
I just want to be a slacker, is it too much to ask?

When some humans can’t handle their life being difficult they decide to end it themselves as they see that will free them from suffering, it's a one kind of ending. When humans are at the end of their lives they also rest in peace, it's also one kind of ending. Humans must have to go to their internal rest, that is an undeniable fact.  If there was a beginning then it had to have the ending.  But for Amphorn being alive or dead, he is always on a constant battlefield. What he fights against is an invisible enemy that can't be seen by the naked eye. He has to fight against a powerful opponent, human nature, good and evil and fight against himself before losing himself into madness. The battle is not for power, not for status or not for internal life. What he wants is the ending he lost.  The true ending is taken from him, he wants his freedom back and he will take it back no matter what. And then HE WILL REST. “Yeah. I’ll rest tomorrow, no I have to loot him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have to destroy the palace. So yeah maybe the day after, maybe someday ~”  ‘Yeah, definitely someday, I’ll Rest’ I swear I WILL REST!        

WingsofChaos · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

Slam! Luca watched as Amphorn slammed the door shut then when he was about to leave


Amphorn opened the door and said "Please don't come and knock on the door anymore and if I need anything I'll ring the bell. Alright?

As for food, I Don't usually eat breakfast so you don't have to wake me in the morning and for lunch and dinner please leave it at the door. Thank you"


He shut the door once more in front of Luca and went inside. 


"Master Amphorn sure is lovely ~" Luca didn't take it as an offence and walked away.

Inside the room

Amphorn sat on the bed and thought about everything that had happened since yesterday morning and decided that he couldn't leave this place on his initiative anymore.

His family, friends and education that he put lots of effort into all vanished even before he knew it and the thought of being forgotten by all brought chills into his spin.

In a new place without any connection or power to rely on, he has to be merciful to others. 

Amphorn doesn't like the fact and he feels so helpless regardless of this matter because there is nothing he can do about it. 

"Sign ~ I guess I should probably focus on things that I can do now.


Simply put I don't need to do anything, all I have to do is get used to this place and live well. Luca told me during lunch that Adam won't be here for at least two weeks, so I don't need to be on guard all the time now.

But seriously, Adam did nothing to me, of course, if you ignore the fact he is the one who dragged me here. But I always feel uncomfortable whenever I'm near him and I can't find the reason. I feel normal when I'm with Luca and I saw many people today and I feel nothing.

 Is it because of our soul energy? I guess I need to do some research after all. 

Sigh ~ I don't want to go outside anymore, all of my energy has been drained because of Luca today.  Amphorn hugged the pillow and rolled into the big bed.

"Yeah, tomorrow ~ may by the day after tomorrow ~ I have to go outside to … research sigh ~ so tired." and he fell asleep.


"Your majesty, I took Master Amphorn outside today and had a very interesting conversation." After Luca left Amphorn's room he made his report to his majesty. After all, his only job is to look after Amphorn.

"I see, is there anything else you want to report?" On the other side of the phone, Adam is busy with his paperwork as usual.

His tone is indifferent as ever as they are talking about someone else's business not his other half. 


Luca thought about it and said, "Mater Amphorn seems to be interested in soul energy and earlier he asked for a library that he can use in the palace, I'm guessing he wants to look into that."   

"I see, let him do what he wants" Then Adam cut off the connection. 

Luca looks outside the window as he admires nature but his eyes are cold as ice.

"You have amazing power within you master Amphorn, if only you were born in the inner world as a guardian not as his majesty's other half, things would have been different."


Amphorn slept through the day and woke up due to being hungry, he got up finished his morning routine and opened the door.


In front of the door was his lunch, Luca did seem to obey his words well and didn't wake him up. 

"The food is delicious as always, I should give that annoying guy a plus point for the food. After this, let's go to the library." Amphorn is kind of excited about going to the library, after all, he is in the inner world now, so there are many interesting things to learn.  

"Oh, I also want to look into the information about flying broomsticks" Amphorn wants to find out if there is any way for him to use soul energy.



"It's awfully quiet without Luca accompanying me, and all these corridors giving me a headache.

All I have to do is turn right in every corner and reach the library in fifteen minutes.

That's what Luca told me, but I was walking for nearly half an hour but I didn't see the library. Did that annoying guy trick me again? 

I swear to god when I find him …. Oh,

this is it! The library door" 

Amphorn stares at the door which looks over five metres with a big book design on it and determines he has arrived at his destination. And pushed open the door and went in.

"Wow, so many books and this place is huge. As expected of the inner world."

Amphorn walks around for a bit and finally finds what he is searching for, the history of the inner world.

He grabbed all the books with interesting titles, went to the nearby table and looked through them. 

'Mm mm~ mm ~ as Luca said before, the eight families are very powerful and each generation has powerful guardians. And it also talks about aliens but not deep enough.

It's only mentioned that they came from different worlds or dimensions through some kind of gap. The history of the inner world isn't something I can understand just in one day, and I'm not interested either.

Seriously, if not for my circumstances, I won't touch any of these books. 

I'm the type of student who instantly feels sleepy after opening the history book."

Amphorn is so deep in his research that he doesn't notice the person coming behind him.

"Look like you are having fun"



Then there was a loud screaming in the quiet library and the birds nearby flew away. 

"My goodness! 

Luca! You nearly gave me a heart attack. Are you trying to kill me?"

Amphorn touches his heart and he almost jumps on the table.

Luca is up to no good as always.

Amphorn looked at Luca who seemed to enjoy the situation too much and said 

 "When did you come? No importantly, why are you here?"


"Master Amphorn, when you talk like that you are hurting my fragile heart, I was worried about you" Luca touched his heart and made a dramatic pose as if he was in pain. 

As you can see I'm alive and well, so don't need to follow me around. Please leave." Amphorn wants to do his research in peace.

Mmm ~ but mater Amphorn I came here first, so technically you are the one follow me here" (*V*)

Amphorn stared at Luca for a few seconds and decided to leave this guy alone.

'It's obvious, he probably guessed I'd come here since I was the one asking for directions.' 

"Master Amphorn, I can help you, you can ask me anything" Luca follows Amphorn as he turns into Amphorn's tail.

"No, go away!"

"No, his majesty ordered me to look after you"

I'm not a baby, I can look after myself so GO"

"But I can help you, I know all the books here. I can help you find everything you need here, master"

"No, I can manage on my own, leave me alone"

"But I can help you, I don't understand why you refuse my help master. I'm deeply hurt " Luca doesn't look like he will give up anytime soon.

"Sigh ~ just don't be noisy" Amphorn finally gave up.

"Yes sir!" Luca is loud as ever.

"Sigh ~ my poor life" Amphorn wants to go back to his room right away.

In the third match between Amphorn and Luca, the victor is Luca

Scoring 2:1. 


Just like that, more than two weeks passed by in a flash. Amphorn's daily routine is to wake up in the late morning, eat and spend time in the library.

He meets other servers who work in the palace but there isn't any conversation between them as Amphorn doesn't want to talk to strangers and the servants are also busy with their work.

It would have been peaceful if only the annoying guy Luca wasn't in the picture. He was loud and energetic as ever, he sometimes dragged Amphorn to the garden to sunbathe or always tried to trick Amphorn into going to the Star Street.

Luca seems to want to bring Amphorn with him there for some unknown reason.

After some research, Amphorn finally started to understand many things about the Inner World. This place is truly magical with all kinds of different things. He didn't learn much about soul energy but he understood that guardians have to use their soul energy often for their mission.

The essence of the planets in the inner world has to be supplied with soul energy often to maintain it. 

The power level between guardians can vary with their soul energy level. How much soul energy a person possesses at birth can't be determined by their parents. Powerful parents can give birth to a guardian with little soul energy.

The factors affecting the soul power level are unknown but with high soul energy guardians can do amazing things as high-level guardians can survive in space without any problem. Sadly, the guardians' other half can't use soul energy even if they have too much. 

"It's a pity, I thought I could find a way to ride a boomstick somehow, but there's no way.

I want to say I can do it if I try harder but people in the inner world have done tons of research on it and they came to this conclusion. I don't want to waste my time on meaningless things" Amphorn mumbled to himself as he walked through the library.

"It's been quiet today, that annoying guy didn't show up until now. I wonder what he is up to."

As he continuously walked Amphorn was stopped by the memorising scene in front of him.

On the sofa near the window, Adam is sleeping, the sunlight peeks through the window and shines on his face. He looked like an angel.

'I know he is good-looking, but wow!'

As Amphorn took a step towards Adam the familiar uncomfortable feeling in his heart came back. He took a step back and deeply exhaled to reduce the feeling and decided to leave.


"Wait" Adam wakes up and stares at him with his indifferent gaze.

'I didn't find anything about why I feel uncomfortable in the presence of Adam yet and it's been a while since I saw Adam. I guess I can't ignore him like other people. 

Sigh ~ Luca didn't come to bother me today probably because Adam came back. He should have told me about Adam's return. That guy must have done it on purpose.' Amphorn stares at Luca for a few seconds and decides to have a good talk with him.