looked at Ella and he couldn't hide his surprise at all

"Oh, it's you from before"

Ella was also surprised to see Amphorn here, even though she knew they would meet again soon she didn't expect this occasion.

Adam looked between Ella and Amphorn and asked

"Do you know each other?" 

Jemma looks surprised as well. Amphorn nodded and explained what happened at Star Street.

"I also didn't expect to meet you here Your Highness Amphorn" 

Ella gave her a greeting as she looked at Amphorn with a complicated look on her face. Then Jemma's father also comes back and they talk about some things Amphorn doesn't understand. As he looked around, he noticed Jemma looked at him with a bad look, Amphorn was confused by being hated by the beautiful woman in their first meeting.


'Why is she giving me the look? I didn't do anything though'

Amphorn then noticed Jemma's eyes often moved towards Adam, then he understood the course of the problem.

'Miss with all due respect, I don't wish to be near him either, believe it or not, I feel like I am going to have heart problems in the future.

Adam, you lady killer, look what have you done. 

I think this is a very common problem all men who have handsome friends face daily. Because of their friend's good looks, they always have to be hated by the beautiful women, of course, you also get to see all kinds of beautiful flowers because of that as well. 

It a sweet torture indeed.'

Amphorn decided to be a gentleman and left after informing Adam. he went straight towards the food area and started selecting some snakes. He wanted to go outside to get some fresh air after that. A the time he heard a familiar voice that stopped his action

"Your Highness Amphorn is outstanding as everyone says, as he already broke the measurement device" 

It's Nick, who was scolded by his father after learning about how he and his friend broke the measurement device.   

"Nick, long time no see"

'The world sure is a small place, I only met a few people during my outing and I already met the second one.'

"Nice to see you as well, thank you for your kind words the other day it helped somehow."

Nick had a shy face as he said that.

'What's going on today? First Adam now Nick.

Why do you guys keep reminding me that I'm single? Well, it's not like I have a problem with being single but it is still annoying.'


As Amphorn about to say something


Nick's friends came and Nick said goodbye and left.

"Have a nice evening highness, I take my leave then"


Amphorn took a deep breath and decided to go somewhere hidden so he wouldn't be disturbed while eating. He looked around and found a bench near the garden outside; it was well hidden so not many people would notice.

"The food sure tastes amazing, the stars in the inner world are beautiful and there is not any pollution here, lots of colourful trees and amazing sceneries. 

What a nice place to live, but I.." 

Just as Amphorn was about to reflect on his life, he heard voices near him so he made a quick decision and hid behind the bushes. He doesn't have the energy to talk to people now.

"Sister Ella, I don't like the outsider, what is he thinking standing next his majesty like that?"

'Oh, it's that beautiful woman from earlier and the lady from Star Street. So she does hate me for standing next to Adam.'

Amphorn continues to eat his snakes as he listens to the conversation.

"Don't talk about His Highness Amphorn like that, he and his majesty are not in that relationship." 

Nod nod

Amphorn nodded his head as he listened.

'Exactly, lady Ella. I don't have any relationship with Adam nor do I wish to. We are just friends that's all. More importantly, I like women.'

"You two met once and you are already taking his side sister, Ella, he sure has some means. But whatever he does, he won't live longer anyway.

His majesty will personally send him to hell.

There are only a few weeks until the sacrifice time, he will die for sure.

After this, Dad won't object to me marrying his majesty."


"You watch what you are saying, we are outside. Now let's go, dad will be worried if we both disappear."

Amphorn listened to their footsteps and he came out of the bush after he made sure they were gone. He sat there silently, his mind moving rapidly to make sense of the conversation he heard earlier. 

'Sacrifice, who? Me?


I'm pretty sure there aren't any Sacrifice ceremonies that take place in the inner world. But my gut feeling tells me that what they said was true.

For guardians, their other half is very important and I'm their king's other half so others don't have the guts to do anything to me. And she said that Adam would personally send me to hell.


Amphorn felt chill from head to toe, the uncomfortable feeling earlier came back even though he wasn't near Adam.

"Master Amphorn, what are you doing here alone? His Majesty is looking for you."

A sudden shout from Luca brought Amphorn back to reality. He stares at Luca with a very complex gaze. For Amphorn in the unknown inner world without his family or friends, Luca is a first-person rather than Adam he considers family.

A young adult like Amphorn who hasn't entered society yet, betrayed by his close friend is a huge blow. 


"Luca, do you know this?"


 Luca is energetic as always but this loveliness only brought chill to Amphorn.

"I don't like you"

That's all he said and walked inside the building.

Luca was confused by this sudden news but didn't take it to heart, he thought Amphorn throwing a tantrum as usual.