
I Just Want Players to Save Money, They Insist on Giving Me!

Ke Jin transmigrated into an era where gaming was in utter chaos. Everyone here deeply believed in the notion of buying happiness with money, as game companies ran wild with various schemes to trick and force players to spend. As a game enthusiast from his past life, Ke Jin felt like he was in a world without sunlight. Luckily, he obtained the Free Game Production System! Players could get the ultimate reward of the "Complete Collection of All Game Design Schemes" without spending a single cent! Not spending money? How hard could that be? Heap on the benefits! Give away 50 consecutive draws during the summer heatwave! Give away 100 draws on the second day after the server opens! Due to the game reaching 50 daily active users, we are issuing a cool skin set originally priced at 999! The planner's niece just turned 17 years and three months plus 7 days old, so we're giving away 50,000 crystals! My sincerity is almost flooding the players. Surely nobody will spend now, right? Secretary: Mr. Ke, good news! Our newly launched game has just reached over a hundred million in daily transaction volume on its first day! Ke Jin: Huh? How is that good news... No, what about the other game? The one where we give full 100-99 discount vouchers upon starting, isn't its sales terrible? Looking puzzled, the secretary said while anticipating the boss's reaction: They've been shouting things like 'what a conscientious company' and 'if we don't spend, they'll go bankrupt,' so they just topped up. That game sold a whopping one hundred million copies globally. Congratulations on making a billion! "......" At 3:30 a.m., lying in bed, Ke Jin was wide awake, unable to sleep. He posted a status: Please, I beg you, stop spending. You guys are really making it hard for me... Player: Understood, Mr. Ke is hinting life is hard, brothers, let's step up! Charge it!

Chen Tang Resting on the Moon · Urban
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314 Chs

Chapter 8: Game Consultant!_3

Translator: 549690339

Wen Zhiyin said something, but Ke Jin didn't catch a single word.

His attention was entirely on her delicate cheeks and the way her lips moved over her shiny teeth when she spoke.

What a lovely mouth.

Promise me that you'll use this pretty mouth only for eating from now on, okay?

Of course, if you get together with me, that might not just be limited to eating.

However, Ke Jin wasn't simply dazzled by her beauty.

It was true that Wen Zhiyin was beautiful and had an impressive aura.

But what intrigued Ke Jin even more was her profession at the moment.

A psychological counselor usually has a pretty accurate insight into others' inner thoughts.

So, does that mean she could accurately analyze players' willingness to spend in games?

If so, wouldn't inviting her to be his game consultant be twice as effective with half the effort?

Thinking this, Ke Jin interrupted, "Miss Wen, may I ask if your psychological counseling covers multiple areas?"

"Mhm, I'm a professional. I've done in-depth studies in quite a few fields, and I can offer advice on the majority of psychological issues."

"Then that's just perfect. I have a rather personal issue that's a bit special."

"A bit special? How special?" Wen Zhiyin seemed to radiate a hint of excitement that didn't quite match her gentle demeanor when she heard the word "special."

It was but a fleeting moment.

Ke Jin didn't pay much attention to it and continued,

"There probably aren't many people in the world who think the way I do... My thought process is quite different from that of the general public, and I often need to find some rather tricky angles."

In a world where spending is king, finding ways to keep players from spending is indeed a tricky angle.

But Wen Zhiyin's eyes shone even brighter.

"You mean to say that it's only from those tricky angles that you feel... enjoyment? Comfort?" Her voice trembled slightly as she posed the question.

"Uh." Ke Jin didn't notice the change in Wen Zhiyin's expression, as he was still pondering this odd question.

Comfort, huh?

If players could stop spending and he could complete his task ahead of time, owning countless top-tier game IPs.

It would indeed be quite comfortable.

So, he nodded, "Yeah, I suppose."

"In that mental state, would you say you are on the passive side?" Wen Zhiyin asked while quickly jotting down notes in her notebook.

"Uh... I guess so."

After all, whether players spend money or not isn't something he could control with his hands.

"Do you enjoy being passive?"

"Not really..." Ke Jin always felt there was something odd about the questions but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"But isn't being passive more pleasurable? You just admitted that you enjoy the process."

"It's not quite the same. If they could be a bit more controllable, I wouldn't mind being passive. The main issue is they're too impulsive and unpredictable, which sometimes gives me a headache."

"They???" Wen Zhiyin was astonished for a moment, a sickly flush spreading across her face as she continued to press, "Are you sure it's just a headache? 'They' refers to how many people?"

Feeling the conversation veering off track, Ke Jin quickly pulled the topic back,

"Here's the thing, Miss Wen, I'll just be straight with you. I'm very interested in your profession. I'd like to invite you to join me and help me analyze their psyche. The job is somewhat similar to a..." Before Ke Jin could say "game consultant," he suddenly heard a 'snap!'

Looking up, he saw Wen Zhiyin snap her notebook shut forcefully, her gaze burning with intense passion.

Her breathing became rapid.

Her ample bosom heaved with the motion.

"Stop talking, I can't accept it if there are many people. But if it's just you, I'm willing to give it a try." Wen Zhiyin's voice trembled, "Is that... okay?"

"Uh, so soon?" Ke Jin was still puzzled.

Did he possess some unusual charm that made Wen Zhiyin want to join his gaming team after their first meeting?

Could it be, love at first sight?

But this was good, too.

Wen Zhiyin did have a provincial-level psychology certificate, she had shown it to him at the start of their consultation. There was no doubt about that.

Her ready agreement saved him a lot of explanations as well.

"Alright then, I'll go prepare some things." Ke Jin turned and walked to the computer desk, intending to draft a rough outline for his next game project, iwanna.

The purpose was to make someone like Wen Zhiyin, who had no experience in the gaming industry, understand what he was talking about.

"Okay, I'll get ready too," Wen Zhiyin said, watching Ke Jin's retreating back.

This young hunk was handsome, with a well-built body and firm, perky buttocks.

She couldn't help but lightly bite her red lips, feeling a sudden dryness in her throat.

A special habit that had been suppressed deep inside her, never dared to be voiced to others, nor had ever been indulged, was now unleashed.

Her breathing grew more rapid, and she quickly rummaged through her handbag with rustling noises.

Soon, her eyes lit up.

She found it!

"Done," Ke Jin finished drafting a simple plan at the same moment.

Turning around, he saw that Wen Zhiyin had already stood up from her chair, excitedly removing her glasses. Her high heels tapped lightly against the floor as her face flushed, the redness even creeping up to her neck, and a low, barely suppressible moan resonated from her nostrils.

And in her hand, she held a brand-new whip, as if it had just been unwrapped.

Almost in unison, both of them spoke.

"Little brother, this is my first time using whipping therapy on a patient, I'm so excited..." "Here's the game proposal, Miss Wen, please take a look. If there's no problem, I'd like to hire you as a consultant for the game."

As their words ended, they both saw what the other was holding.

They exchanged another glance.

The air suddenly froze.

For a whole minute, the room was as silent as the dead, no one spoke.

Wen Zhiyin stood rooted to the spot, feeling the world spinning around her.

A game consultant?

This guy, he just wanted her to be a game consultant???

And she...

She misunderstood?

When Ke Jin saw the whip and her expression, he somewhat understood the situation.

"I see," Ke Jin appraised Wen Zhiyin thoughtfully.

"I, I... I..." Finally, unable to withstand his scrutinizing gaze, Wen Zhiyin stuttered, attempting to explain something but her damn tongue was tied, and beads of sweat began to form on her forehead, her delicate face even looked as if it would bleed.

"I'm sorry, that's all for today's guidance..." Ashamed to face anyone, Wen Zhiyin hastily gathered her things, ready to turn and leave.

Suddenly, a strong hand pressed on her shoulder.

"Wait a minute."

A deep voice resonated close to her ear, with a hint of dark cunning.

"Teacher, you wouldn't want this side of you to be known by others, right?"